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Guessing Game 06


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If you 100% know the answer, answer in a way that doesn't indicate you know 100% to allow others to keep guessing for a few days. (Either just state the answer without backing it up. Throw out misleading clues to throw off the others, Etc.)










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Very European...somewhere in either Germany or Austria. the architecture itself isn't as "Bavarian" as typical German cities, so I'd prolly go with Vienna or something in Austria.

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To make this more interesting and challenging, how about the OP post just a picture first, perhaps the one that gives the least clue about the location. Then he progressively reveal the place as members discuss it.

Pretty good idea.

Guess theres no point in continuing this one since half the guesses are already on the money.

Out of curiosity.. which photo(s) gave it away... i searched through dozens, eliminating anything with names or showing the locals.

Congrats to Crunch for getting it first. Tag.. You're in !

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The stadium pic gave it away for me, since I had recently seen that same pic in a story about World Cup construction.

Great shots, though!

Yup! It was the stadium. And, I recall friends telling me that parts of the city were hilly and green.

Oy. Give me some time to think of a city.......

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The stadium pic gave it away for me, since I had recently seen that same pic in a story about World Cup construction.

Great shots, though!

Yup! It was the stadium. And, I recall friends telling me that parts of the city were hilly and green.

Oy. Give me some time to think of a city.......

so, was my fake good?

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...........and? wives and babies? husbands and babies? moving cross country? You won the EU lotto and need a friend to help you decorate the new apartment?

Thanks for remembering me!

No, unfortunately nothing as interesting as wives and babies, nor winning euro lotto! I wish - someone won

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