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Crosby, Arthur, Andrews, Robin Streets Repaving

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While on an errand I saw this on the local news that there was something about the City of Houston repaving these streets (among many others) in this area. Seems to be a fight over it though. Many of the citizens seem very nostalgic over those old brick roads and while they are nice and give different feeling in that area, that whole area of Houston needs some serious infrastructure work as it's rather embarrassing. I actually like the density and closeness of the buildings there, but the streets are beyond terrible and im sure after ever storm the whole road goes to crap.


They said on the network that citizens are even going as far as asking their congressperson to make this a federal issue (way freakin overboard -.- really this isn't even a federal problem) because they don't trust the city to bring back the old bricks when they repave (im guessing with new bricks to compliment the old ones).


Anyone else know any other info on this? 

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Yeah I looked into that when I got back home, but that's no excuse for crap-tastic infrastructure. There is honoring what was there and then there is this. I think it would be more honorable to their efforts if the road was restored to a brand new brick road with the original bricks either interspersed, interwoven, or placed exactly how they were before. This is something that the community should embrace. Another thing is that infrastructure is very hard to save in any case. I'm quite sure that the freed slaves back then built the road to display their abilities, as a new community, to the other surrounding them. If the road was in this state back then, they probably would not have made a second thought and just made a new road. Ok i'm just going to stop my rant now lol.

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