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Dallas - The Epicentre Of Generic


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Well, I defend murderers and rapists for a living. If a little childishness in poking fun at my former neighbors in Dallas helps me keep my sanity, I'd ask that you indulge my childishness. This is an internet forum, after all, not a hospital or a courtroom. No lives are at stake here, merely a few egos from time to time.

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Well, I defend murderers and rapists for a living. If a little childishness in poking fun at my former neighbors in Dallas helps me keep my sanity, I'd ask that you indulge my childishness. This is an internet forum, after all, not a hospital or a courtroom. No lives are at stake here, merely a few egos from time to time.

Sir I do respect your frankness.

Is is too much to show respect and courtesy for strangers? There was a time when people did it.

People deserve respect. It is our way.

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Actually, respect is earned, not deserved. And, I fail to see the disrespect in posting my opinion of a city, or a building within that city, or the policies of the city government, or the developers, or its transit agency, or any number of other topics I have opined on, just because it differs from others. But, having spent my whole life in the South, I understand where your comment is based. It is commonly seen as respectful to not say things that disagree with the other speaker. Not only do I disagree with this definition of respect, I find it harmful. It is difficult to know your opponents when they only shower you with platitudes and statements of agreement. I much prefer the unvarnished opinions of others, even...or especially...when they differ from my own.

You noted that you never see Dallas forums containing negative comments about Houston. I noted that these dustups genrally occur when Dallas posters come to the Houston forum looking to start a spat. You do not see it on the Dallas forums because we rarely go to those forums. By looking at the instigator of the spats, I think you would find that if any disrepect is being shown, it is by the Dallas posters toward Houstonians, not the other way around. However, I still do not find the Dallas posters bragging on their town's supposed superiority over Houston to be disrespect, nor do I find the responses to be such. I simply find them to be bored posters looking for spirited debate. That is easiest done on a forum by posting a controversial opinion, such as, 'Dallas has something that Houston doesn't'. Again, since no lives hang in the balance, and the future of the free world is not at stake, I find it harmless. Your opinion may differ, as do the moderators, who find it necessary from time to time to shut things down...as apparently happened in this thread in March 2010.

By the way, welcome to the forum. I hope you can get past the rivalry between two of Texas' biggest cities, and give some of your insights from living in at least two places I've never lived, Big Spring and Mexico. Oh, and I've never been to Sweetwater, either. ;)

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Actually, respect is earned, not deserved. And, I fail to see the disrespect in posting my opinion of a city, or a building within that city, or the policies of the city government, or the developers, or its transit agency, or any number of other topics I have opined on, just because it differs from others. But, having spent my whole life in the South, I understand where your comment is based. It is commonly seen as respectful to not say things that disagree with the other speaker. Not only do I disagree with this definition of respect, I find it harmful. It is difficult to know your opponents when they only shower you with platitudes and statements of agreement. I much prefer the unvarnished opinions of others, even...or especially...when they differ from my own.

You noted that you never see Dallas forums containing negative comments about Houston. I noted that these dustups genrally occur when Dallas posters come to the Houston forum looking to start a spat. You do not see it on the Dallas forums because we rarely go to those forums. By looking at the instigator of the spats, I think you would find that if any disrepect is being shown, it is by the Dallas posters toward Houstonians, not the other way around. However, I still do not find the Dallas posters bragging on their town's supposed superiority over Houston to be disrespect, nor do I find the responses to be such. I simply find them to be bored posters looking for spirited debate. That is easiest done on a forum by posting a controversial opinion, such as, 'Dallas has something that Houston doesn't'. Again, since no lives hang in the balance, and the future of the free world is not at stake, I find it harmless. Your opinion may differ, as do the moderators, who find it necessary from time to time to shut things down...as apparently happened in this thread in March 2010.

By the way, welcome to the forum. I hope you can get past the rivalry between two of Texas' biggest cities, and give some of your insights from living in at least two places I've never lived, Big Spring and Mexico. Oh, and I've never been to Sweetwater, either. ;)

Thank you for your kind welcome to the Houston Architecture forum. Despite the below I admire and appreciate your kind words.

This website is not a place I would inhabit again. I am a architecture fan amd thought this website would be an interseting, objective site. It was not. Please separate my words from you and this website.

This website seems to me to be populated with immmature and highly distructive individuals. Houston is a place of great pride for all us Texans and in my mind I have great affection for it. Been there many times.

You commented on the frequency of Dallas posters creating issues. Forgive me if I trust my "lying eyes". This website does not appear to be a realistic website to me.

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I'm from West Texas (Big Spring) and agree with your comment. I would like to support your comment. The comments I read are sickening.

I don't have a pony in this race but after reviewing the various websites I just do not see any comments on the Dallas forums that are negative on Houston. BUT I do see many from Houston posters knocking Dallas. Why?

The Dallas people to me seem very focused on their own problems and making improvements. They don't seem to be interested in insulting or belittling other towns. I respect that about Dallas.

LMAO, that's what you think. It goes both ways, easily. Having recently moved to DFW from Houston, they talk as bad about Houston, as Houstonians talked bad about them.

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They must have changed since I lived there.

However, please note that you are commenting on a thread over a year old. If you knew the posters, you'd see that these spats generally start up when a Dallas posters comes on the forum spreading it a little thick about Dallas. Houstonians, being who we are, tend to stick up for our little burg when out-of-towners insult it. Hilarity usually ensues.

It's all in good fun, really. Being from Big Spring (nothing personal, but Sweetwater is more urban), you may not understand that bragging rights is part of living in a big city. You might also notice that once the Dallas kids went back home, hardly anyone posts on the Dallas topics anymore.

You and TheNiche are soooooooo predictable. Always looking for an opportunity to dig at Dallas. . . .and if one doesn't exist, you'll create one. Rowdy was dead on! Penis Envy X 10. LOL

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You and TheNiche are soooooooo predictable. Always looking for an opportunity to dig at Dallas. . . .and if one doesn't exist, you'll create one. Rowdy was dead on! Penis Envy X 10. LOL

I also made this comment...

I noted that these dustups genrally occur when Dallas posters come to the Houston forum looking to start a spat. You do not see it on the Dallas forums because we rarely go to those forums.

And right on que, you rushed to a thread that hasn't been commented on in over a year to attempt to stir up crap. Looks like I was the one who was dead on. But, so as not to encourage the pissants, this is my last post on this topic.

Hey, why don't you go to the huge party going on at Victory? I hear it's going gangbusters with all the upscale bars and eateries!

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I also made this comment...

And right on que, you rushed to a thread that hasn't been commented on in over a year to attempt to stir up crap. Looks like I was the one who was dead on. But, so as not to encourage the pissants, this is my last post on this topic.

Hey, why don't you go to the huge party going on at Victory? I hear it's going gangbusters with all the upscale bars and eateries!

Some readers (including myself) are just now reading. Continue to belittle others and their towns sir. There is nothing positive or beneficial in your words.

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dallas is the epicenter of penis envy. You have proven that to us time and time again.

As an outsider to Houston or Dallas it is difficult for me to see your point of view. From an outsiders point of view it is extremely difficult to see Dallas as more than a place where the natives struggle with their problems. They seem very humble, modest and sincere to we outside.

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it is extremely difficult to see Dallas as more than a place where the natives struggle with their problems. They seem very humble, modest and sincere to we outside.

I almost wet my pants after this read. Really good stuff.

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I call troll. Guy has 7 posts...all negative and insulting, while asking for respect, then tops it off by calling Dallas humble, modest and sincere? Dallas residents themselves brag that they are not modest or humble. Sorry, Rowdy. You get nuttin' from me. :lol:

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You and TheNiche are soooooooo predictable. Always looking for an opportunity to dig at Dallas. . . .and if one doesn't exist, you'll create one. Rowdy was dead on! Penis Envy X 10. LOL

Houston has taken itself from nothing to a being global city. It is to the credit of it's people that this has happened.

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I call troll. Guy has 7 posts...all negative and insulting, while asking for respect, then tops it off by calling Dallas humble, modest and sincere? Dallas residents themselves brag that they are not modest or humble. Sorry, Rowdy. You get nuttin' from me. :lol:

Sir, you are gentleman and anyone would be a fool not to accept you at your word. I admire what you stand for.

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Sir, you are gentleman and anyone would be a fool not to accept you at your word. I admire what you stand for.

Is my sarcasim clear enough for you? The comments I see on Houston Architecture Forum about Dallas seem pathetic in my eyes.

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