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Profile of KTRK ABC 13 news anchor Dave Ward


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The TV industry e-rag, TVNewsCheck, did a profile of ABC13's Dave Ward this week. I'm not sure why, but it's an interesting read.

The anchor has been with ABC O&O KTRK since 1966, and remains an iconic newscaster who still delivers No. 1 ratings in the No. 10 DMA. At 73, he’s got no plans to go anywhere else. “They’ll probably carry me out of here feet first,” he says.

Linky: http://www.tvnewscheck.com/article/59592/dave-ward-eats-sleeps--breathes-houston

Disclosure: A few years ago I wrote an article for TVNewsCheck, but haven't had any interaction with it since. Oh, and I interviewed for a job at KTRK back in the 00's, but decided not to take it.

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Dave Ward had a bit part in the made for TV movie My Sweet Charlie back in either 1969 or 70. He played that part of a deputy. The movie starred Patty Duke and Al Freeman Jr. The location was filmed at the Bolivar lighthouse. It had to have been in the summer, because we were staying at our parents beach house not far from there. My older sister took myself and a friend down there just to look around and being brave she drove right up to the movie site and talked our way in. Once on site we walked around and saw Patty Duke sitting with some people. Somebody told us to keep back and go over to one of the other tents and have some refreshments. After awhile someone else realized that we weren't supposed to be there and told us to leave. That's the closest I ever got to a movie star. Never saw Dave Ward though!

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It's true that Dave was known for being a boozer at one time, but that's very old and outdated news. He's been on the wagon and sober for quite a few years now. It took one health scare after another to make him finally decide to take the pledge and stay dry. Nobody his age -- 73 -- could be an alcoholic and look as good as healthy as he looks.

So come on people. Lose the boozer stuff and give Dave his props for being a hugely successful TV news anchor longer than anybody in TV history.

For plumber2: In My Sweet Charlie, Dave was in just two very short scenes, the one where he shot Charlie as he ran away, and the closing scene where he and some others watch as Charlie's body is placed in an ambulance and taken away. So he was on the location for only as long as it took to shoot those scenes, both of which were probably shot on the same day. He wasn't there the day you were there.

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Dave Ward turned 73 this past May. I have to say he's the healthiest looking septuagenarian I've ever seen. That's why I'm convinced that he quit drinking and partying hard a long time ago. That kind of life-style makes you look old before your time and will kill you sooner than later.

Dave has sat in the anchor chair since 1968 -- 44 years. Think about that. An entire generation of Houstonians born in the late 60s and early 70s has grown up and matured into middle age with him in front of the camera at KTRK. If the Eyewitness News ratings hold up, and if he stays healthy, there's no reason to believe he won't continue anchoring and still be on the air at the 50 year mark and beyond.

Edited by FilioScotia
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