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White House War On Fox News


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I still don't get why anyone would get their news from tv, especially when the cashiers at the Flying J can tell you everything you need to know (hard to see but below the threat level yellow it says "See cashier for details").


Edited by 20thStDad
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Fox News defends itself against an attack by the Obama administration by explaining that most of their shows aren't real news...Fox argues that its news hours - 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m...


Why does it take a comedy show to provide the best analysis on issues like this "war" on Fox News?

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Why does it take a comedy show to provide the best analysis on issues like this "war" on Fox News?

that's a great clip. too bad he wasn't around to point out cnn, abc, nbc and cbs' twisting of everything reagan said, but, would he have noticed?

cnn could rise above the fray if they would bring in some intelligent conservatives/libertarians who avoid hyperbole. the story about the school kids was merely fear-mongering.

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I'm curious what some of the more conservative posters on this board thought about Obama's great socialized candy redistribution efforts from last night.

I know some people who were opposed to Comrade Obama's candy plan so they passed out toothbrushes and candy corn instead of candy, but it's overwhelming just how many people actually participated in the effort.

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I'm curious what some of the more conservative posters on this board thought about Obama's great socialized candy redistribution efforts from last night.

I know some people who were opposed to Comrade Obama's candy plan so they passed out toothbrushes and candy corn instead of candy, but it's overwhelming just how many people actually participated in the effort.

ridiculous. is it just me, or is the majority of the populace somewhat ignorant?

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The Weasel Chris Wallace basically brought Rush Limbaugh onto his show to trash Obama for 30 minutes today without questioning any of the crap that came out of his mouth... Fox is a joke.

so is george stephanopoulis a joke because he served in the clinton campaign and whitehouse? how about paul begala? is he now an impartial news contributor? why aren't you guys ticked at the clintonites now hosting "news" shows? the transition from liberal democrat to news show host seems to be seamless, yet when a conservative news host is biased it's somehow INSANE and NEWSWORTHY. freakin hypocrites. it's no different than the religious zealots on the right.

frankly, i'm tired of both sides.

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so is george stephanopoulis a joke because he served in the clinton campaign and whitehouse? how about paul begala? is he now an impartial news contributor? why aren't you guys ticked at the clintonites now hosting "news" shows? the transition from liberal democrat to news show host seems to be seamless, yet when a conservative news host is biased it's somehow INSANE and NEWSWORTHY. freakin hypocrites. it's no different than the religious zealots on the right.

frankly, i'm tired of both sides.

They only hired George Stephanopoulos because it's fun to say his name. Opa!

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They only hired George Stephanopoulos because it's fun to say his name. Opa!

i like george stephie... it seems that no one blinked an eye or worried about his bias when he took over from brinkley. now people are so out of sorts cuz chris wallace doesn't take limbaugh to task. "you cannot teach a man what he thinks he already knows." the press is so obviously left. it isn't easy to see if you're left leaning. people seem to recognize when media is right leaning though. it's all about perception. i wish real dialogue could be brought into focus. maybe the documentary "collision" will lead in that direction.

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it's all about perception.

Precisely. People to the left of center feel the media skews to the right. People to the right of center feel the media skews to the left. The fact is though, with the notable exceptions of Fox and MSNBC, most media is fairly centrist, even CNN. They're trying to get ratings, and to do so, they must appeal to the broadest possible audience, and that audience is centrist as well.

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Our friends at MediaMatters.org... have put together an excellent short little video that summaries exactly how fox misbehaves.

How "opinion" becomes intertwined in their "news" segments.

It is time we bring back the Fairness Doctrine, and apply it to television.

That will be the only way to ensure "Fair and Balanced" reporting on Fox.

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The Weasel Chris Wallace basically brought Rush Limbaugh onto his show to trash Obama for 30 minutes today without questioning any of the crap that came out of his mouth... Fox is a joke.

This vs having Obama on Jay Leno or Oprah where everything coming out of the Presidents mouth is crap???? Oh yeah. and the slobbering main stream media doesn't question a word of it do they????? How's that "Hopey Changie" this working out for ya baby?????

Nuff said.

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Our friends at MediaMatters.org... have put together an excellent short little video that summaries exactly how fox misbehaves.

How "opinion" becomes intertwined in their "news" segments.

It is time we bring back the Fairness Doctrine, and apply it to television.

That will be the only way to ensure "Fair and Balanced" reporting on Fox.

"Media Matters" is a joke. All they really seem to target are the "right wing" spectrum of radio and TV. I've read quite a few articles, off and on, for several years and it's mostly crap.

The only thing they get partially right is Hannity and only a little bit and I *HATE* Hannity!

Let's not forget the "Fake soldiers comment" that supposedly was run on Limbaugh. That was a total hatchet job on itself. Believe me, I'm NOT a fan of Limbaugh either.

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Precisely. People to the left of center feel the media skews to the right. People to the right of center feel the media skews to the left. The fact is though, with the notable exceptions of Fox and MSNBC, most media is fairly centrist, even CNN. They're trying to get ratings, and to do so, they must appeal to the broadest possible audience, and that audience is centrist as well.

seems the "broadest possible audience" is four times larger than cnn's "middle of the road audience". fox has at least four times the viewership of any other station.

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It seems to me that too many lefties have been drinking the Obama koolaid again.

ridiculous. is it just me, or is the majority of the populace somewhat ignorant?

Hey, remember that half of the population is more stupid than the average person.

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seems the "broadest possible audience" is four times larger than cnn's "middle of the road audience". fox has at least four times the viewership of any other station.

Repeat: And, the major networks blow away any silly cable channel. RedScare covered this a few pages back. Fox's viewership proves nothing but dogmatism in adherence to only listening to views that match the viewer's own beliefs. Dogmatic people hate to be confronted with opposing viewpoints. It can really ruin their day.

It seems to me that too many lefties have been drinking the Obama koolaid again.

And them there righties been drinkin' the high fructose corn syrup sweetened sodypop again!

Hey, remember that half of the population is more stupid than the average person.

If there is one single person that can be centered in the graph... otherwise that's not exactly how a bell curve works. More realistically, something like 25% of the population is stupid, 25% is intelligent and 50% is merely average. But then, those measurements are based on IQ which has proven to be about as accurate as Madam Cleo in determining real world intelligence. Gauging the human mind is a far more elusive task than an IQ test can ever accurately perform.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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Hey, remember that half of the population is more stupid than the average person.

What is interesting is trying to establish the baseline as to what "average" is.

I consider it rather unfortunate that people have a tendency to judge another person's intelligence idiotic indicators such as "He agrees with my views", has an accent, or dresses sloppily.

So, should we put you on the short bus or big bus? :)

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This vs having Obama on Jay Leno or Oprah where everything coming out of the Presidents mouth is crap???? Oh yeah. and the slobbering main stream media doesn't question a word of it do they????? How's that "Hopey Changie" this working out for ya baby?????

Nuff said.

Question marks sure are great, aren't they???????? Well??????????????

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Our friends at MediaMatters.org... have put together an excellent short little video that summaries exactly how fox misbehaves.

How "opinion" becomes intertwined in their "news" segments.

It is time we bring back the Fairness Doctrine, and apply it to television.

That will be the only way to ensure "Fair and Balanced" reporting on Fox.

If this is the evidence, then I gotta say that as a "non-cable news viewer" I'm not convinced.

As for the Fairness Doctrine, who would enforce it? How could you guarantee that one party holding office would not be able to later pass legislation to control the "fairness" all in one direction - their direction?

Better to just leave it to the ratings system. If no one watches or listens to it, it holds no market shares, no advertisers will pay for time, and thus free-market natural selection will occur. Air America pay-to-listen radio proved this.

Edited by Jeebus
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What is the WH is so scared of? It's a question worth asking. If FOX is so unbalanced... and their commentators absurdly out of whack... people *will* figure that out. They did when Dan Rather forged documents -in less than 24hours! Does the WH believe the American people are too stupid to think ciritcally? How insulting and elitist. One can only wonder why they feel so threatened.

As for the Fairness Doctrine, who would enforce it? How could you guarantee that one party holding office would not be able to later pass legislation to control the "fairness" all in one direction - their direction?

Regardless of intent... It's incredibly dangerous to let government filter news though intimidation, much less cheer for it. Manipulation of the press is something all totalitarian governments have in common. There's a reason the press' freedom is secured in the *First* Amendment. We should trust the American people to figure out the truth from an open set of sources, more than we trust government to tell us the truth about their own actions and failures.

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What is the WH is so scared of? It's a question worth asking. If FOX is so unbalanced... and their commentators absurdly out of whack... people *will* figure that out. They did when Dan Rather forged documents -in less than 24hours! Does the WH believe the American people are too stupid to think ciritcally? How insulting and elitist. One can only wonder why they feel so threatened.

I think this thread alone has proven how near impossible it is to get people to think critically. Thinking ain't exactly a popular American pasttime.

Regardless of intent... It's incredibly dangerous to let government filter news though intimidation, much less cheer for it. Manipulation of the press is something all totalitarian governments have in common. There's a reason the press' freedom is secured in the *First* Amendment. We should trust the American people to figure out the truth from an open set of sources, more than we trust government to tell us the truth about their own actions and failures.

Agreed that it's dangerous for government to filter news, but that's not what they're doing, not even close.

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I think this thread alone has proven how near impossible it is to get people to think critically. Thinking ain't exactly a popular American pasttime.

Why do you say that? Perhaps, because not everyone agrees? It's tempting to label dissenters stupid or non-thinking. It's course and debasing. I *do* hear a lot of that in this thread. Labeling the opposition stupid doesn't make it so.

Agreed that it's dangerous for government to filter news, but that's not what they're doing, not even close.

By legislation or regulation? No. By initmidation? Yes.

It’s really not news, it’s pushing a point of view and the bigger thing is that other news organizations like yours, ought not to treat them that way. And we’re not going to treat them that way...

First he publically calls out ABC to stop co-op with FOX news. (Co-op is a huge deal in WH coverage). This was followed with an attempt to bar FOX news from a pool interview- amounting to censure. That's an overreach, and the other networks called the Administration out on it. The attempt is offensive, and *perhaps* telling of this Administration's mindset. To dismiss the attempt would be... er... not critically examining the Administration's actions. :-)

They don't like the FOX coverage (understandibly). They made an run at shushing them. And failed. That may be bad for Obama's agenda, but in the long run, good for the nation.

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Or, nothing said.

But, good job bringing the level of debate down a couple notches.

Debate??? You mean day's of ponitification where nothing matters other than your personal opinion equals debate??? RIGHT.........

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Debate??? You mean day's of ponitification where nothing matters other than your personal opinion equals debate??? RIGHT.........

This vs having Obama on Jay Leno or Oprah where everything coming out of the Presidents mouth is crap???? Oh yeah. and the slobbering main stream media doesn't question a word of it do they????? How's that "Hopey Changie" this working out for ya baby?????

Nuff said.

Nuff said??????????????

Do you get it, or is this one of those critical thinking issues that may be out of reach for so many Americans that the Gooch thinks all Americans are capable of?

Gooch, so you know, this is why. It has nothing to do with opposing me. It has to do with why. There's a lot of specious and non-existant logic being bandied about on this thread. There ain't a ton of critical thinkin' goin' on.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. ~Proverbs 17:28

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