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Houston Tea Party


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Tea Party not Tea Dance. :P

You know, I've always wanted to host a Box Social at Bayou Bends, but everyone has to dress like it's 1800. Women with those dome dresses, and sir topemhat.

That sounds like a better Tea Party to me.

If they want to protest, why not march in D.C.? Isn't that what normal people do?

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If they want to protest, why not march in D.C.? Isn't that what normal people do?

Marching on DC is really only for super-committed people like radical right to lifers, or lazy poor people without jobs or civil rights and a lot of time on their hands. The Tea Party is more convenient for hard-working tax paying folks with day jobs downtown, that way they can stop by and protest on their lunch hour, then get back to the office to surf the internet on company time.

BTW, I think you're on to something with the costumes!

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That you can make so many wrong assumptions from my two sentence post makes me doubt your ability to grasp the current economic crisis and the best way to confront it. Further, having listened and watched some of the "non-state run media" that you suggest, I have doubts that many of the participants in this party do either. There are no "D"s after my name, and if you have read some of my other posts, you would know that I think Democrats are just like Republicans.

uhm.. sure..

I do not like excess government spending, but I recognize its value during a recession. I also note the hypocrisy of the sudden outrage at deficit spending while you didn't say a word for 8 years. Spare me the lecture and your riot. I know a hypocrite when I see one.

I didn't agree with the deficit spending for the past 8 years any more than I do now.. In fact I believe that is one reason why the R's got pummeled, because they were spending like D's.. I don't notice any of my hypocrisy.. If you could point it out in my comments that would be great. I'm for a constitutional amendment to balance the budget.. but I know that will never happen.. I believe I am and have been consistent..

Government spending in a recession takes money away from people who work.. that does not get an economy going again.. And if you feel government can spend citizen's money better than they can, any short argument made on-line would be futile. It's a philosophical difference, and in my opinion, elitist.

I have a suggestion for a chant at your party. It was inspired by none other than Dick Cheney, your neo-conservative hero. "DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! DEFICITS DON'T MATTER!" You ought to start it up and see if anyone sees the irony.

Nah.. There probably won't be any bra burning either.. fyi, Cheney was not much of a hero to me, thanks.. However he's better than that gaffetastic Biden who can't seem to keep his loafers out of his maw.. There's plenty of comedy to be had there..

PS - I hope my sarcastic tone incites you to attend the party. I really like riots and want pics. :D

I will be late there.. I have a meeting before which I cannot skip.. I'd like to give you credit to my attendance, but, I was already kinda set on it before...

And I don't expect there to be riots.. in fact I think it will be quite dull compared to the FM type protests which occasionally happen.. But if anything interesting happens, I'll try to capture it for ya! Maybe the M-Peach art car will show up!

Cheers! ;)

Edit: If my attachment helps.. the past 8 years were a cakewalk! Not even sure if there can be a proper comparison..


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Government spending in a recession takes money away from people who work.. that does not get an economy going again.. And if you feel government can spend citizen's money better than they can, any short argument made on-line would be futile. It's a philosophical difference, and in my opinion, elitist.

Could you please explain what this means and why it is true? Most importantly, can you cite any respected authority who agrees with you? I certainly agree that a citizen can spend his money well on plastic trinkets and TVs, but not on infrastructure for the common use and good. I think we've bought enough TVs and pink cell phones. I'd like to see us rebuild a few roads, bridges and railroads.

Oh, and not the elitist part. I actually rather enjoy being called that. It suggests that I look with disdain upon simplistic statements and arguments like 'out of control', and frankly, I usually do.

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Could you please explain what this means and why it is true? Most importantly, can you cite any respected authority who agrees with you? I certainly agree that a citizen can spend his money well on plastic trinkets and TVs, but not on infrastructure for the common use and good. I think we've bought enough TVs and pink cell phones. I'd like to see us rebuild a few roads, bridges and railroads.

Oh, and not the elitist part. I actually rather enjoy being called that. It suggests that I look with disdain upon simplistic statements and arguments like 'out of control', and frankly, I usually do.

Yeah, privately-owned infrastructure doesn't seem to have much popularity in the political realm, so for the moment at least, consumers cannot directly invest in most infrastructure. That doesn't mean that it always has to work that way. You mentioned railroads. Kansas City Southern is about to complete the reconstruction of a new (previously-derelict) route between Houston and Mexico; the Chronicle discussed it yesterday. A few years ago, a Mexican company began upgrades to the South Orient Railroad between Fort Worth and a city on the Pacific coast of Mexico to bring it back into heavy use. And if you've driven around the state very extensively, there are several other places where whole rail lines have been reconstructed with new rails and concrete ties. Certainly there are aspects about these kinds of projects where government participation is required, but clearly the government doesn't need to always lead the way. That was a 19th century tradition, and its a shame that we've allowed it to more or less die out. There are some kinds of infrastructure (typically that which is politically-neutral) in which consumers can invest in, some more directly than others: muni-bonds on water districts/airports/roads, debt or stocks of power grid operators (like Centerpoint), debt or stocks of Oil/LNG/Products pipelines, debt or stocks of railroad companies, and I'm sure that I'm missing others.

I'm a big fan of public private partnerships where government's purpose is to set and enforce baseline standards and clear a reasonable legal path for infrastructure companies to come in and perform the work, and where those companies recoup their expense by collecting user fees. To the extent that government needs to encourage a whole lot of infrastructure projects to happen all at once, they can do so very simply by making debt available to infrastructure companies at below-market interest rates. States and localities can participate in such programs as well, either as standing policy or temporarily. Then more projects can be afforded and are undertaken, all without as massive of a long-term impact to government budgets.

As for the elitism comment, the word should be retired from the dictionary. Its common use is too vague to convey meaning.

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It was just a moderate-sized contingent of perhaps two hundred white people of all age groups, three black people (two of whom looked to be event sponsors and one of whom was a speaker), and one Elvis impersonator. The mix ranged from Libertarian to Republican to Populist, and the reason for the gathering was indeed unclear among them. I witnessed two heated arguments break out within the crowd over immigration. Most people seemed to believe that government is actually in control and were just pissed off that they were taking the wrong direction. I didn't see many indications that people were cognizant of the stated purpose, and it seemed like the Young Republicans more or less co-opted the event as a recruiting opportunity. There were a few nutjobs in costume that showed up, but they didn't make a big impression on the majority of the crowd, who were as square as square could be. On the whole, it was not very interesting. I was hoping for more hysterics.

My camera's white balance is easily screwed up, so many of my photos didn't come out very well. I'll sort through and post some of those that did work later tonight.

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Zippy.....Red is just kidding, he will be at the Rally. He will be dressed as THIS guy.



Niche: Yeah.. I kinda felt like that as well.. Too much recruiting, not enough substance..

However, it was a good turnout for being so disorganized.. Most people are volunteers and not paid rent-a-mob thugs like the left has.. They're new at this, I think it will get better with time.. They've got 4 or (zeus help us) 8 more years to focus.. gotta start somewhere.

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Thanks for the report Niche. I've been looking all over the interwebs for some coverage but have not found any.

What was presumably one of the local news stations took video of one of the costumed people shooting his mouth off. There may be something somewhere about it later tonight, but really it just wasn't very newsworthy. The organizers did a crappy job at organizing. If I had been in charge and had even a small staff working on this for a full week, there would've been a better media plan (before/during/after), the crowd would've been several times that large, and speakers would've more effectively engaged the audience with facts and logic rather than inflated platitudinous rhetoric.

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What was presumably one of the local news stations took video of one of the costumed people shooting his mouth off. There may be something somewhere about it later tonight, but really it just wasn't very newsworthy. The organizers did a crappy job at organizing. If I had been in charge and had even a small staff working on this for a full week, there would've been a better media plan (before/during/after), the crowd would've been several times that large, and speakers would've more effectively engaged the audience with facts and logic rather than inflated platitudinous rhetoric.

Unfortunately your political event-planning career won't last long too, Niche. Crowds are not engaged by facts and logic. Crowds want rhetoric, and, optimally, a Bud Light tent nearby.

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Could you please explain what this means and why it is true? Most importantly, can you cite any respected authority who agrees with you? I certainly agree that a citizen can spend his money well on plastic trinkets and TVs, but not on infrastructure for the common use and good. I think we've bought enough TVs and pink cell phones. I'd like to see us rebuild a few roads, bridges and railroads.

Then you pay for it then.. I don't have a TV nor a pink cell phone.. I'm trying to save enough cash to send my kids to school and pay my mortgage.. but for some reason the good all caring government thinks that taking 40% of my paycheck, and giving it to people who don't do anything in their lives to better themselves, or give my money to a banker who gave a substantial donation to a candidate to keep their faulty business continuing until the next election cycle. I'm still waiting for a "Thank You" from the person in front of me at the grocery store when they check out with a Lone Star Card..

Actually.. I do agree that roads, bridges, and railroads would be a fine investment.. Infrastructure and security is all the fed needs to help fund. Anything else, should be directed via the state.. Concentrate money and power in DC, the less accountable they are..

EDIT: Oh, you want a "credible" reference? How many? http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/FDR-s...ssion-5409.aspx

You can't spend your way out of a recession/depression..

Oh, and not the elitist part. I actually rather enjoy being called that. It suggests that I look with disdain upon simplistic statements and arguments like 'out of control', and frankly, I usually do.

No wonder you're a lawyer..

What was presumably one of the local news stations took video of one of the costumed people shooting his mouth off. There may be something somewhere about it later tonight, but really it just wasn't very newsworthy. The organizers did a crappy job at organizing. If I had been in charge and had even a small staff working on this for a full week, there would've been a better media plan (before/during/after), the crowd would've been several times that large, and speakers would've more effectively engaged the audience with facts and logic rather than inflated platitudinous rhetoric.

If you can do it better.. please do..

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Unfortunately your political event-planning career won't last long too, Niche. Crowds are not engaged by facts and logic. Crowds want rhetoric, and, optimally, a Bud Light tent nearby.

Rhetoric must be laced with potent facts and reason in order to grab and maintain attention. You don't have to use precise facts, you don't have to use airtight logic, and you can't expect that all of the audience is going to agree with you on every little thing, but you do have to make the audience think. If you can't make them think, even a little, then you aren't engaging them and the crowd goes flat. Look at stand-up comics, political satirists or talk radio hosts for cues on effectively working an adult audience. They can blow smoke out their asses 90% of the time but they have to base their humor in reality.

Beyond achieving and maintaining attention, the speaker has to be perceived as genuinely liking the smell of his own brain farts, and as having the confidence that the ideas would work and the optimism that they are achievable--but not as just a partisan hack with ambitions of one day heading the RNC.

But probably more important than anything would have been achieving better PR (before/during/after)--which could've been done for free--and more effectively reaching a target audience that would be receptive to the message.

Crunch, you're definitely right about one thing: empty rhetoric demands empty calories. There were none.

If you can do it better.. please do..

Pay me.

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EDIT: Oh, you want a "credible" reference? How many? http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/FDR-s...ssion-5409.aspx

You can't spend your way out of a recession/depression..

I suppose you figured that I would not read the press release. Those two economists did not state that government spending prolonged the Depression. They specifically singled out anti-competition and pro-labor policies. And, it is two economists. Contrast that with the thousands of economists who favor increased government spending to thwart the downward spiral of unemployment and reduced private spending.

Contrary to your apparent belief, I do not automatically reject ideas proffered by conservatives or the GOP. Actually, I am still waiting for them. I look forward to them. But, they never arrive. Even you have not put forth a coherent suggestion to combat the deepening recession, merely rhetorical phrases like "40% of my paycheck" (you really need a new accountant), and "you can't spend your way out of a recession". Frankly, we need ideas, and conservatives and Republicans are not forthcoming. So, until they are, I will hope that Obama has surrounded himself with bright enough people to do the right thing. I know that in the near term much of this will not bear fruit, and may even look like a failure. But, I know for a fact that doing nothing is a recipe for disaster.

This tea party is symptomatic of the GOP today...disorganized with no apparent message, and no ideas. It should not surprise you that I am not listening to that.

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This tea party is symptomatic of the GOP today...disorganized with no apparent message, and no ideas. It should not surprise you that I am not listening to that.

While I readily agree with your criticism about Republicans, it is interesting to speculate what will become of them. As it stands, they are only a group of misfit obstructionists. I'm not clear that a true political party exists. But nature hates a vacuum. Whether the Republican Party is able to reform itself or a successful faction splinters off and gains traction, something big has got to change within about the next one to seven years. Will the political parties become capitalist vs. socialist, atheist vs. religious, populist vs. libertarian, or something else altogether?

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Unfortunately your political event-planning career won't last long too, Niche. Crowds are not engaged by facts and logic. Crowds want rhetoric, and, optimally, a Bud Light tent nearby.

Yep, that's why everyone is at the cook-off. ;):D

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I showed up towards the end, got bored and walked around. Those sound things next to the Hilton are trippy! And I have to say, the tiny hill in the east corner is not a good hill to roll down. There are sidewalks on every side, and if your wearing basketball shorts, there is no way to stop yourself.

After I came back everyone left and I ventured towards the back of the stage where a bunch of characters were still there. My favorite was the Texas flag shirt man with a cart and homemade flag on a broom stick. It has Obama's logo with "666" in the middle. He was still yapping away at one curious woman.

Another guy had an American flag shirt, and had two of the yellow "staff" stars over his nipples. There was a sign next to the computer area that said "HRR" Harris County Republican something.

Boo for the Tea Party. No wonder McCain didn't win, these people were a joke. And beware of clumsy children by the outdoor seating.

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  • 2 months later...

"I'm still waiting for a "Thank You" from the person in front of me at the grocery store when they check out with a Lone Star Card.. - Zippy"

zippy, this statement might otherwise be disappointing to me personally except for the fact that i deal with this variety of ignorance on a daily basis. i too do not have a pink cell phone, do not believe in credit cards (paid them off 10yrs ago) or any other useless materialistic waste of good money. i'm cash & carry, recycle, worked all my life, achieved my college degree and raised two sons as a single professional parent. i also might be the person in front of you in line using a lone star card as i also take care of my son, aged 23yrs who has been critically ill for over 5 years. didn't attend any tea parties as i found the message to be fragmented and the event astro-turfed. if this was your thing more power to you, and i hope it was everything you were looking for. myself, i spent april 15th with a group of volunteers serving high tea at various old folks homes, and placed a box of lipton tea in my local red barrel - tea is nutritious, antioxident rich and often unaffordable to anyone suffering loss of income or otherwise down on their better financial days. seeing bags of tea dangling from hats and signs, not to mention stomped into the dirty grounds was a sight i found disturbing and repulsive - the sight of children holding signs reflecting their parents politics, mainly concepts they are not age-appropriately developed to comprehend also was unsettling and in my opinion in poor taste. these same parents could have simply given their children american flags to wave or signs that were patriotic, like "i love america", incorporating their presence into a family-oriented event without the exploitation. no doubt you could go to rallies run by liberals and find equally disgusting displays of inappropriate behaviour, but my guidepost is "2 wrongs do not make a right" and each individual is responsible for his/her actions. my brother is a beck "912" disciple, i had to enlighten him about what is obviously a false concept about "bottom feeding, lazy welfare queens" as the obama model using my situation as an example. i asked him to think about mikey on medicaid and other govt assistance, our grandmother who recently passed in a nursing home on medicaid with alzheimers while grandpa was a decorated WW2 navy vet, and our parents who worked all their good years, paid off a home and now subsist on social security and medicare. meanwhile, many americans have no problem running up the plastic, deferring to corporate welfare, filling up landfills with plastic and obsolete computer components, while opting out of the political process like sheep by not challenging elected officials who squander responsibility of their offices. the entire "entitlement" derangement is perhaps the most falsely perpetuated fantasy, citizens who qualify for assistance must be up to 300% below poverty level, not average income. recertification is required every six months, medicaid recovery law assigns a lien on any property upon death (goodbye grandma's old frame house) and to add insult to financial injury, every person unhappy with their situation, career or feels life is "unfair" is compelled to pass judgment at any time in the grocery store line, doctor's office, even metro bus or rail. i'm always interested to learn what motivates this behaviour so feel free to enlighten me if you have the time.

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^Hear hear! And welcome back to HAIF!

thanks, i've been lurking a bit but could not help myself after catching up on topics:) i'm open minded yet definitely opinionated, this time i vow to show restraint!

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