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Townhomes On Montrose Blvd. Near W. Gray St.


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Does anyone know the story on these? The ones on the west side that are like 5 stories high...we did an open house last year, and the floor plans are really inconvenient...I don't think more than a couple have sold and I believe they have changed hands many times....

Would just be interested to hear if anyone has an inside scoop....

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Im guessing youre talking about the yellow(ish) stucco things? I used to live behind them so I watched the entire (several year) building process....at least one builder went bankrupt or abandonded the project - another builder took over.....they took forever to build...

I agree the floorplans were terrible - four stories, LOTS of stairs - I remember the master bedroom closet has the washer and dryer in it plus a door to a balcony!

They were also very expensive...they went to auction at least once and sold a few....I dont live by them anymore so I dont know how many are sold now - but the prices were way too high originally (~$380,000) - I dont know how low they have come with the prices as I used to see signs saying price reduced.

They are so badly designed that you hit your head on the ceiling/corners of some of the staircases (and Im only 5'11" !!)

They do have great views of downtown - but that's about the only good thing I can say about them

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I think I know the ones you're talking about. They did take forever to build. In fact, halfway through the first construction it just stopped, and they looked abandoned and the elements took a toll on all the exposed wood. It took maybe six months for construction to resume, and if I remember correctly they had to tear down the whole thing and start over from the foundation.

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Yup, those are the ones I'm talking about. We drove past last night and only like 2 were even lighted...I think it must be the floorplans...If I had that kinda money, I certainley wouldn't want to spend it to live that uncomfortably...

I wonder if the price will just go way down or if they will just remain abandoned...

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My mother-in-law lives about a block away from them. My wife and I walked through some of them one weekend a year or so ago, just for grins. There was an open house going on (although there were apparently no real estate agents around).

Neither one of us were extremely impressed with the place. There were a lot of things that we liked, and a lot of things we didn't like. The bedrooms were incredibly small, but I guess that's just becoming typical of new construction. I would have expected more for $300,000+. Some of the places had some nice living areas, but it almost seemed that the townhomes were designed more for entertaining than for day-to-day living.

Worst of all...there were obvious mold problems in a LOT of areas in there. I'm not afraid of mold so much (bleach will take care of that), but the mold is indicative of other moisture-related problems that aren't obvious to the eye. I remember the townhomes being wide open and exposed to the elements for a looooong time during construction. You would think the owners would at least have the presence of mind to clean that stuff up before an open house.

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