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Couple Questions About Houston.

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I drove to huntsville the other day for work and was wondering is it considered in houstons metro? What is considered the metro area? Also what is our metro pop. as well as the # of buildings Houstons metro has? For example does Galvestons buildings and pop count in our metro. Does the Woodlands? I know on most list FW Arlington and Dallas get lumped in together.

One last question I know Houston has approx. 600 sq miles. but is that misleading? Isn't Lake Houston, the ship channel, 3 airports (including ellington field) the flood plain around eldridge and bear creek in the city limits? Just wondering, Thankyou for your responses>

side note<>Greenspoint really makes no sense to me of how or why it was developed.

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Damn! Couple of questions? :D

As of November 2004, Houston Metro includes Harris Co., all the counties that touch it, plus Austin and San Jacinto Co....but not Huntsville/Walker Co.

The new metro population is 4,741,677 in 2000, estimated to be 5.3 million today. Galveston, Woodlands is included. No idea how many buildings.

According to the City of Houston, the city now has 633 square miles in its borders. Included is all 3 airports, Lake Houston and, if I'm not mistaken, Addicks and Barker Resevoirs, but not the Ship Channel.

According to the owners and developers of Greenspoint, you are correct - it does not make sense.

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There are 531 highrise (over 7 stories or 80 feet) buildings inside the city limits of Houston.

I've heard that the US census clumps Huntsville in as part of the Metro. I've also heard that they don't. Who really knows?

I think the motivation behind Greenspoint is IAH. Thats the only logic I can find in it. If Houston were like other cities, Greenspoint would have self-incorporated at some point and would be considered an edge-city I would imagine.

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