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Local station blocks live streaming to OTA homes


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Because there's not sufficient financial incentive for them to stream the megabytes of data without the kickback they get from the cable companies.


We signed up for Aereo. $8 a month (or $12 for 2 antennas and more storage) and they rent you an antenna on their facility. You can then use this to watch live or DVR whatever you want from broadcast television. Then I just play it via Roku from the Aereo channel and they stream it to us.


A case has been argued on the legality of Aereo's service in front of the Supreme Court. The decision is expected some time in June.

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Money rules, but given the low number of available homes, I can't imagine it would be cost prohibited. I thought numbers ruled, regardless of location, device, etc.... In other words, what's the gauge for Nielsen these days? Have folks woken up to the waste in 360 deals? What's the point in streaming if I can get the channels live? Another day in the USA.

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