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"sticky" summary post in Going Up topics?


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Has there ever been consideration to have a 'sticky' post that is on the top of each page for topics in the going up thread? It could remain mostly static with the latest  formal rendering and summary of the project?


We have a lot of topics that have 30+ pages of posts and even as a somewhat regular reader I can't keep up with all the projects going on and it can be hard to go find a rendering or even info on commercial/residential/retail components when looking through the thread.


Of course this would require the moderators to maintain the sticky post, and assumes HAIF has that capability in the first place.



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i loved devmap.io at first as a companion to haif. but many of my updates took weeks and multiple emails before an update. So I created this map using open street map. It is better in many ways such as the many different map tiles, ease to update, and layers. I use four layers. rumored and proposed, under construction, recently completed, and canceled. Although the default is canceled and i sometimes forget to change it.(thought about adding a Houston potential layer) Also every development has a rendering and a link to the corresponding haif  thread.


The drawback to open streetmap is no decent aerial map, which made mapping some of the projects that are under one block difficult. But I downloaded the .kml files for each layer using the share feature and uploaded them to google maps using the my maps feature because i like aerial maps. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=z3ttw9DnOg14.kQ-4N2UE07GI&usp=sharing


both the google map and open street map allow me to allow others permission to edit. editing is simpler in open street map. or haif could create their own map and use my jsl files as a starting point.


there may be a few errors on my map.


on open street map click more to use different maps or download the jsl  or geojson file

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