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I am currently in the midst of the construction of a guest house in my backyard  (in Old Sixth Ward). The structure is intended to be a modern yet subtle cottage that compliments the look of my 2 story victorian home. My contractor has skipped town :angry:  :angry2: . We are about done framing, soon to add windows and dry the structure in.


Does anyone know of a trustworthy general contractor willing to take on a project? Everything is in place for us to finish the project in 4-5 weeks. We are hoping to find someone quickly but very skilled due to the highly custom nature of the building.


We intend this building to be featured as an example of appropriate infill in old and historic neighborhoods. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations or leads. This is such an incredible project and opportunity for all involved - I would like to share the experience with a qualified general contractor!


Thanks again to all

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