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places for engagement pictures?

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My best friend and her fiance just bought a house in the Heights and were looking for some cute neighborhood places that they could take their engagement pictures. THANKS!! btw - we arent limiting ourselves to the heights, so if you know of any other places, please do tell.

The photographer is a friend from out of town so he dosent really have any good suggestions.

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Best place I know of is on Grand Parkway just past Hwy.90 in Sugarland. I forget the name of the neighborhood, they have a HUGE front entrance with waterfountains and waterfalls. I can't remember driving by it one time without a photoshoot of some sort going on. LOL! NEW TERRITORY.........that's the neighborhood. So, that would be New Territory Blvd. @ Grand Parkway (99).

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The waterwall by Williams Tower (or whatever they're calling it now) is popular.


There are some nice shots to be had at the Japanese gardens in Hermann Park.


This is one of numerous good backdrops in the area by the bayou by Wortham.


I see people using this place in the museum district too, not sure what its called... http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=29....mp;t=h&z=20

Sorry, don't know the Heights well enough to suggest any there.

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I love my Heights but those other suggestions are better. The gazebo thing between 18th and 19th on Heights is ok, but limits you a bit. Hermann Park has many great backdrops. If you can sneak around Rice and get some stately oak pics while you're there that'd be great.

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