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Electronic Cigarettes - No Joke!


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Allrighty then - I'm thrown out of a very high end local Houston restaurant for smoking an electronic cigarette! I thought it added flavor to the evening, however there was a rather large man who apparently had a different opinion. I may open my own electronic cigarette wine bar in midtown. Customer survey : .....

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It still produces "smoke." From what I've seen.

...and if you're going through all that trouble to get nicotine, without the real thing... why not just take a nicotine pill?

EDIT: Nice ad, on HAIF, for electronic cigarettes.

Edited by BryanS
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Smoke being the particulate given off by the burning of combustible substances, the atomized vapor of an electronic cigarette is no more smoke than your breath on a cold day.

Further, the City of Houston defines 'smoking' thusly:

"Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any

lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted tobacco product in any

manner or in any form."

So, no, he wasn't 'smoking' in either the scientific or legal sense.

Edited by RedScare
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So, no, he wasn't 'smoking' in either the scientific or legal sense.

All the same, surely you can understand why the owner of a club would frown on it. If even one uptight, ignorant, anti-smoking asshole in the whole crowded venue mistakenly reported it to the City as a violation of the smoking ban, the owner would probably get hassled for it.

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Smoke being the particulate given off by the burning of combustible substances, the atomized vapor of an electronic cigarette is no more smoke than your breath on a cold day.

Further, the City of Houston defines 'smoking' thusly:

"Smoking means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any

lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or other lighted tobacco product in any

manner or in any form."

So, no, he wasn't 'smoking' in either the scientific or legal sense.

Does it have nicotine in it? Maybe I don't want your nicotine.

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Doesn't matter what you want. It is not smoke, and is therefore legal to use indoors.

To Niche, I absolutely understand the concern, even if the manager is ultimately mistaken.

BTW, Hanuman, where can I find those in Houston? I'd like to try one.

Edited by RedScare
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As per Red's comment - there is no combustion and hence, no smoke. The output is essentially water vapor with nicotine, and only at the time of inhalation. However, I can understand if someone might mistake one for a real cigarette - most e-cigarettes are designed to look authentic, and even the tips glow like real ones.

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The self-righteous anti-smoking crusaders will appear in 5... 4...

(Why won't anybody think about the children?!)



You rang?

Seriously, though -- do the e-cigarettes produce smoke, or is it water vapor? Does it has a smell?

If it's just water vapor, that doesn't bother me at all.

But I can understand the restaurant not wanting to set a precedent. Most restaurants are already stretched thin, and the last thing they want is the additional burden of being the cigarette police and having to check each patron's cigarette to see if it's electronic or on fire. I guess maybe the waiter/waitress could do this in the course of their duties, but it's just one more headache for the restaurants.

Still, I just spent $25 on a humidifier. Maybe I should have just taken up e-smoking!

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You're supposed to even be able to use them on planes...good luck with that!

Seriously, I thought about buying one last year when I went out more and was smoking here and there. I never bought one as I can't imagine using it in public, and something about smoking it at home just says "I've lost to nicotine." Well, that and trying to find a reputable-looking seller online proved to be a challenge

At least it's healthier...maybe.

FDA Problems?

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Tried em and they're terrible. The way it works is with a liquid capsule that inserts where the filter is supposed to be. The problem is that if you tilt the cigarette to far up (about 30 degrees) the liquid comes through the filter area and into your mouth. The taste was also horrible, at least in comparison to my Marlboro Lights. Of course it's all subjective I guess.

Also, remember that if you go for the free trial that you have to ship back the electronic cigarette within 30 days or they will charge you $99.02 plus send you a refill pack that's about $50.00. I went through hell trying to get my money back.

Sorry Wayne.

Edit: I'm still not seeing what I'm writing past the first line.

Edited by Gary
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Doesn't matter what you want. It is not smoke, and is therefore legal to use indoors.

This really is the larger issue. Rather than putting a smoking ban in place, the city government should have allowed the proprietors of the various eateries and drinkeries decide for themselves what they would and would not allow in their place of business. If the owner didn't want Hanuman smoking (or vaporizing or whatever) in his restaurant, then that should be that. On the other hand, if a business owner does want a smoker safe-haven, then he should be allowed that too.

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This really is the larger issue. Rather than putting a smoking ban in place, the city government should have allowed the proprietors of the various eateries and drinkeries decide for themselves what they would and would not allow in their place of business.

I totally agree. And if the City was so convinced that smoking were a public nuisance, then make those places buy an on-premise smoking license. Generate some revenue off it.

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I totally agree. And if the City was so convinced that smoking were a public nuisance, then make those places buy an on-premise smoking license. Generate some revenue off it.

Don't really see a way they WOULD make a profit of it. Having been to a bar in Webster, where they are allowed to smoke, didn't seem more crowded than any other bar.

I did cough more, though.

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I totally agree. And if the City was so convinced that smoking were a public nuisance, then make those places buy an on-premise smoking license. Generate some revenue off it.

If you've ever been to Japan you know it has one of the highest smoking rates in the world (and also one of the longest lifespans... hmmm....).

Those people are fiends for smoking, I think in part because Japan Tobacco is owned by the government, so there isn't a lot of pressure from politicians to ban tobacco.

Anyway, I noticed that in some of the skyscrapers they have entire floors that are set aside for smoking. And I don't mean they're office floors where people smoke. I mean nothing else happens on those floors but smoking. Even Tokyo's city hall has one of these. It's all kitted out with high-speed fans and air filters and negative pressure rooms, but the floors still smell awful when you have to walk down the hallways between the smoking chambers and the windows through which you can watch the smokers like monkeys in a zoo are all yellowed. From a Western perspective, it's pretty gross.

I've seen smoking chambers in many Asian airports, right on the concourses. Glass boxes where eight or ten people can gather and puff their lungs out without bothering anyone else around.

I don't understand why Asian smokers don't smell awful, though. American smokers, especially men over 30, smell like nastyness to me after they've been smoking. Like mucus and burning tires. Ugh. And they smell like it all day walking down the streets and through offices and don't even realize they reek.

But there's something about those Asian smoking chambers that let people smoke, but they don't stink up the plane when they get on. I'm not sure what it is.

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Doesn't matter what you want. It is not smoke, and is therefore legal to use indoors.

To Niche, I absolutely understand the concern, even if the manager is ultimately mistaken.

BTW, Hanuman, where can I find those in Houston? I'd like to try one.

I'm not sure where you could get one locally, but you might try a kiosk at the malls. I got mine that way in Vegas on Freemont Street. It was just a fun idea, and I'm not a smoker [ Health Nut ], but I enjoy looking suave, and the girls thought it was funny. I was even joking with the waiter, and bar tender, and they wanted one too. Then Big Bubba ( Customer, red face, UGLY! ) arrived, and demanded, " #@*(&^%%% !!!! " that we leave. As the manager of the restaurant disappeared, we politely left. I do not break the law, and try to be respectful.

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You thinking of Briar Shoppe on Times? I like that place, though it can be pricey....

Yep , that's the place, and you bet it's pricey. Buying a Romeo and Julieta is almost twice the price as many other tobacco shops, but they do have a very fresh selection and the staff knows their stuff.

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Yep , that's the place, and you bet it's pricey. Buying a Romeo and Julieta is almost twice the price as many other tobacco shops, but they do have a very fresh selection and the staff knows their stuff.

When I do buy cigarettes, I buy Pall Malls. Nothing but the good stuff for Mister and Missus Flinch's baby boy.

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Doesn't matter what you want. It is not smoke, and is therefore legal to use indoors.

To Niche, I absolutely understand the concern, even if the manager is ultimately mistaken.

BTW, Hanuman, where can I find those in Houston? I'd like to try one.

There was a kiosk at the Galleria selling them, at least on my spring 2009 trip. It was near the "bridge" that separates Galleria II from Galleria IV, second floor, on the Galleria IV side.

Please don't ask me how I remembered this.

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Please don't ask me how I remembered this.

You probably thought to yourself, "Gee, Self... an electronic cigarette is about the most retarded thing I've ever heard of, but it's so gimmicky, it'll probably be successful. I should probably remember where I am right now because this'll be a story I tell till I die."

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This really is the larger issue. Rather than putting a smoking ban in place, the city government should have allowed the proprietors of the various eateries and drinkeries decide for themselves what they would and would not allow in their place of business. If the owner didn't want Hanuman smoking (or vaporizing or whatever) in his restaurant, then that should be that. On the other hand, if a business owner does want a smoker safe-haven, then he should be allowed that too.

Which basically would have meant maintaining the status quo: smoking everywhere. That'll work.

It's a public health issue.

While we're at it... we should just eateries and drinkeries voluntarily comply with city health code ordnances in the preparation and care for food, optional permit compliance, etc. Patrons will vote with their feet if there are reported cases of excessive food posionings, deaths, slime in the ice machine, etc. Who needs rules that are to the benefit of public health anyway?

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When I do buy cigarettes, I buy Pall Malls. Nothing but the good stuff for Mister and Missus Flinch's baby boy.

Funny. My grandmother smoked Pall Malls and Kools. My dad was an unfiltered Lucky Strike guy. My mother is a Parliament 100's person. These days I understand that Kools and Parliaments are preferred in the black community. Does anyone still smoke Luckies?

When I was five years old my parents would give me money to go down to the bar a couple of blocks away to buy them cigarettes. If parents did that today, they'd be put in jail.

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Funny. My grandmother smoked Pall Malls and Kools. My dad was an unfiltered Lucky Strike guy. My mother is a Parliament 100's person. These days I understand that Kools and Parliaments are preferred in the black community. Does anyone still smoke Luckies?

When I was five years old my parents would give me money to go down to the bar a couple of blocks away to buy them cigarettes. If parents did that today, they'd be put in jail.

I rolled my own, and smoked Bull Durham. Got so good at it, I could roll 'em with one hand. Later in the military, smoked @ 3 packs of Camels a day ( Non filter ), and chewed Days Work plug tobacco. That's the way I grew up in those days. I got no use for tobacco now days, and quit back in 1975.

Electronic cigarettes... now I've heard it all. They shouldn't be picking on folks if they're smoking one indoors, as Red pointed out, it's not illegal, and it does no harm, just water vapor. I would respect the rights of the owner, and stop if asked, however to be bullied into it... well, the red faced bully with the foul mouth might have tripped over five, or six pieces of solid wood furniture on his way out. Can't abide a bully.

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