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Houston Now In Top 10


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Anybody catch the small article this morning in the Chronicle (couldn't find a link) that reported Houston has cracked the top 10 in media markets? We moved up from 11 and replaced Detroit, according to Nielsen. It's based on # of TV households.

Aside from bragging rights, it could be significant when advertisers and other businesses decide to arbitrarily reach just the "top 10" when they have a message to get out or a product to sell.

Top 10- NYC,LA,Chicago,Philadelphia,Boston,SF,DFW,Washington DC,Atlanta,Houston

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What I don't get is how Atlanta is above Houston on this and there are more people in Houston.

It has more to do with how many people identify with a particluar city than the city's actual population. Atlanta is the biggest city in the Southeast by far and so their market reach extends throughout all of Georgia, SC and even into NC. When I lived in Charlotte, everyone was a Braves fan. Houston, on the other hand, is crowded in by Austin and San Antonio and therefore our media market only ecompases southeast Texas.

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The above-stated information on the Atlanta market is incorrect. The Atlanta viewing area includes the 13-county Atlanta metropolitan area, which is pretty much all of northern Georgia. South and North Carolina have their own individual Nielsen markets that are totally independent of Atlanta. Just because a person is a Braves fan in the Southeast does not automatically place them into the Atlanta viewing market for television just as a Cowboys fan in Houston does not instantly get thrown into the Dallas viewing area.

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Notice that the ranking of television markets doiesn't have so much to do with actual populations as it does with TV SETS in use in the areas as recognized by the FCC and Nielsen.

From the official Nielsen site...

Nielsen Media Research Local Universe Estimates* (US)

*Estimates used throughout the 2005-2006 television season which starts on September 24, 2005

RANK Designated Market Area (DMA) TV Homes % of US

1 New York 7,375,530 6.692

2 Los Angeles 5,536,430 5.023

3 Chicago 3,430,790 3.113

4 Philadelphia 2,925,560 2.654

5 Boston (Manchester) 2,375,310 2.155

6 San Francisco-Oak-San Jose 2,355,740 2.137

7 Dallas-Ft. Worth 2,336,140 2.120

8 Washington, DC (Hagrstwn) 2,252,550 2.044

9 Atlanta 2,097,220 1.903

10 Houston 1,938,670 1.759

11 Detroit 1,936,350 1.757

12 Tampa-St. Pete (Sarasota) 1,710,400 1.552

13 Seattle-Tacoma 1,701,950 1.544

14 Phoenix (Prescott) 1,660,430 1.507

15 Minneapolis-St. Paul 1,652,940 1.500

16 Cleveland-Akron (Canton) 1,541,780 1.399

17 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 1,522,960 1.382

18 Denver 1,415,180 1.284

19 Sacramnto-Stkton-Modesto 1,345,820 1.221

20 Orlando-Daytona Bch-Melbrn 1,345,700 1.221

21 St. Louis 1,222,380 1.109

22 Pittsburgh 1,169,800 1.061

23 Portland, OR 1,099,890 0.998

24 Baltimore 1,089,220 0.988

25 Indianapolis 1,053,750 0.956

26 San Diego 1,026,160 0.931

27 Charlotte 1,020,130 0.926

28 Hartford & New Haven 1,013,350 0.919

29 Raleigh-Durham (Fayetvlle) 985,200 0.894

30 Nashville 927,500 0.842

31 Kansas City 903,540 0.820

32 Columbus, OH 890,770 0.808

33 Milwaukee 880,390 0.799

34 Cincinnati 880,190 0.799

35 Greenvll-Spart-Ashevll-And 815,460 0.740

36 Salt Lake City 810,830 0.736

37 San Antonio 760,410 0.690

38 West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce 751,930 0.682

39 Grand Rapids-Kalmzoo-B.Crk 731,630 0.664

40 Birmingham (Ann, Tusc) 716,520 0.650

41 Harrisburg-Lncstr-Leb-York 707,010 0.641

42 Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws 704,810 0.640

43 New Orleans 672,150 0.610

44 Memphis 657,670 0.597

45 Oklahoma City 655,400 0.595

46 Albuquerque-Santa Fe 653,680 0.593

47 Greensboro-H.Point-W.Salem 652,020 0.592

48 Las Vegas 651,110 0.591

49 Buffalo 644,430 0.585

50 Louisville 643,290 0.584

51 Providence-New Bedford 639,590 0.580

52 Jacksonville 624,220 0.566

53 Austin 589,360 0.535

54 Wilkes Barre-Scranton 588,540 0.534

55 Albany-Schenectady-Troy 552,250 0.501

56 Fresno-Visalia 546,210 0.496

57 Little Rock-Pine Bluff 531,470 0.482

58 Knoxville 516,180 0.468

59 Dayton 513,610 0.466

60 Richmond-Petersburg 510,770 0.463

61 Tulsa 510,480 0.463

62 Mobile-Pensacola (Ft Walt) 501,130 0.455

63 Lexington 478,560 0.434

64 Charleston-Huntington 477,890 0.434

65 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City 475,500 0.431

66 Ft. Myers-Naples 461,920 0.419

67 Wichita-Hutchinson Plus 446,820 0.405

68 Roanoke-Lynchburg 440,390 0.400

69 Green Bay-Appleton 432,810 0.393

70 Toledo 426,520 0.387

71 Tucson (Sierra Vista) 422,480 0.383

72 Honolulu 414,960 0.377

73 Des Moines-Ames 413,590 0.375

74 Portland-Auburn 407,050 0.369

75 Omaha 399,830 0.363

76 Syracuse 398,240 0.361

77 Springfield, MO 395,820 0.359

78 Spokane 389,630 0.354

79 Rochester, NY 385,460 0.350

80 Paducah-Cape Girard-Harsbg 383,330 0.348

81 Shreveport 382,080 0.347

82 Champaign&Sprngfld-Decatur 378,100 0.343

83 Columbia, SC 373,260 0.339

84 Huntsville-Decatur (Flor) 370,820 0.336

85 Madison 365,550 0.332

86 Chattanooga 354,230 0.321

87 South Bend-Elkhart 333,190 0.302

88 Cedar Rapids-Wtrlo-IWC&Dub 331,480 0.301

89 Jackson, MS 328,350 0.298

90 Burlington-Plattsburgh 325,720 0.296

91 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 323,690 0.294

92 Harlingen-Wslco-Brnsvl-McA 318,800 0.289

93 Colorado Springs-Pueblo 315,010 0.286

94 Waco-Temple-Bryan 310,960 0.282

95 Davenport-R.Island-Moline 308,380 0.280

96 Baton Rouge 305,810 0.277

97 Savannah 296,100 0.269

98 Johnstown-Altoona 294,810 0.267

99 El Paso (Las Cruces) 290,540 0.264

100 Evansville 288,800 0.262

101 Charleston, SC 283,730 0.257

102 Youngstown 276,720 0.251

103 Lincoln & Hastings-Krny 274,150 0.249

104 Ft. Smith-Fay-Sprngdl-Rgrs 273,000 0.248

105 Greenville-N.Bern-Washngtn 271,130 0.246

106 Ft. Wayne 270,500 0.245

107 Myrtle Beach-Florence 265,770 0.241

108 Springfield-Holyoke 264,840 0.240

109 Tallahassee-Thomasville 261,250 0.237

110 Lansing 256,790 0.233

111 Tyler-Longview(Lfkn&Ncgd) 255,770 0.232

112 Reno 255,090 0.231

113 Traverse City-Cadillac 247,600 0.225

114 Sioux Falls(Mitchell) 246,020 0.223

115 Augusta 245,590 0.223

116 Montgomery-Selma 245,090 0.222

117 Peoria-Bloomington 241,800 0.219

118 Fargo-Valley City 234,190 0.212

119 Boise 230,100 0.209

120 Macon 229,870 0.209

121 Eugene 229,280 0.208

122 SantaBarbra-SanMar-SanLuOb 224,290 0.204

123 La Crosse-Eau Claire 224,090 0.203

124 Lafayette, LA 220,030 0.200

125 Monterey-Salinas 218,080 0.198

126 Yakima-Pasco-Rchlnd-Knnwck 211,610 0.192

127 Columbus, GA 205,300 0.186

128 Bakersfield 201,850 0.183

129 Corpus Christi 192,380 0.175

130 Chico-Redding 191,190 0.173

131 Amarillo 190,250 0.173

132 Columbus-Tupelo-West Point 186,510 0.169

133 Rockford 183,090 0.166

134 Wausau-Rhinelander 182,620 0.166

135 Monroe-El Dorado 174,370 0.158

136 Topeka 170,650 0.155

137 Duluth-Superior 168,650 0.153

138 Columbia-Jefferson City 167,860 0.152

139 Wilmington 167,810 0.152

140 Beaumont-Port Arthur 167,430 0.152

141 Medford-Klamath Falls 163,090 0.148

142 Erie 158,660 0.144

143 Sioux City 156,950 0.142

144 Wichita Falls & Lawton 154,960 0.141

145 Joplin-Pittsburg 153,720 0.139

146 Lubbock 152,150 0.138

147 Albany, GA 152,140 0.138

148 Salisbury 147,890 0.134

149 Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill 145,850 0.132

150 Terre Haute 145,630 0.132

151 Bangor 142,790 0.130

152 Rochestr-Mason City-Austin 142,770 0.130

153 Palm Springs 142,730 0.130

154 Wheeling-Steubenville 142,020 0.129

155 Anchorage 141,290 0.128

156 Binghamton 138,560 0.126

157 Panama City 136,450 0.124

158 Biloxi-Gulfport 135,540 0.123

159 Odessa-Midland 135,100 0.123

160 Minot-Bismarck-Dickinson 133,910 0.122

161 Sherman-Ada 124,060 0.113

162 Gainesville 117,190 0.106

163 Idaho Falls-Pocatello 114,560 0.104

164 Abilene-Sweetwater 112,510 0.102

165 Clarksburg-Weston 108,730 0.099

166 Utica 106,130 0.096

167 Hattiesburg-Laurel 105,000 0.095

168 Missoula 104,700 0.095

169 Quincy-Hannibal-Keokuk 103,890 0.094

170 Yuma-El Centro 103,170 0.094

171 Billings 102,620 0.093

172 Dothan 98,370 0.089

173 Elmira (Corning) 97,210 0.088

174 Jackson, TN 95,010 0.086

175 Lake Charles 94,090 0.085

176 Alexandria, LA 93,120 0.085

177 Rapid City 91,070 0.083

178 Watertown 90,930 0.083

179 Jonesboro 89,530 0.081

180 Marquette 89,160 0.081

181 Harrisonburg 85,870 0.078

182 Greenwood-Greenville 76,800 0.070

183 Bowling Green 75,420 0.068

184 Meridian 71,210 0.065

185 Lima 70,940 0.064

186 Charlottesville 69,750 0.063

187 Grand Junction-Montrose 65,190 0.059

188 Laredo 64,410 0.058

189 Great Falls 64,130 0.058

190 Parkersburg 63,990 0.058

191 Lafayette, IN 63,330 0.057

192 Twin Falls 60,400 0.055

193 Butte-Bozeman 59,300 0.054

194 Eureka 58,340 0.053

195 Cheyenne-Scottsbluff 54,320 0.049

196 Bend, OR 54,250 0.049

197 San Angelo 53,330 0.048

198 Casper-Riverton 52,070 0.047

199 Ottumwa-Kirksville 51,290 0.047

200 Mankato 50,930 0.046

201 St. Joseph 45,840 0.042

202 Zanesville 33,080 0.030

203 Fairbanks 32,310 0.029

204 Presque Isle 31,140 0.028

205 Victoria 30,250 0.027

206 Helena 25,810 0.023

207 Juneau 24,130 0.022

208 Alpena 17,790 0.016

209 North Platte 15,320 0.014

210 Glendive 5,020 0.005

Total 110,213,910 100.000

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I wonder why Houstonian use less TVs then in Atlanta?

Also I did not see this in todays Houston Chronicle. What section was it in and what page?

We are all on the freeway eating our McDonalds while 5 lanes of traffic are narrowed down to one lane at the last minute without a traffic sign notification, in the middle of the afternoon rain shower, while the car in front of you decides to tour guide going 10 mph pointing out things that aren't releavant to the city! ;)

*throwing in sarcasiam*

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I wonder why Houstonian use less TVs then in Atlanta?

Houston has some TV markets that are very close to our metro area, like Bryan/College Station, Victoria, and Beaumont/Pt. Arthur. Therefore, the market doesn't reach quite as far as Atlanta's, which doesn't have as many separate markets close by.

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Once again, the above statement RE: Ted Turner has nothing to do with Nielsen markets. In fact, cable has nothing to do with Nielsen markets. Therefore even if there were several cable channels based in Houston, it would have nothing to do with the area's Nielsen market ranking.

However, I have always firmly believed that Bryan/College Station should be part of the Houston market and not Wace/Temple/Killeen, which is #94 in the rankings. B/CS is closer in region to Houston, and the addition of nearly 100,000 more households would greatly enhance Houston's ranking. Plus, KTRK happens to be the most popular channel offered by Cox Cable in B/CS behind the local CBS affiliate, KBTX. The residents here in B/CS identify a lot more with Houston than Waco.

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We are all on the freeway eating our McDonalds while 5 lanes of traffic are narrowed down to one lane at the last minute without a traffic sign notification, in the middle of the afternoon rain shower, while the car in front of you decides to tour guide going 10 mph pointing out things that aren't releavant to the city! ;)

*throwing in sarcasiam*

and of course NONE Of that would ever occur in that dense, non-sprawled urban paradise we call Atlanta. (and yes, I'm being sarcastic)

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Once again, the above statement RE: Ted Turner has nothing to do with Nielsen markets.  In fact, cable has nothing to do with Nielsen markets.  Therefore even if there were several cable channels based in Houston, it would have nothing to do with the area's Nielsen market ranking.

However, I have always firmly believed that Bryan/College Station should be part of the Houston market and not Wace/Temple/Killeen, which is #94 in the rankings.  B/CS is closer in region to Houston, and the addition of nearly 100,000 more households would greatly enhance Houston's ranking.  Plus, KTRK happens to be the most popular channel offered by Cox Cable in B/CS behind the local CBS affiliate, KBTX.  The residents here in B/CS identify a lot more with Houston than Waco.

I live in B/CS and KTRK is the only news I watch. I wonder why it only pops on the TV Guide channel during the morning news, 11:00 news 4:00-5:30 news, 6:00news and 10:00 news??? How do you know Ktrk is that popular in Bryan/College Station? What about our own abc KRHD?

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I live in B/CS and KTRK is the only news I watch. I wonder why it only pops on the TV Guide channel during the morning news, 11:00 news 4:00-5:30 news, 6:00news and 10:00 news??? How do you know Ktrk is that popular in Bryan/College Station? What about our own abc KRHD?

In B/CS on Cox Cable, KTRK only is shown when the programming does not overlap with what is being shown on KHRD-ABC40...the overlap being ABC network programming. This is because of the FCC's must-carry regulations...you see, since B/CS has its own ABC affiliate in ABC40, that station's signal takes precedence over that of KTRK (as in if a station is to get the ratings for ABC programming in an area, it has to be the region's home station). Therefore, when ABC programming is being shown on ABC40, KTRK's spot on Cox channel 3 is taken over by the TV Guide Channel.

I know KTRK is popular and has been for decades now because for one it used to be one of the few stations that viewers here could pick up wayyyy back in the day...Marvin Zindler is more known to B/CS residents than the anchors on our own stations, and throughout the years the various companies that have controlled the area's municipal cable rights (and there have been MANY) have attempted to drop KTRK from the lineup, but a storm of protest has always risen at the mere suggestion...in addition, one of the station managers at KBTX back in the early 90's told The Eagle that his station's competition for viewers was KTRK, which he admitted routinely outdrew KBTX's ten o'clock newscast.

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Living in Bryan/College Station (B/CS) I watch ABC13 out of Houston all the time, and pretty much never watch CBS (KBTX). A long time ago most of our local channels where from Houston and Waco, but now we have gained our own stations. We lost WB39 in Houston right when the station began showing news at 9. Then we lost our WB and UPN out of Waco when it was bought and turned into a Mexiacn channle. So here in Bryan/College Station we have not had the WB or UPN for a long time now. I will be happy when COX cable gets bought out of our area because they are selling it, and then mabe the new owners will bring back the WB and UPN Hopfully from Houston.

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Actually, B/CS does have WB affiliation...the FOX affiliate, KYLE, also doubles as The WB...WB programming can be seen every night beginning at 9:00PM following the FOX schedule on KYLE.

As for all the new local affiliates, the only one I consider to be truly local to B/CS is KHRD ABC40, and even it has its limits. Although the station maintains a "newsroom" out of an office in the Galleria tower on Briarcrest Drive, the local newscast is broadcast from the KXXV-TV studio in Waco. However, the newscast is devoted to B/CS news and not Waco/Temple/Killen.

KMAY-TV (NBC) and KYLE (FOX/WB) are simply simulcasts of their respective counterparts (owned by the same companies) in Waco...the KMAY newscasts are the news of the Waco area.

KBTX-TV (CBS), our long-term local station with studios here in town, is nothing short of a joke when it comes to their public-access grade attempt at news.

I remember back in around 1988 or 89, a HUGE controversy erupted here in town when the then cable company, Cooke Cablevision, dropped what was then 20 Vision (now UPN 20) of Houston from the cable lineup, citing costs concerns. I remember this distinctly because the first letter I ever wrote to the editor at The Eagle (at age 10) was regarding this matter, and I was OVERJOYED to see it published.

A few months later, TCA had taken over the cable system and came under fire for dropping MTV, citing questionable programming content. That story garned NATIONAL attention, with Entertainment Tonight (!) even showing up in town to cover it.

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Actually, we didn't come off looking like country bumpkins on Entertainment Tonight...they showed the protesters outside the TCA Cable headquarters...it was really surprising that ET came to B/CS, as the MTV/TCA debacle had grown into a national story since TCA served many different areas across the nation, and had removed MTV on all their systems. This was yet again another instance in which I, a middle school student at the time, wrote a blistering letter to the editor of The B/CS Eagle (it seems like as a kid the only thing that seemed to get me heated up was the disruption of my regular TV viewing!), but it didn't get published because the ady the paper received it, TCA announced that they would resotre MTV to the lineup, except it was carried on Channel 98 so that those who objected to MTV could get some contraption TCA offered that would block the network. Believe it or not I think the MTV thing was the most national coverage this area received until the Bonfire tragedy nearly a decade later.

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It will be interesting to see how Texas media markets are redefined as the population grows. Houtson and DFW may absorb their smaller neighbors like Waco and Bryan/College Station. Perhaps the most significant media market change could occur if San Antonio and Austin begin to merge into a single population center.

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I think the smaller area would still keep there stations also. Along time ago Bryan College Station use to have all Houston and Waco stations but now we don't. I don't think Houston getting bigger will change that. Like I know in the Topeka Kansas area, they have there own station, while they can still see Kansas city stations and there not to far a part.

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Mostly all of them that have been interviewed say they look Houston. Some said the city of Houston is so clean, and the people are so nice there. I really hope by Houston taking in all of these people that it will help the economy in Houston.

Really I thought that in a city as big as Houston, you would not notice the diffrence if that many people are added, because thats nothing to Houston.

Mabe they will build more housing since there is a need now. My cousin was just about to move down there, now I don't think that will be possible since all of the apartments are gone.

What will the people that want to move to Houston that aren't from New Orleans do because there is no room?

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Just because a person is a Braves fan in the Southeast does not automatically place them into the Atlanta viewing market for television just as a Cowboys fan in Houston does not instantly get thrown into the Dallas viewing area.

Any cowboys fan in Houston should be ashamed of themselves. Yea, say what you want about our fledgling Texans. But it is priciely when times are tough that your real allies rise to the occasion. It doesnt take much to be a cowboys fan.

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  • 11 months later...

Here's the latest Nielsen Television Rankings for 2006-2007. Some of the biggest changes involve Boston falling two places to #7 while New Orleans falls from #43 to #54.

Effective September 23, 2006

RANK Designated Market Area (DMA) TV Homes

1 New York 7,366,950

2 Los Angeles 5,611,110

3 Chicago 3,455,020

4 Philadelphia 2,941,450

5 San Francisco-Oak-San Jose 2,383,570

6 Dallas-Ft. Worth 2,378,660

7 Boston (Manchester) 2,372,030

8 Washington, DC (Hagrstwn) 2,272,120

9 Atlanta 2,205,510

10 Houston 1,982,120

11 Detroit 1,938,320

12 Tampa-St. Pete (Sarasota) 1,755,750

13 Phoenix (Prescott) 1,725,000

14 Seattle-Tacoma 1,724,450

15 Minneapolis-St. Paul 1,678,430

16 Miami-Ft. Lauderdale 1,538,620

17 Cleveland-Akron (Canton) 1,537,500

18 Denver 1,431,910

19 Orlando-Daytona Bch-Melbrn 1,395,830

20 Sacramnto-Stkton-Modesto 1,368,680

21 St. Louis 1,228,980

22 Pittsburgh 1,163,150

23 Portland, OR 1,117,990

24 Baltimore 1,097,290

25 Indianapolis 1,060,550

26 Charlotte 1,045,240

27 San Diego 1,030,020

28 Hartford & New Haven 1,014,630

29 Raleigh-Durham (Fayetvlle) 1,006,330

30 Nashville 944,100

31 Kansas City 913,280

32 Columbus, OH 898,030

33 Cincinnati 886,910

34 Milwaukee 882,990

35 Salt Lake City 839,170

36 Greenvll-Spart-Ashevll-And 826,290

37 San Antonio 774,470

38 West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce 772,140

39 Grand Rapids-Kalmzoo-B.Crk 734,670

40 Birmingham (Ann, Tusc) 723,210

41 Harrisburg-Lncstr-Leb-York 713,960

42 Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws 712,790

43 Las Vegas 671,630

44 Memphis 664,290

45 Albuquerque-Santa Fe 662,380

45 Oklahoma City 662,380

47 Greensboro-H.Point-W.Salem 660,570

48 Louisville 648,190

49 Buffalo 639,990

50 Jacksonville 639,110

51 Providence-New Bedford 633,950

52 Austin 602,340

53 Wilkes Barre-Scranton 590,170

54 New Orleans 566,960

55 Fresno-Visalia 557,380

56 Albany-Schenectady-Troy 554,970

57 Little Rock-Pine Bluff 539,900

58 Dayton 531,120

59 Mobile-Pensacola (Ft Walt) 524,200

60 Knoxville 523,010

61 Richmond-Petersburg 517,800

62 Tulsa 513,090

63 Lexington 483,520

64 Ft. Myers-Naples 479,130

65 Charleston-Huntington 477,040

66 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City 474,430

67 Wichita-Hutchinson Plus 445,860

68 Roanoke-Lynchburg 445,840

69 Green Bay-Appleton 434,760

70 Tucson (Sierra Vista) 433,310

71 Toledo 425,820

72 Honolulu 419,160

73 Des Moines-Ames 417,900

74 Portland-Auburn 409,180

75 Omaha 403,560

76 Springfield, MO 402,310

77 Spokane 395,490

78 Rochester, NY 392,630

79 Syracuse 386,940

80 Paducah-Cape Girard-Harsbg 384,510

81 Shreveport 381,200

82 Champaign&Sprngfld-Decatur 378,150

83 Columbia, SC 377,940

84 Huntsville-Decatur (Flor) 375,270

85 Madison 369,220

86 Chattanooga 347,380

87 Jackson, MS 343,550

88 South Bend-Elkhart 334,370

89 Cedar Rapids-Wtrlo-IWC&Dub 333,270

90 Burlington-Plattsburgh 327,480

91 Harlingen-Wslco-Brnsvl-McA 327,070

92 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 326,560

93 Baton Rouge 322,540

94 Colorado Springs-Pueblo 316,630

95 Waco-Temple-Bryan 311,690

96 Davenport-R.Island-Moline 308,360

97 Savannah 298,130

98 Johnstown-Altoona 294,160

99 El Paso (Las Cruces) 293,700

100 Charleston, SC 290,110

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