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Death to "iFest"?

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iFest on death's door: Bankruptcy filing puts longtime Houston festival tradition at severe risk Things are looking mighty grim for the Houston International Festival, with its organizing group filing for bankruptcy. iFest officials blame similar festival events and a lack of sponsorship dollars for the cash woes that compelled the move.

Although the organization that produces iFest, the Houston International Foundation, says it will do whatever it takes to revive the two-weekend spring fair that celebrates the city's cultural diversity, the group's increasing debt, coupled with weak attendance, has put the 44th annual tradition at risk. 

A statement from the board of directors states that, "Over the past few years, the foundation has sold all of its assets to pay its bills and has no assets left at this time.





My own view is that it was doomed the very minute they adopted the inane "iFest" name.




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I work downtown, just a couple blocks away from the event site, and yet was completely unaware that it was going on - even on its opening day.  If you have zip for publicity, it's danged hard to draw a crowd.

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I work downtown, just a couple blocks away from the event site, and yet was completely unaware that it was going on - even on its opening day.  If you have zip for publicity, it's danged hard to draw a crowd.

Same here; it just seemed boring and uninspired from a distance, plus I'm not paying cover, ever.

Edited by infinite_jim
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I've gone a few times over the past few years but only because it's convenient to my parking garage at work


The cover seems a little ridiculous for what you actually get, a bunch of knickknack stands and corporate-sponsored booths you see at pretty much every downtown festival including "iFest" in previous years.  This year the theme was Australia, though the only thing I saw related to Australia was a single booth near the main stage

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The Texas Folklife Festival is also up against a wall and there are rumors that this year will be its last. It sucks because they both offer so much in the ability for those who want to learn about different cultures to do so, and for those who are proud of their heritage can share. 


The problem with the Texas Folklife Festival is that the person who runs it has been running it from the beginning and isn't willing to adapt, or make changes, they just keep increasing the price of entry, increasing the cost to the participants, and wondering why it is dying a slow death as they don't have any kind of meaningful presence on the web. They don't work with Colleges and Universities that may have students who would be interested in participating, or attending either to enjoy it, or as part of their curriculum, it's sad that the same person/people that made this festival great 30 and more years ago are clutching onto it so desperately that they are squeezing the life out of it.


And I bet the Houston International Festival is the same way.

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