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New Balinese Room To Be Built In Galveston

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Well this was something fun to read this morning! I was wondering when they were going to build a new pier, but didn't know about the zoning restrictions.


Anyone see any renderings or sketches of this yet?


Here is the link to the chron article:



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If it has seats for 3,000 - whether its an open plaza, or some sort of structure - its gonna be really big.  Any one know who the neighbors of this site are?  Hotel Galvez (Mitchell) and The Pleasure Pier (Fertitta) - both have a lot of power in town and both may not want something so big stickout over the water, which is what I gather will happen.


From what I've heard the city is asking for plans to see what exactly these guys are planning.  Apparently parking will be an issue.  At least 600 spaces will be needed, and that will require a parking structure.  Working in Galveston I can tell you - pulling this off as announced will be very hard.  Galvestonians fight things like this, and frankly, is this needed?  I'm not sure?  Obscuring the Gulf and building over water is tricky enough.  Fertitta did it with existing structures already over the water (presumably) because when gambling passes in town he'll have 2 major venues to build a casino(s): the convention center and the pleasure pier.  Wouldn't be too hard to dismantle those rides and build a casino.  Perhaps that is the ultimate goal of this developer as well?  Not sure?  When I hear more I'll pass along what I can.

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