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Couldn't decide to put this in Environment or here, but it doesn't seem to fit in either, so I took a chance :o

So, twice a year I deal with allergies, once in early January, and then again in late August. It's much worse in January, this year it's come on a bit early. Symptoms are typical stuffy nose, completely congested, itchy eyes and typically a headache or two, you know, what you would expect. In August it's usually just a runny nose.

I'm curious if anyone else deals with Allergies at the same times, or if anyone has any ideas what could possibly cause this, I'm not really hopeful of doing anything about it, but I'd at least like to have an idea what it is that causes it so I can curse it properly.

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Couldn't decide to put this in Environment or here, but it doesn't seem to fit in either, so I took a chance :o

So, twice a year I deal with allergies, once in early January, and then again in late August. It's much worse in January, this year it's come on a bit early. Symptoms are typical stuffy nose, completely congested, itchy eyes and typically a headache or two, you know, what you would expect. In August it's usually just a runny nose.

I'm curious if anyone else deals with Allergies at the same times, or if anyone has any ideas what could possibly cause this, I'm not really hopeful of doing anything about it, but I'd at least like to have an idea what it is that causes it so I can curse it properly.

Since it is worst in January and August could it be that you are allergic to two different things? Say pollen in January and something else at the end of the summer.

It's odd, but when I was a kid I had fairly strong hay fever, but when we moved to Texas all the allergies immediately went away.

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Since it is worst in January and August could it be that you are allergic to two different things? Say pollen in January and something else at the end of the summer.

It's odd, but when I was a kid I had fairly strong hay fever, but when we moved to Texas all the allergies immediately went away.

It's normal to lose you allergies when moving. You can't be allergic to something you've never been exposed to. You may develop allergies after some period of time in a new place, but, assuming the plants and molds are different than what existed in your old home, you should have a period of relief.

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