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TV 38.9 "JoeFM: It's like radio, but with pictures!"


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Hi, I'm Joe.  I'm just an average guy born and raised here in Houston, growing up in the heyday when John Lander's Q-Zoo ruled the local radio airwaves.


While Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio all have classic hits radio stations, the variety of music that 93Q used to play simply isn't heard in H-town anymore...  :( . And despite all our bemoaning, its clear that the corporate giants are not going to program classic hits on any of their stations. Ostensibly, its because they think it won't make them any money.  If I had a lot of money, I'd buy out 93Q, flip it to classic hits, and give John Lander his job back.  Unfortunately, I'm not Joe Millionaire.  I'm just an average hard working Joe... :)


However, it costs a lot less to take over a TV subchannel.  And so that's what I've done. Tucked away amid Spanish preachers, home shopping, and infomercials, you will now find on channel 38.9 a music station called "JoeFM."  The slogan "JoeFM: It's like radio, but with pictures" defines what I trying to do here. You've got a wide variety of over 3000 songs in shuffle, and the music never gets interrupted by commercials.


Okay, so the picture quality is a bit blurry.  That's because this channel uses less than a third of the bandwidth needed for an ordinary TV channel.  On screen folks see public service announcements, weather updates, flyers, business cards, etc.

I'm offering the first 10 businesses and professionals who respond to this post a week of free advertising. Your flyer or copy or business card will appear on channel 38.9 for approximately 20 seconds repeatedly throughout the day. All you have to do is email me your contact information, and a good clear picture of your business card or whatever else you want to show on TV.

Email me:  JoeFM1@outlook.com



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's not as simple as just hooking up your iPod to the antenna and broadcasting. You have to pay royalties, and have permission to play the songs. Not all copyright owners want their songs played over the air, and deny you that ability. Here's one site that has some information on the topic http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/musicrights.htmlthat came up with this search https://www.google.com/search?q=laws+on+broadcasting+music&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW, thanks for the neat video. I'm not your baby, lol, but it made my day.

As long as the editor here at the HAIF will allow me to fill up the Houston Radio/TV subforums with all types of radio related information, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, the Purple guy is alive and well at the Houston Architecture Information Forum. The only issue that faces HAIF becoming the breaking news source for radio and television transactions and format changes, is the overall interest level here. Blue Dogs posts endless topics concerning television, and those topics don't receive all that many hits. I'm afraid radio related conversations will be met with the same indifference, but we'll see.

BTW, tell Frank thanks but no thanks. My return, will be the day Streamline sells the site back to someone like Doug Fleming, and that corporate, tow the line, piece of controlling speech junk can be put to rest. The management of the site let the very same ilk that has destroyed what we used to know as radio, destroy the board we used to have to follow the death march of AM/FM.

I don't blame Frank, he's just the puppet. I blame the ones over there pulling his strings. Did you know, I received an email from him demanding that I quit typing an FM frequency with a dash, and to kindly fall into line by using a dot? For how many years have I typed a radio frequency as "100-3" or so forth? All because one old man that's got a chip on his shoulder and constantly looking for something to wag his finger at. Man, I'm nearly 50. Way too old for that nonsense. The removal of my outright plea to have you reconsider the objection you filed to stop the sale of 91-7 to KSBJ was the final straw.

100 bucks, the good Doc in Buckeye, AZ wasn't asked to stop 99~Nining his...

Drop a line to the Mouse for me, tell him I'm sorry I'm gone, but this would be a fantastic opportunity to introduce him to the HAIF. Hey...and there's even a San Antonio area for him to pitch a tent.

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Heh, no... I had to have one of my GSAs explain to me what Snapchat was just the other day. Imagine that conversation with a 21yo young lady...

"Mr. Joe, I'm so hurt."

"What happened, Tammy?"

"I really like this guy, I posted pics on my Snapchat and he didn't like them!"

"He told you he didn't like your pictures? Not a good first impression, Tammy."

"No, no...he didn't LIKE them. You're supposed to like the pictures that I post by pressing the like button...and he didn't! That's why I'm hurt! You don't Snapchat?"

"Afraid not. I still haven't bothered to learn the ins and outs of MySpace, let alone Snapchat."

"Oh my God, Mr. Joe, NO ONE uses MySpace anymore!"

"Nor the telephone for making an actual voice call, Tammy."

Talk about a massive generation gap! Facebook I have absolutely no use for. I'm certainly not detailing the blow by blow of my daily life, and frankly don't really care about what other people are doing every minute of their day either. My time is plenty full dealing with the day to day of my own life! I sent you a PM, Joe.

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BTW, thanks for the neat video. I'm not your baby, lol, but it made my day.

As long as the editor here at the HAIF will allow me to fill up the Houston Radio/TV subforums with all types of radio related information, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, the Purple guy is alive and well at the Houston Architecture Information Forum. The only issue that faces HAIF becoming the breaking news source for radio and television transactions and format changes, is the overall interest level here. Blue Dogs posts endless topics concerning television, and those topics don't receive all that many hits. I'm afraid radio related conversations will be met with the same indifference, but we'll see.

BTW, tell Frank thanks but no thanks. My return, will be the day Streamline sells the site back to someone like Doug Fleming, and that corporate, tow the line, piece of controlling speech junk can be put to rest. The management of the site let the very same ilk that has destroyed what we used to know as radio, destroy the board we used to have to follow the death march of AM/FM.

I don't blame Frank, he's just the puppet. I blame the ones over there pulling his strings. Did you know, I received an email from him demanding that I quit typing an FM frequency with a dash, and to kindly fall into line by using a dot? For how many years have I typed a radio frequency as "100-3" or so forth? All because one old man that's got a chip on his shoulder and constantly looking for something to wag his finger at. Man, I'm nearly 50. Way too old for that nonsense. The removal of my outright plea to have you reconsider the objection you filed to stop the sale of 91-7 to KSBJ was the final straw.

100 bucks, the good Doc in Buckeye, AZ wasn't asked to stop 99~Nining his...

Drop a line to the Mouse for me, tell him I'm sorry I'm gone, but this would be a fantastic opportunity to introduce him to the HAIF. Hey...and there's even a San Antonio area for him to pitch a tent.

At one time the HAIF History forum was booming, and those have my favorite informative posts from you. Great stuff.

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At one time the HAIF History forum was booming, and those have my favorite informative posts from you. Great stuff.

Hey, thanks for the kind words, Tiger. I enjoy your contributions around here too, and the tireless effort you put forth in connecting the dots of Houston retail and railroad history. I wish I had the spare time to tirelessly research history the way you do. I am quite envious, lol.

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