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Stop Signs To Protect Cyclists Using Houston Hike And Bike Trails

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But you ignored the first sentence of the statute...I highlighted the pertinent portion here.


An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely,


The entire text of the statute is ignored for cyclists. Cyclists don't have to worry about any of it, because none of it applies.


  • © A limitation in this section on driving on an improved shoulder does not apply to:
  • (1) an authorized emergency vehicle responding to a call;
  • (2) a police patrol; or
  • (3) a bicycle.
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So stop and walk in the grass. A woman with a stroller should be given right of way as a matter of common courtesy just like you should give up your seat on the bus to an elderly or pregnant woman.



Which is clearly what I do as stated in my post...  but that doesn't make me think they are less rude for taking up an entire 10ft wide hike/bike trail.  They need to get some trail manners, I only need 1ft of space, the problem is they walk side by side with a large gap between them.  You have to TRY to take up the entire path as two moms with strollers... the best was when one of them have actually had the audacity to say something to me about skating in the street, on nicholson I skated into the empty street to avoid the road blocking moms and this lady said "use the bike path" as I skated by which I responded to with a "Share it then". 

But don't kid yourself about common courtesy for women with strollers... although I myself will always hold doors, give up spots on buses, etc. lets not pretend that that we live in a courteous world.   


The dog issue bothers me a lot when on my bicycle... but for some reason on the board dogs tend to freak out a bit and their owners pay more attention (i think they must not like the sound)  One of my friends hit a dog recently while we were skating though... we were skating on the path and a lady's dog was barking at us, and right as we got next to her she let her extendable leash loose and the dog ran into my friends board.  The dog wimpered a lot and we stopped to check if everything was okay (he seemed to be fine).  He jumped off as the board dog got there (we were paying attention) or else the dog and him could have both been hurt.  The lady was really apologetic and didn't think the dog would take off like that.

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I cant get that section to appear on any search...can you link to it.  Im not saying your wrong, Im saying I cant get to it to see for myself...


I agree that bikes should use the shoulder though but we aren't really arguing about whether bikes should be using a shoulder - we are arguing that bike riders use the right side of a lane (non-shoulder) to pass stopped cars at a light.  I still contend (on a shoulderless road like Yale) that it is illegal for them to do so.


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The literal reading of this is clear as well - a bicycle MOVING SLOWER than the other traffic shall be as near as practicable to the right edge....Subsection (1) states that to pass another vehicle the person on the bicycle may now move away from the curb for the purpose of passing.


technically, if I ride my bike and take up the entire lane, all traffic behind me is moving at the same speed as I am, so therefore, there's no reason for me to move as close as practicable to the right edge :D

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I cant get that section to appear on any search...can you link to it.  Im not saying your wrong, Im saying I cant get to it to see for myself...


I agree that bikes should use the shoulder though but we aren't really arguing about whether bikes should be using a shoulder - we are arguing that bike riders use the right side of a lane (non-shoulder) to pass stopped cars at a light.  I still contend (on a shoulderless road like Yale) that it is illegal for them to do so.


Well that's why I was confused why you kept talking about "the shoulder." I thought we were talking about shoulderless roads, in which case the law instructs cyclists to ride "as near to the curb as practicable."

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Well we may have argued a mute point...I did use the word shoulder, which was my mistake...I was not really referring to a shoulder...more the unused portion of the lane.


On a road like Yale - it would, in my opinion, be illegal and discourteous, to ride your back up the unused portion of the lane to pass stopped cars at a red light (unless you are making a right turn)


There may be room for you to do it, but it does not make it legal or polite.



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Well we may have argued a mute point...I did use the word shoulder, which was my mistake...I was not really referring to a shoulder...more the unused portion of the lane.


On a road like Yale - it would, in my opinion, be illegal and discourteous, to ride your back up the unused portion of the lane to pass stopped cars at a red light (unless you are making a right turn)


There may be room for you to do it, but it does not make it legal or polite.


If you want to continue on this notion that a bicycle has exactly the same rights as a car, do you then believe that it is illegal for a car to pass a bike in the same lane? Because you certainly can't pass a car in the same lane.

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Well we may have argued a mute point...I did use the word shoulder, which was my mistake...I was not really referring to a shoulder...more the unused portion of the lane.


On a road like Yale - it would, in my opinion, be illegal and discourteous, to ride your back up the unused portion of the lane to pass stopped cars at a red light (unless you are making a right turn)


There may be room for you to do it, but it does not make it legal or polite.

Anyone who is a real cyclist knows that this is about as dangerous as anything when you are out on the road. You never know if someone is going to open a door at a light to drop someone off at work or something. Hitting an open car door on a bike guarnatees at least some sort of back injury as you will more often than not flip over the door and land on your back or butt.

There is also the chance that someone may decide to try to cut through a parking lot and make a turn right in front of you. I saw a cyclist get flipped on Heights NB at the feeder when he went over the top of someone's hood who decided to cut through the parking lot of the building with the Yoga studio.

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Anyone who is a real cyclist knows that this is about as dangerous as anything when you are out on the road. You never know if someone is going to open a door at a light to drop someone off at work or something. Hitting an open car door on a bike guarnatees at least some sort of back injury as you will more often than not flip over the door and land on your back or butt.

There is also the chance that someone may decide to try to cut through a parking lot and make a turn right in front of you. I saw a cyclist get flipped on Heights NB at the feeder when he went over the top of someone's hood who decided to cut through the parking lot of the building with the Yoga studio.


Yes, this is one of the most common types of accidents, called the Right Hook. http://davesbikeblog.blogspot.com/2007/06/watch-out-for-right-hook.html

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Anyone who is a real cyclist knows that this is about as dangerous as anything when you are out on the road. You never know if someone is going to open a door at a light to drop someone off at work or something. Hitting an open car door on a bike guarnatees at least some sort of back injury as you will more often than not flip over the door and land on your back or butt.

There is also the chance that someone may decide to try to cut through a parking lot and make a turn right in front of you. I saw a cyclist get flipped on Heights NB at the feeder when he went over the top of someone's hood who decided to cut through the parking lot of the building with the Yoga studio.


Real cyclists (bicyclists or motorcyclists) consider it taboo to talk in any fashion about high siding, or going over the handlebars. You used it to illustrate a point as to why it's a bad idea to pass, but lets not talk about it any longer. 


If someone shows up with a titanium rod where their collarbone used to be, we just don't talk about it.


Personally, I think it's a bad idea cause you are more likely to run over debris and get a puncture. Using a patch kit, or replacing a tube is no fun on the side of the road.


So now we can get back to who has a right to pass whom.

Edited by samagon
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So to sum things up:

Cyclists, it does not matter how in the right you are, if you get hit by a car you're effed.

Drivers, it does not matter how much of a jerk the cyclist is, if he's folded in-half under your car you're effed.

Skateboarders, your dad just got your report card, you're effed.

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So to sum things up:

Cyclists, it does not matter how in the right you are, if you get hit by a car you're effed.

Drivers, it does not matter how much of a jerk the cyclist is, if he's folded in-half under your car you're effed.

Skateboarders, your dad just got your report card, you're effed.


What about Skateboarding dads?

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