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Guessing Game 11


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Where are we today?


If you 100% know the answer, answer in a way that doesn't indicate you know 100% to allow others to keep guessing for a few days. (Either just state the answer without backing it up. Throw out misleading clues to throw off the others, Etc.)

More pictures will follow as needed.





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Not St. Pauls... that's not to say its not another cathedral in London though.

I'm going to guess Manchester or Birmingham, since those are the only other sizable Brittish cities that come to mind. I also think it's probably in Britain somewhere and not Scotland.

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kinda pushy are we, emirate.

first you insist its london because you took a photo in front of it... then you claim its belfast and take upon yourself to start anew without confirmation, and without being the first person to even answer belfast.. assuming its right.

i know this is supposed to be all fun and theres nothing to stop you from posting your own... but we do have loose guidelines, and your behavior is pretty rude.

Marmer.. since you havent confirmed its belfast.. i'm assuming it's not.

I'm gonna throw Leeds and Liverpool in with my guesses.

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Daniepwils was the first to correctly identify the city as Belfast and the domed building as something possibly other than a cathedral. The domed building is the Belfast City Hall. The building in front of the Ferris Wheel is a former YMCA or other type club, now an office building. The castle is Belfast Castle, former manor home of the Donegalls.

Thanks to my well-traveled friend Robert for the use of his photos.

Edit: The gate posted earlier is into a youth center, along Lagan towpath. Just for fun, here are a few more Belfast photos:

Victoria Square glass dome, as seen from a nearby office building:


Cat mosaic from Belfast Castle:


Looking down Bridge Street toward the Hotel Europa:


Tyrone v Armagh, 2009 Ulster Championship, St. Tiernach's Park, Clones, Ireland


Edited by marmer
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