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White House War On Fox News


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Are you aware of the way our government, specifically our congress, works and has worked for over the past 250 years? It's not going to change simply because you don't like those currently vested with the burden of responsibility.

Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten that the US Congress has been working since before 1759. Oh, wait, that was almost 30 years before the US Constitution was ratified. Nevermind.

Also thanks for reminding me that our political system allows for strong leaders to take the forefront regardless of their positions. Otherwise we might almost be leaderless.

We don't. It was sarcasm. Good job picking up on the context clues (hint: also sarcasm).

Sorry...I was being sarcastic, too. Thanks for taking me literally.

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See how I numbered your paragraphs for ease of discussion? I don't want to confuse anyone present...

1) That's an awfully bold leap to say that since I'm prouder to call Obama my president than that last asshat that I'll blindly follow the charge of his Light Brigade. Mine is to reason why. Mine is not to do or die. That's your lot.

2) Yeah, there are some newspapers in Pyongyang and Myanmar that don't reference Obama highly, but I can't recall a time when they ever referenced any American highly. So effing what? Simply because not everyone is fawning over him he's not respected? Your logic is warped.

3) There is no substance behind their delivery!!!! Have you been reading along with the rest of the class?!!

Your amazingly arrogant my friend. I find it sad that you have taken up Red's mantra since his departure. At least with him there was substance involved in his discussions, even if I did dissagree. You make broad brushed statements constantly that say almost nothing, and you talk to people like they are idiots.

I am very quickly losing respect for HAIF which is very sad since I've been here for so long. Where are the Red's and Niche's?

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Your amazingly arrogant my friend. I find it sad that you have taken up Red's mantra since his departure. At least with him there was substance involved in his discussions, even if I did dissagree. You make broad brushed statements constantly that say almost nothing, and you talk to people like they are idiots.

I am very quickly losing respect for HAIF which is very sad since I've been here for so long. Where are the Red's and Niche's?

Red has made several comments... in this thread... No one has taken up his mantra... because no one needs to. He's still part of HAIF.

Now what exactly are you saying? That someone is arrogant because they actually make substantive arguments, good enough to be similar to the mantra of someone you respect, but do not agree with? You seem to be contradicting yourself.

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Thanks for the reminder. I had forgotten that the US Congress has been working since before 1759. Oh, wait, that was almost 30 years before the US Constitution was ratified. Nevermind.

A history lesson? Cute.

Also thanks for reminding me that our political system allows for strong leaders to take the forefront regardless of their positions. Otherwise we might almost be leaderless.

Thank god we have leaders now. Agreed.

Sorry...I was being sarcastic, too. Thanks for taking me literally.

Oh. Humor. How delightfully unexpected.

Your amazingly arrogant my friend. I find it sad that you have taken up Red's mantra since his departure. At least with him there was substance involved in his discussions, even if I did dissagree. You make broad brushed statements constantly that say almost nothing, and you talk to people like they are idiots.

I am very quickly losing respect for HAIF which is very sad since I've been here for so long. Where are the Red's and Niche's?

Niche is on hiatus. Red's back. You'd know Red's status had you actually read this thread, but whatevs. You say you read through my stuff but didn't notice his stuff? You're losing respect for HAIF because I'm willing to call a spade a spade, or what? What does respect for me and respect for this site have anything to do with each other?

But congrats about focusing this on me instead of the topic at hand, which is that Fox News is a tabloid disguised as news. That's right, your fearless leaders are no more valid than the writers for the National Enquirer. In Rush we trust.

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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In all seriousness,and Kylejack brought this up in another thread, wtf is up with those on the right being incapable of forming complete sentences and grasping basic grammar? It's beyond belief. It's almost as if the intellegentsia of society was handed a lone torch with which to enlighten the world.

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I did read it, and then I went to the Snopes source - Many of Snopes own sources were questionable...at the same time, that particular one does appear to have more credibility than the others.

Many of the alleged quotes are circular sources...if you look at the source of one article, it is another article, each just quoting another source - none of which had any evidence, except the prior source.

With that said - Reds post was very good. I can honestly say that the network news organizations are liberal. They dont even try to hide it anymore. When NBC hosted Obamas health care "debate" it wrote off any chance it had at objectivity. The questions were loaded, and even the "tough questions" were softballs. I watched the whole thing, and it I could pick huge gaping holes through almost all of it. There simply is not a place to go to get reliable news that does not have an agenda. The network news organizations LOVE Obama - they work with him to portray a message and Obama is getting to control that message.

That is not journalism - they are not questioning things that need to be questioned if they fit the agenda.

There is a large portion of America as much as 50% or greater, who share many of my concerns. ...as much as I may sound like a Right wing extremist, I am actually quite center. If the government would stay away from my money, and quit making up rules we dont need I would gladly sit down and shut up. But the government is not staying out if...it is getting more intrusive every year. Each year they magically find something that requires more Taxes, more regulation, and more restrictions.

I want lower taxes - I want everyone to pay taxes - I want to eliminate welfare - I want accountability - I want the government to stay out of the way of business.

Government is not the solution if they would stop controlling everything, much of it would get better. Its amazing that we got as far as we did in the past 100 years without all the new laws they keep making up every year, and all the new programs.

Read 1Timothy 3:8

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Niche is on hiatus. Red's back. You'd know Red's status had you actually read this thread, but whatevs. You say you read through my stuff but didn't notice his stuff? You're losing respect for HAIF because I'm willing to call a spade a spade, or what? What does respect for me and respect for this site have anything to do with each other?

Gary's been an active member of this board for almost 5 years with 2400+ posts, averaging less than 2 posts a day. You however have been here less than 2 months and have already racked up over 500 posts at an average of 11+ per day. By your own admission you state that you were indefinitely suspended from another forum of similar content.

You seem like the type looking for a fight. I'm sure you will argue how I am wrong though.

I just post on these forums to break up daily work monotony or when I'm drinking at home and the wife's bogarting the TV watching something on Lifetime.

You think Fox news is not news. You think Sotomayor's statement of being more apt to come to a better conclusion as a hispanic woman, than would a white man is not racist. You post a link to a website accusing a man of rape that provides no proof and then later post a graphic picture of a lynching, all in an effort to prove your point of view.

Nothing more be said. Seriously. We get it. Your point of view has been 100% absorbed and understood by all here.

Edited by Jeebus
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Maybe it's just me, but this thread seems to have become a little too antagonistic. The discussion is supposed to be about the antagonism between the WH and Fox and not each other. :angry2:

Frankly, what more is there to discuss? This administration doesn't like the pundits on Fox and the pundits on Fox don't like this administration. That's never going to change. There always needs to be an opposition to those in power. There certainly was opposition in the media to the Bush administration. It's the checks and balances that keep us relatively free. It's stupid of the WH to pick fights with Fox, though, since all it does is increase their viewership. Their base already hates Fox and won't watch it no matter what happens. It's the independents who take a second look at Fox since they can appreciate the need for hearing both sides of the issues.

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Frankly, what more is there to discuss? This administration doesn't like the pundits on Fox and the pundits on Fox don't like this administration. That's never going to change. There always needs to be an opposition to those in power. There certainly was opposition in the media to the Bush administration. It's the checks and balances that keep us relatively free. It's stupid of the WH to pick fights with Fox, though, since all it does is increase their viewership. Their base already hates Fox and won't watch it no matter what happens. It's the independents who take a second look at Fox since they can appreciate the need for hearing both sides of the issues.

Does this mean we can shut down this thread before a rightie and leftie civil war breaks out?

If it comes to war, I will be with other (I)'s drinking a beer watching y'alls blood pressure increase.

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Who said I hated America? Who said I was embarassed to be an American? You're making some fairly inaccurate estimates of my character and my patriotism, but I suppose now's the time for me to recognize my complete and total annihilation of your arguments. When a right-winger resorts to calling a fellow citizen an America hater for disagreeing with him, that means every other talking point of theirs has been exhaustively refuted. I win. You lose. Next time don't start such a dumb thread.

Actually, I believe its when the left wing nut resorts to name calling because they have no facts at all and nothing but rhetoric that the argument is over and the "right wing nut" has won. Here is a short compilation of personal attacks, and pointless statements made for the express purpose of making yourself feel superior. It is actually a very typical discussion with most liberals. No real argument other than name calling. All quotes by "Atticafinch"

No thinking person likes Fox News,

If you think CNN is an agent of the left-wing, your perception of reality is a Salvador Dali painting.

Fox News is anti-American. They are the genital warts on intelligent discourse

It won't be long till one of their propagandized feeble-minded viewers makes an attempt on the president's life.

So you conservative anti-progress, right-wing, luddite blowhards can feel good about your shrinking place in this world moving forward?

True, but at least none of their anchors raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

Does it count if your degree is from a degree-by-mail university? All that education and your and you're is still too big a challenge? Whatever.

If you'd like, I can give you entire reading list, but I'm guessing reading isn't something you do too often.

They didn't teach you basic grammar anymore than they taught you the difference between fact, truth and opinion... or how to open a dictionary.

If you continue to try and tell me there is in any way any correllation between Sotomayor and real racism, you've become the biggest single joke on the web

I don't expect you to be capable of grasping the difference, as subtlety has proven to be a characteristic that's thus far eluded you.

Your reading comprehension levels are below average at best.

There is no such thing as "white" heritage other than that existing in racist circles.

See how I numbered your paragraphs for ease of discussion? I don't want to confuse anyone present...

3) There is no substance behind their delivery!!!! Have you been reading along with the rest of the class?!!

Good job picking up on the context clues (hint: also sarcasm).

A history lesson? Cute.

wtf is up with those on the right being incapable of forming complete sentences and grasping basic grammar? It's beyond belief. It's almost as if the intellegentsia of society was handed a lone torch with which to enlighten the world.

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Gary's been an active member of this board for almost 5 years with 2400+ posts, averaging less than 2 posts a day. You however have been here less than 2 months and have already racked up over 500 posts at an average of 11+ per day. By your own admission you state that you were indefinitely suspended from another forum of similar content.

Yeah, I have a lot of downtime at work, and the porn is blocked. So what?

You seem like the type looking for a fight. I'm sure you will argue how I am wrong though.

Well, I'd say I'm actually the type who doesn't back down from a fight. Remember, I didn't start this thread. Reread Marksmu's very first post and tell me seriously that it wasn't a challenge for all those who have the audacity to disagree with him.

Again, good job making this about me.

You think Fox news is not news. You think Sotomayor's statement of being more apt to come to a better conclusion as a hispanic woman, than would a white man is not racist. You post a link to a website accusing a man of rape that provides no proof and then later post a graphic picture of a lynching, all in an effort to prove your point of view.

Nothing more be said. Seriously. We get it. Your point of view has been 100% absorbed and understood by all here.

Considering that's all you got from what I wrote, I can safely conclude absolutely nothing has been absorbed by you. Nice try.

Maybe it's just me, but this thread seems to have become a little too antagonistic. The discussion is supposed to be about the antagonism between the WH and Fox and not each other. angry.gif

It's a common tactic of the Right, one used extensively on Fox. They call someone a bad word, and when that person defends themselves and retaliates with a choice word or two of their own, the person of the Right will say, "Why did you call me a name? I didn't do anything to deserve that. You hurt my feelings. You don't fight fair."

Seriously. Watch Fox News. You'll see this tactic used on a regular basis. They seriously fight like fifth-graders.

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Actually, I believe its when the left wing nut resorts to name calling because they have no facts at all and nothing but rhetoric that the argument is over and the "right wing nut" has won. Here is a short compilation of personal attacks, and pointless statements made for the express purpose of making yourself feel superior. It is actually a very typical discussion with most liberals. No real argument other than name calling. All quotes by "Atticafinch"

No thinking person likes Fox News,

If you think CNN is an agent of the left-wing, your perception of reality is a Salvador Dali painting.

Fox News is anti-American. They are the genital warts on intelligent discourse

It won't be long till one of their propagandized feeble-minded viewers makes an attempt on the president's life.

So you conservative anti-progress, right-wing, luddite blowhards can feel good about your shrinking place in this world moving forward?

True, but at least none of their anchors raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

Does it count if your degree is from a degree-by-mail university? All that education and your and you're is still too big a challenge? Whatever.

If you'd like, I can give you entire reading list, but I'm guessing reading isn't something you do too often.

They didn't teach you basic grammar anymore than they taught you the difference between fact, truth and opinion... or how to open a dictionary.

If you continue to try and tell me there is in any way any correllation between Sotomayor and real racism, you've become the biggest single joke on the web

I don't expect you to be capable of grasping the difference, as subtlety has proven to be a characteristic that's thus far eluded you.

Your reading comprehension levels are below average at best.

There is no such thing as "white" heritage other than that existing in racist circles.

See how I numbered your paragraphs for ease of discussion? I don't want to confuse anyone present...

3) There is no substance behind their delivery!!!! Have you been reading along with the rest of the class?!!

Good job picking up on the context clues (hint: also sarcasm).

A history lesson? Cute.

wtf is up with those on the right being incapable of forming complete sentences and grasping basic grammar? It's beyond belief. It's almost as if the intellegentsia of society was handed a lone torch with which to enlighten the world.

Cry me a river. Did your feelings get hurt? You started this thread with an attack, yet you seem horridly perturbed when I've used your very own tactic against you.

Point proven.

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Cry me a river. Did your feelings get hurt? You started this thread with an attack, yet you seem horridly perturbed when I've used your very own tactic against you.

Point proven.

I guess I miss where I started with an attack - I started with the White House position on Fox is "in my opinion" embarrassing and that the White House is playing Chicago style bully politics. I guess I just am not smart enough to see where that was an attack. You see I can cite source after source where the Obama administration has black listed, cut off or threatened to cut off aid, or personally attacked individual groups that have disagreed with them. The most recent is Fox, but we also have the Chamber of Commerce, Bond Holders who would not be strong armed in the GM/Chrysler bail outs, Health Insurance Companies who warned of increased premiums or reductions in service (threatened long and expensive audits), and individuals of Congress who disagree with the president. Maybe I needed a liberal arts education to figure out that is bullying politics?

You on the other disagreed with my opinion and began personal attacks. My feelings are not hurt by liberal rhetoric, and you have proven no point at all. You make personal attacks, supply no facts (with the exception of Rush Limbaugh quotes) and then you think you have won. Its really quite entertaining.

Edited by Marksmu
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Yeah, I have a lot of downtime at work, and the porn is blocked. So what?

Try actually "working" while at work. Seriously, if you're posting all this at work, there's no way you're being a productive employee.

Well, I'd say I'm actually the type who doesn't back down from a fight. Remember, I didn't start this thread. Reread Marksmu's very first post and tell me seriously that it wasn't a challenge for all those who have the audacity to disagree with him.

Its one thing to disagree with the O.P. with valid points why you feel that way. You've failed miserably to do that. All you've done, as evident by Mark's collection of your posts, is sling mud.

Again, good job making this about me.

Apparently this thread has become more about your post count than you providing anything of substance. This thread would have nothing to do with you had you not posted your rhetoric over FORTY times in thread less five days old!

Considering that's all you got from what I wrote, I can safely conclude absolutely nothing has been absorbed by you. Nice try.

Just look at Mark's collection of all your posts. Nothing but name calling in each one, yet you're the first to continue blaming everyone else for the name calling and their lack of patience for it.

Seriously. Watch Fox News. You'll see this tactic used on a regular basis. They seriously fight like fifth-graders.

How much Fox news do YOU watch for this to be your opinion of them? I can't tell you the last time I turned it to the Fox channel, short of some national breaking news, where news was being reported. Are you spending what little time you don't waste on here while at work watching the Fox news channel looking for their flaws?

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How much Fox news do YOU watch for this to be your opinion of them? I can't tell you the last time I turned it to the Fox channel, short of some national breaking news, where news was being reported. Are you spending what little time you don't waste on here while at work watching the Fox news channel looking for their flaws?

Why bother watching Fox News when you can get prepackaged opinions from any number of bloggers and liberal commentators? It would take way too much time to actually absorb and consider the differing opinions on a great variety of topics and then come to logical and fact-based conclusions that you could then defend with factual citations and references.

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You must be insane if you think Pelosi is a leader. I suppose that you all can go ahead and follow the dumb delicate flower into oblivion.

Actually, Pelosi is a leader. I'm mostly opposed to where she is leading us but the point is the one who should be leading, President Obama, seems to be taking a back seat to the more experienced Washington insiders. To tie this into the thread topic, the administration spends a lot of time worrying about Fox News when you would think they would be leading the way on their agenda.

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Actually, Pelosi is a leader. I'm mostly opposed to where she is leading us but the point is the one who should be leading, President Obama, seems to be taking a back seat to the more experienced Washington insiders. To tie this into the thread topic, the administration spends a lot of time worrying about Fox News when you would think they would be leading the way on their agenda.

They don't spend ANY time worrying about Fox. It helps them save time, because it is one less "news" outlet they have to deal with. I don't see how this time-saving measure keeps them from leading the way on their agenda. If anything, it is a more efficient use of their time not investing or engaging with a so-called media outlet that is going to report whatever the hell it wants, regardless of what is said.

Actually, I believe its when the left wing nut resorts to name calling because they have no facts at all and nothing but rhetoric that the argument is over and the "right wing nut" has won. Here is a short compilation of personal attacks, and pointless statements made for the express purpose of making yourself feel superior. It is actually a very typical discussion with most liberals. No real argument other than name calling. All quotes by "Atticafinch"

No thinking person likes Fox News,

If you think CNN is an agent of the left-wing, your perception of reality is a Salvador Dali painting.

Fox News is anti-American. They are the genital warts on intelligent discourse

It won't be long till one of their propagandized feeble-minded viewers makes an attempt on the president's life.

So you conservative anti-progress, right-wing, luddite blowhards can feel good about your shrinking place in this world moving forward?

True, but at least none of their anchors raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

Does it count if your degree is from a degree-by-mail university? All that education and your and you're is still too big a challenge? Whatever.

If you'd like, I can give you entire reading list, but I'm guessing reading isn't something you do too often.

They didn't teach you basic grammar anymore than they taught you the difference between fact, truth and opinion... or how to open a dictionary.

If you continue to try and tell me there is in any way any correllation between Sotomayor and real racism, you've become the biggest single joke on the web

I don't expect you to be capable of grasping the difference, as subtlety has proven to be a characteristic that's thus far eluded you.

Your reading comprehension levels are below average at best.

There is no such thing as "white" heritage other than that existing in racist circles.

See how I numbered your paragraphs for ease of discussion? I don't want to confuse anyone present...

3) There is no substance behind their delivery!!!! Have you been reading along with the rest of the class?!!

Good job picking up on the context clues (hint: also sarcasm).

A history lesson? Cute.

wtf is up with those on the right being incapable of forming complete sentences and grasping basic grammar? It's beyond belief. It's almost as if the intellegentsia of society was handed a lone torch with which to enlighten the world.

You left off Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer.

Edited by BryanS
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They don't spend ANY time worrying about Fox. It helps them save time, because it is one less "news" outlet they have to deal with. I don't see how this time-saving measure keeps them from leading the way on their agenda. If anything, it is a more efficient use of their time not investing or engaging with a so-called media outlet that is going to report whatever the hell it wants, regardless of what is said.

You would think that would be the case, but instead of laying down the law to the congressional leaders of his own party and getting things done, the President has opted to let Pelosi, Reid, and others in Congress run the agenda. It shouldn't be that hard to do if you've got majorities in both houses of Congress, should it?

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You would think that would be the case, but instead of laying down the law to the congressional leaders of his own party and getting things done, the President has opted to let Pelosi, Reid, and others in Congress run the agenda. It shouldn't be that hard to do if you've got majorities in both houses of Congress, should it?

They're all democrats, they're all working together.

The president gives Congress its budget, its reviewed/changed/edited, goes back to the president for signature.

Been working this way since 1776 or 233 years. I can do math.

...here's a joke for you...

You're on an elevator with Reid, Pelosi, and Bin Laden. You have a gun with two bullets.

What do you do? That's right! Two in Pelosi! Ha Ha!

You folks have a strange fascination with our democratically, democratic, elected leaders...

You need to pace yourselves. You have 7 more years to go...

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Try actually "working" while at work. Seriously, if you're posting all this at work, there's no way you're being a productive employee.

Actually, I just have a really good job.

How much Fox news do YOU watch for this to be your opinion of them?

In an ironic twist of fate, it's the only news channel I get. I only get my MSNBC and CNN fix filled when I'm at other people's homes.

This must be the time of day the FNG is actually working. It's been more than 2 hours since his last post.

FNG? That cannot possibly be one of those derogatory terms that apparently only I'm capable of writing. Oh no, it can't be.

And yes, that's what I was doing. And then I ate lunch. I had pepper steak with fried rice. It was delicious.

I suppose that you all can go ahead and follow the dumb delicate flower into oblivion.

But as for you, you're taking your ball and going home.

I wish I could take credit for that one.

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If it comes to war, I will be with other (I)'s drinking a beer watching y'alls blood pressure increase.

I've been doing this since the 2nd or 3rd post. It's much more enjoyable that way. I'm much happier as a drunken (I) than either of the unhappy, belligerent sides who seem to be only able to see in 2 colors.

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They're all democrats, they're all working together.

The president gives Congress its budget, its reviewed/changed/edited, goes back to the president for signature.

Been working this way since 1776 or 233 years. I can do math.

I'm glad to hear you can handle math. However, it wasn't budget promises that got people in a tizzy about change last November.

...here's a joke for you...

You're on an elevator with Reid, Pelosi, and Bin Laden. You have a gun with two bullets.

What do you do? That's right! Two in Pelosi! Ha Ha!

You folks have a strange fascination with our democratically, democratic, elected leaders...

You need to pace yourselves. You have 7 more years to go...

Personally, I'd put two in Bin Ladin. Pelosi and Reid will be out in just over a year anyway.

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