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Safe Energy Alternatives


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Damn. You've blown the lid off my ruse. You win this round, samagon.

I was so ready to believe you too, especially after I read Kennedy missed on your poll criteria.

Nah, the article and the graph just used oil measurements to make the data more accessible. It's discussing the total amount of energy used.

you're right, I was confused about the word 'equivalent' I thought it was just bbl of oil.

while the point is a bit less profound, it still stands though, energy consumption is very important until we are completely on clean sources.

If the Canadian people could reduce their energy consumption by a percentage, the hydrocarbon based energy creation could be reduced, while the other sources of energy would remain static. so even though they may reduce their overall energy use by a little, the hydrocarbon based energy use may drop substantially.

I'm not sure what that is, but it does sound rather unpleasant.

another name for an environmentalist. but then, I'm only in the get off oil kick, cause I hate seeing us send so much of our money overseas. I'm all about strip mining, deforestation and melting the polar ice caps for drinking water. That and hunting mosquitoes to extinction.

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Reducing our dependence on petroleum and other fossil fuels has nothing to do with how much energy we consume. Those are two separate issues. If all our energy needs were met with wind turbines, hydroelectric dams and solar panels, no one would give two craps about how much power we use. The problem isn't how much power we use, but how much environmentally unsustainable power we use.

Good point, except that everyone knows that our energy consumption is overwhelmingly based on carbon fuels such as oil and coal. Canada's energy consumption comes overwhekmingly from non-carbon fuels. To put numbers to the statements, Canada produces 25% of its energy from hydro, 7% from nuclear, and 1% from other renewable sources. It also produces 24% of its energy from natural gas, for a total "clean" production of 57%. The US by contrast produces 60% of its energy from oil and coal.

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Good point, except that everyone knows that our energy consumption is overwhelmingly based on carbon fuels such as oil and coal. Canada's energy consumption comes overwhekmingly from non-carbon fuels. To put numbers to the statements, Canada produces 25% of its energy from hydro, 7% from nuclear, and 1% from other renewable sources. It also produces 24% of its energy from natural gas, for a total "clean" production of 57%. The US by contrast produces 60% of its energy from oil and coal.

To be fair, the U.S. would most definitely produce more hydro if we had Canada's geography, climate, and population density.

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I am having issues trying to view or download either...maybe it's just me? Anyone else?

They open on my smackberry, so I don't know. They're available on the EIA website. I'll track down the exact address when I'm back on my office computer in the morning.

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