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Seti Users

Casual Observer

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Hey, have any uber-cool mac users updated their SETI client recently? They've discontinued the classic app and started using a new shell program calling BOINC. This app was written so that you can run multiple scripts (like seti) at the same time as the app serves as a manager.

So far I don't like it, but the graphics are slightly improved. The only difference is that (to the best of my knowledge) you can no longer run the app as JUST a screensaver. Now it either runs all the time in the background, or will only run when manually turned on.

Don't worry about trying configure the screensaver in the SETI preferences anymore, the new version drops a SS in your SS pref folder under mac prefs for you. All you have to do is go in there and config your hot corners.. everyone does use their hot corners right?

Oh, the classic version stopped recording packets completed in March of this year (2005). So for all you score keepers, you need to get the new version.

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I played with SETI for a while a few months back, and didn't like it. It pounded the Altivec and made my fans run 100% all the time. I like my Mac because it's quiet. SETI didn't help. I tried uninstalling it, and it was like I was back in Windows-land with files scattered all over and things that refused to be deleted.

I'm glad they have a new client, and wish them luck. But until there's a way to throttle the application back, I'm not interested.

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I played with SETI for a while a few months back, and didn't like it.  It pounded the Altivec and made my fans run 100% all the time.  I like my Mac because it's quiet.  SETI didn't help.  I tried uninstalling it, and it was like I was back in Windows-land with files scattered all over and things that refused to be deleted. 

Thats a shame about the old client. I used it only as a screensaver so I never was around for the noise to bother me. The new version does run all the time in the background now - unless you turn it off manually (after starting it manually after a reboot).

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