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Jan 2011 World wide Parrot count


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I am a parrot owner and got this in my email from the Parrot group on yahoo.

My first thought was the discussion somewhere on HAIF of a wild parrot population close to Alameda road(?) birds that escaped from the orginal Ninfa owner, years ago?

I did get to observe the wild parrot population on the campus of Brooklyn college www.brooklynparrots.com last summer and figured those would be counted.

But I was wondering if there were enough wild (adaptive?) parrots in Houston that could be observed and counted---and does anyone know where they are located?

Dear parrot researchers and parrot friends,

You are cordially invited to join the "World Parrot Count". We, Roelant Jonker and Michael Braun of the "extra-tropical department" of the Parrot Researchers Group of the International Ornithological Union (IOU), would like to initiate the first global parrot census this January in order to get much needed scientific data about parrots living in cities around the globe. This count is intended to become an annual event. For further information please visit the following website:


If you have any questions please contact us via the following E-mail-address:

parrotcount@cityparrots.org / mailto:parrotcount@cityparrots.org

Please feel free to forward this message to everybody who could be interested. We would like to create a global parrot community of professional researchers, field ornithologists as well as amateur naturalist that will enable us to measure the development of native and non-native parrots living in cities.

See you at the roost!

All best,

Roelant Jonker (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Michael Braun (Heidelberg University, Germany)

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I don't know enough about parrot classifications to be sure if this is what you are looking for but there is a small population of small to medium size bright green birds that roosted in the trees on the road leading into the Watergate/Waterford Harbor marinas. The last time I actually saw them myself was pre Ike but I moved over to the other side of Clear Lake and don't get over that way as much since then.

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There are many flocks of Monk Parakeets in the Houston area. They're green and quite large and vocal. I can personally vouch for them in the Willowbrook subdivision near Willowbend and S. Post Oak as well as in the Energy Corridor. A friend who lives over on the Eastside says they're seen often there too converging on pecan trees.

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--- On Sun, 1/9/11, Kathy Heaton 'http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird_Breeder-Hobbyist' <kbheaton@swbell.net> wrote:

An update---plus information for anyone wanting to participate in the count---

From: 'http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Bird_Breeder-Hobbyist' <kbheaton@swbell.net>

Subject: 2011 World Parrot count - Houston, TX: Add'l Info & Maps


Date: Sunday, January 9, 2011, 4:19 PM

Why participate in the 2011 World Parrot Count?

"What consequences does this count have?

''As we are parrot researchers, we are basically not interested in how to reduce or kill non-native parrot populations. We would like to study them and get more useful field data to share with colleagues in the field. The results will contribute to parrot conservation. If we continue these surveys for several years we get good and reliable data that show how fast an introduced parrot population may grow and which key factors are needed for successful establishment. We can use these data for re-introduction programs of threatened species which will become a major parrot research field for the future.''


Where are the birds?

In addition to information accompanying these photos:

We have maps! Register and login at

View and Explore Data:

Graphs and Maps

Select Species:

Monk parakeet (myiopsitta monachus)

Choose a Location:

United States


Counties in Texas

Choose up to 15 Counties:

[i've only been able to select a single county at a time.]


Fort Bend



Drag and Zoom In on the map to identify street names.

Click the map markers to view sighting details.

then plan a field trip and go explore!

Submit your count:

----- Forwarded Message ----

From: Parrot Count

You can use the form:
for single counts.

Or alternatively fill in this Excel sheet:

Which allows for multiple species, roost/nest counts.

When complete send it back to us at:

More info here:

Happy counting!

Roelant & Michael


Thank you for taking part in the first World Parrot Count, held January 1-31, 2011. Although much of the information in this message is specific to Houston, you are welcome to adapt it to your location and share it with others.



Houston TX

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There are many flocks of Monk Parakeets in the Houston area. They're green and quite large and vocal. I can personally vouch for them in the Willowbrook subdivision near Willowbend and S. Post Oak as well as in the Energy Corridor. A friend who lives over on the Eastside says they're seen often there too converging on pecan trees.

I saw a few in the Rum Island isle at Spec's the other day.


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  • 1 year later...

the counting continues in January 2012

Roelant writes:

"You are cordially invited to join "World Parrot Count 2012".

We, Roelant Jonker and Michael Braun of the "extra-tropical department"

of the Parrot Researchers Group of the International Ornithological

Union (IOU), invite your to take parrot this global parrot census this

January and February in order to get much needed scientific data about

parrots living in cities around the globe. This count is a 2nd edition.

For further information please visit the following website":

http://cityparrots. org/world- parrot-count/

If you have any questions please contact us via the following E-mail-address:

parrotcount@ cityparrots. org

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