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SJL Town Halls


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These town hall meetings need:

* Security guards

* Clear rules prohibiting interrupting others

* Clear rules prohibiting "town hall yelling"

* A "town hall yeller" will be asked to stop by the guard

* if a ruckus is caused, the guard will have a piercing whistle that will hurt everyone's ears, forcing them to stop

* A person who repeats "yelling" activities will be photographed, identified, and escorted off of the premises. He/she will be banned from every town hall meeting across the country

The town hall yellers are doing no one...least of all themselves...any favors. By yelling down the speakers and putting falsehoods forward as fact, they have eliminated any discussion of what the reform should include. This is exactly as the lobbyists designed it to work, but once again the American people get screwed. But the yellers are too ignorant to realize that they just cut off their nose.

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These town hall meetings need:

* Security guards

* Clear rules prohibiting interrupting others

* Clear rules prohibiting "town hall yelling"

* A "town hall yeller" will be asked to stop by the guard

* if a ruckus is caused, the guard will have a piercing whistle that will hurt everyone's ears, forcing them to stop

* A person who repeats "yelling" activities will be photographed, identified, and escorted off of the premises. He/she will be banned from every town hall meeting across the country

*Minimum IQ requirements

*Check the dramatic BS at the door

That would solve the problem.

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Here's an interesting read...


The higher I rose in the company, the more I learned about the tactics insurers use to dump policyholders when they get sick, in order to increase profits and to reward their Wall Street investors. I could not in good conscience continue serving as an industry mouthpiece. And I did not want to be part of yet another industry effort to kill meaningful reform.

I explained during the press conference with Rep. Slaughter how the industry funnels millions of its policyholders' premiums to big public relations firms that provide talking points to conservative talk show hosts, business groups and politicians. I also described how the PR firms set up front groups, again using your premium dollars and mine, to scare people away from reform.

What I'm trying to do as I write and speak out against the insurance industry I was a part of for nearly two decades is to inform Americans that when they hear isolated stories of long waiting times to see doctors in Canada and allegations that care in other systems is rationed by "government bureaucrats," someone associated with the insurance industry wrote the original script.

Google "Wendell Potter" to read other interesting articles from him.

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These town hall meetings need:

* Security guards

* Clear rules prohibiting interrupting others

* Clear rules prohibiting "town hall yelling"

* A "town hall yeller" will be asked to stop by the guard

* if a ruckus is caused, the guard will have a piercing whistle that will hurt everyone's ears, forcing them to stop

* A person who repeats "yelling" activities will be photographed, identified, and escorted off of the premises. He/she will be banned from every town hall meeting across the country

Jawohl mein Kommandant

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These town hall meetings need:

* Security guards

* Clear rules prohibiting interrupting others

* Clear rules prohibiting "town hall yelling"

* A "town hall yeller" will be asked to stop by the guard

* if a ruckus is caused, the guard will have a piercing whistle that will hurt everyone's ears, forcing them to stop

* A person who repeats "yelling" activities will be photographed, identified, and escorted off of the premises. He/she will be banned from every town hall meeting across the country

...and no cell phones allowed?

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Were you just as concerned with the Patriot Act?

Sorry, didn't realize this thread was moved. Yes, I was probably more concerned with the Patriot Act. I think it's funny that I have a legitimate concern and all of the sudden it's thought that I'm some Bush-loving pushover. There are some of us out here who don't vote party lines and are actually interested in what the legislation means for our day-to-day lives.

I did have my question about the banking rights answered sufficiently, not by SJL but by one of Waxman's aides. It turns out the language at the section of the bill references language somewhere else (the annotations are missing) that it is in regards to the movement of funds between insurers and providers.

Edited by Hartmann
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