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Hey all. I just got this s30 yesterday. I am trying to figure out how to disable incoming call notifications when the phone is locked.

I remember a guy at work showed me his first generation Instinct and if I remember correctly, his phone was set to not show incoming call notifications when it was locked.

Does anyone know if this can be done on the s30? Any tips, help, or advice is appreciated. If not then I will likely take the phone back and keep looking for a phone with this capability. Thanks!


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Yeah I've asked there too. Nobody seems to know...


After doing lots of research it turns out the Blackberry Bold can do this... it's called bedside mode. When you put it in bedside mode and lock it, the LED will dim, the ringer will not ring, no incoming call notifications will appear on the screen, and the caller will hear the phone ring several times, then go to VM (just as if it were not in bedside mode and you didnt answer the phone).

So far this is the only phone I've found where one can disable the incoming call notifications while the device is locked.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still digging around I it looks like the Omnia (verizon) can also do this sort of thing. Sprint is giving me hassle with my billing right now and if it is not resolved, I just might go with the Omnia.

Plus it's got a lil etrade/stock ticker widget. Nice... even though it might be a little bloated (TouchWiz on top of WinMo) I think it just might have the best of both interfaces.


Edited by LTAWACS
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