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Matt Jackson - gone Sports Radio 610 AM?

Jessica N

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I noticed Tuesday evening during drive time radio that Robert Henslee and David Delatti (sp?) were hosting the show. This is Rich Lord and Matt Jackson's show. No mention of Rich or Matt at all.

I go to the 610 AM website this morning and the afternoon show is listed as Rich Lord and Robert Henslee. What happened to Matt Jackson? Did he leave, get fired?? Seems like he had been on 610 for a long time.


Duh, should have googled this first. I found the answer to my own question. Matt Jackson and Adam Wexler moved to 790AM to be the morning hosts. Good for them. Will miss them on 610AM.


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I really like Matt and Adam together when they did the night show at 610. However, I didn't really like Matt with Rich.

I'm glad Rich is still there though. I'm not a huge fan of Robert.

Also, I heard them say Rich was out sick, either yesterday or Monday.

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Good riddance. I stopped listening about a year ago. Just couldn't get past his constant "yeah, she's hot...she's a babe...she's a cougar...his wife is hot...hey, remember the mom in (insert movie or TV show from the 80s)...etc, etc, etc. Wexler is every bit as juvenile.

For the record, I like a beautiful woman as much as the next guy, but the frat boy humor and 30-minute diversions into which player has the hottest wife or which female sports reporters are hot were beyond tiresome. Felt like I was losing IQ points after every drive home. May have to give 610 a listen this week.

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Good riddance. the frat boy humor and 30-minute diversions into which player has the hottest wife or which female sports reporters are hot were beyond tiresome. Felt like I was losing IQ points after every drive home. May have to give 610 a listen this week.

What he said.

Matt Jackson is the single most annoying "personality" on Houston radio today, for all the reasons SecondTour just mentioned. He's going to fit right in at Clear Channel.

Unfortunately, KILT has found another one who I fear is just like him. Josh Ennis shows all the earmarks, so far, of being every bit as annoying and irritating as Jackson. Having opinions is what talk shows is all about, but to demean and insult callers who don't agree with you is something else. Does Ennis really think being opinionated and insulting attracts listeners? I heard him insult three callers in one half hour span Sunday evening after the Texans game, and I just tuned to another station.

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