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Happy 10th Anniversary


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Sciguy reminds us that this June is the 10th anniversary of TS Allison.

That storm notwithstanding, I love Hurricane Season and always have. Especially in a year such as this where we've had 1-2 major rainfalls for the past 4 months, I always find myself looking forward to hurricane season. Generally speaking, I've always loved summer thunderstorms, so the occasional hurricane is just icing on the cake.

We're lucky down here in the natural disaster dept. None of the instantaneous ones, we can see our "disasters" coming from 500 miles away and flee if necessary, which it almost never is.

Hurricane Season 2011, you can't come soon enough. Bring it on.


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Unfortunately, you are off in the "1-2 major rainfalls" estimate. We haven't had a major rainfall since January 24, when 1.91 inches fell at the airport. Since then, the most we have received is .47 inches in February. Last week was only .32 inches.

I agree about hurricane season, though. I love following the storms, even though I know that they can leave destruction and heartache in their wake. My enjoyment is tempered now that I am a homeowner, though.

I still remember the steady downpour waking me up at 3:00 am in 2001. I stayed up after that and watched Buffalo Bayou rise, cross Memorial Drive, and flood the ground floor condos in my complex. It was a surreal sight.

Edited by RedScare
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Unfortunately, you are off in the "1-2 major rainfalls" estimate. We haven't had a major rainfall since January 24, when 1.91 inches fell at the airport. Since then, the most we have received is .47 inches in February. Last week was only .32 inches.

I agree about hurricane season, though. I love following the storms, even though I know that they can leave destruction and heartache in their wake. My enjoyment is tempered now that I am a homeowner, though.

I was mostly just referring to the rain we got last week plus added in 1 in case I was forgetful or other parts of the city got rain I didn't know about. Along with dark clouds and such, maybe it only felt like a significant rain last week after such a lousy few months.

I'm sure as a homeowner, my fear of the occasional flooding will reign in my desire as well... but until then..... Bring on the summer thunderstorms, Pronto !!

You're never too old to go running in the rain or to lie down in the grass during a storm.

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Sciguy reminds us that this June is the 10th anniversary of TS Allison.

That storm notwithstanding, I love Hurricane Season and always have. Especially in a year such as this where we've had 1-2 major rainfalls for the past 4 months, I always find myself looking forward to hurricane season. Generally speaking, I've always loved summer thunderstorms, so the occasional hurricane is just icing on the cake.

We're lucky down here in the natural disaster dept. None of the instantaneous ones, we can see our "disasters" coming from 500 miles away and flee if necessary, which it almost never is.

Hurricane Season 2011, you can't come soon enough. Bring it on.

The only thing I love about hurricane season is that it gives me an excuse to go to the hill country for a week or two.

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