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HAIF Mid-Century Modern Photo Contest


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The Idea

To celebrate the love of Mid-Century Modern architecture in Houston and around Texas, HAIF is holding an MCM photography contest, thanks to Houston Mod.

The subject matter is up to you. It could be your favorite MCM house, an historic MCM sign, or even a piece of furniture that catches your eye. You're the photographer -- you show us what you like.

How To Enter

Since not everyone has equal abilities on the internet, there are three ways to enter the contest.

  1. Post your photo in this thread.
  2. E-mail your photo to editor@houstonarchitecture.info
  3. Mail your photo to HAIF, 175 East Delaware Place, Suite 5018, Chicago, Illinois 60611

The Rules

  • The photo must be your original work. It doesn't have to be recent, but it has to be yours.
  • Please, no more than five entries per person.
  • You retain the copyright to the image, however, you grant us the right to display the entries and winning image here on HAIF (how else is everyone going to see it?)
  • Photos must be posted on HAIF, or submitted by e-mail, or postmarked by May 30, 2009.
  • Photos from Houston are encouraged, but MCM design from anywhere in Texas and Louisiana is acceptable.

The Judging

Judging is two-fold:

  1. After the entry deadline, HAIFers will be given an opportunity to vote for their favorite photo.
  2. The top five photos will be referred to Houston Mod, which will pick the winner.

The Prize

The prize is a mid-century modern book, and a membership to Houston Mod, both generously donated by the Houston Mod organization.

So get out there and get clicking. Or dig through your shoebox and show us what things were really like in the middle of the 20th century. Remember, the deadline is May 30th!

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De Menil house - One of the first MCM houses in Houston, and one of the most influential. It seems like the trend here is leaning towards the more artistic side, so this one is in infrared.


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