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Almeda will turn out to be dead and a figment of Jack's addled brain. He is acting rather ghostly and mysterious.

Yeah, I agree with HarrisCountyEx, Tony is alive, can't be a ghost, he's been interacting with people.

Hopefully that was meant for sarcasm.

This is not a the "Sixth Sense" 24 style.

Doesn't seem like there has been any closure with her part.

Exactly, they kept her alive for a reason. If not this season, then season 8, the supposed last season, or at least the movie.

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Well, having watched the series since the beginning, this particular season has been rather interesting.

I figured they could have wrapped up the kidnapping rather quickly (jack style), but this new twist has me wondering of the was just something staged for something bigger.

would be hard to believe two separate conspiracies can be in play at the same time (unless your name is "rammer").

Do ya think the female Fed is really toast for the season?

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Yeah, I agree with HarrisCountyEx, Tony is alive, can't be a ghost, he's been interacting with people.

Hopefully that was meant for sarcasm.

This is not a the "Sixth Sense" 24 style.

Exactly, they kept her alive for a reason. If not this season, then season 8, the supposed last season, or at least the movie.

Not sarcasm as much as hope; I find this season to be more ridiculous than ever so I'm sort of hoping they just go whole-hog on the absurdity. Ghosts, aliens, whatever. One more stupid inter-office romance and I may give up on it.

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Do ya think the female Fed is really toast for the season?

If she kisses Jack, then yes.

Everything he loves goes to hell.

Also, having Rene and him share an intimate moment would be so stupid considering the circumstance and time frame. So if it does happen, she deserves to die. ;)

One more stupid inter-office romance and I may give up on it.

Yeah, Jack and Rene are getting set up for something, unfortunately.

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I guess if Michelle shows up we'll know he's losing it. That would be such a lame storyline - uncreative.

The presidents daughter might be Jacks new love interest, ala Audrey. There is some reason they pulled her from her life of obscurity (other than her wounded father). She and her mother must have serious issues.

I liked seeing Aaron - did he and the presidents wife get together?

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So for this weeks 2 hour dose of 24, all I can say is: damn... I wont go into the spoilers, if you saw it you know... and next week looks even better. I'm glad to say that in my opinion, the new 24 is feeling like 24 should feel. Unbelievable twists and turns, just like the good ole days.

I guess if Michelle shows up we'll know he's losing it. That would be such a lame storyline - uncreative.

The presidents daughter might be Jacks new love interest, ala Audrey. There is some reason they pulled her from her life of obscurity (other than her wounded father). She and her mother must have serious issues.

I liked seeing Aaron - did he and the presidents wife get together?

Aaron and Martha Logan did get together... before she stabbed her ex-husband, President Logan... I think maybe Aaron had reconsidered that relationship after that little incident.

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Just watched the two hour episodes. Wow. Glad to see agent Walker acting like a Bauer protege. I'm getting tired of the "to interrogate by torture or not to interrogate by torture" issue that keeps arising. I wanted to kick the Generals teeth in when he slapped Madame President. Now I know what purpose the presidents daughter served in the script (should have seen that coming). What's Tony doing? Figured out if Jack likes you, he'll just put you to sleep instead of killing you.

Can't wait for the next episode!

Edited by HarrisCountyEx
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I could have sworn he was in that 2 hr. movie that came out before the season started, in Aftrica. I'm wondering what is on the ship that Juma threatened to blow up. Maybe that's the answer. He must have ties to the White House because he seemed to have paved the way for those guys to storm it.

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I could have sworn he was in that 2 hr. movie that came out before the season started, in Aftrica. I'm wondering what is on the ship that Juma threatened to blow up. Maybe that's the answer. He must have ties to the White House because he seemed to have paved the way for those guys to storm it.

That sounds right... I think I remember him from that movie, too.

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I could have sworn he was in that 2 hr. movie that came out before the season started, in Aftrica. I'm wondering what is on the ship that Juma threatened to blow up. Maybe that's the answer. He must have ties to the White House because he seemed to have paved the way for those guys to storm it.

thx for the memory jogger. he was well in touch with the coup too. maybe supplying arms.

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I'm so mad one of my favorite characters bit it last night (don't want to spoil for anyone who hasnt seen it). Is the president's daughter good or bad? Is Ethan bad? Some of my friends thought he was bad from the beginning but he managed to hide it well if he is. I think Hodges must be a senator or someone really close to the White House. Jack's on the run again!!

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Is Ethan bad?

Some of my friends thought he was bad from the beginning but he managed to hide it well if he is.

from the first 4 episodes, they played him as bad....but really haven't brought it up again.

Edited by musicman
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Am 2 weeks behind... really sucks having to avoid this thread...

La-la-la... not listening...

Sorry, I know I've had to avoid this thread and conversations at times. We're so busy during the week we usually have to catch up on weekends. I'm still wondering when Chloe and her counterpart Janis (?) are going to do battle - you know it's coming.

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Man, I'm going out of town for the next two weeks and will probably miss the next two episodes. I'll definitely going to have to avoid this thread till then...

And from the way Aaron spoke about Martha Logan, sure sounds like she must have killed herself?

That episode was amazing, always a huge shock right before you get a silent clock.

EDIT: And if you missed the last two weeks then you missed 3 episodes... but you get to have the pleasure of watching them all at once hopefully. Sometimes I wish there was a way I could erase in my mind what I've seen of 24 so I can go back and watch all the seasons again and receive that same shock and awe like I did the first time around... if only there was a way

Edited by Geoff8201
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I'm so mad one of my favorite characters bit it last night (don't want to spoil for anyone who hasnt seen it). Is the president's daughter good or bad? Is Ethan bad? Some of my friends thought he was bad from the beginning but he managed to hide it well if he is. I think Hodges must be a senator or someone really close to the White House. Jack's on the run again!!

Well dagnabbit, I thought it wasn't on this week. I missed it.

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Spoiler ahead... do not read if you havent seen the 2 hour episode from early March.

Almost caught up last night.. was up till 2 watching the 2 hour episode and the one after. Wow.

Thats the 3rd boss Jack has seen die... yet really didn't see that one coming. And the Silent Countdown at commercial.. *sniff* gets me every time.

the 2 hour episode was great television but the ease and manner by which the white house was infiltrated was quite a stretch.

Everyone who reads Clancy-esque books knows the Tidal Basin in DC is heavily monitored by sonar and mines and ninja dolphins... no way was that a legitimate way to attack.

Still.. it was a exciting episode.. so whatever.

Still one 24 behind...

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Jack is getting deeper and deepter, I am sure he now has senator Blaine included in his murder spree.

Weird that Tony finally appears again in next weeks episode.

They are using that character so frugally this season.

Why is he not around now?

This hour by hour character use is silly. Tony should have at least talk to Jack last night.

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  • 4 weeks later...
So things got interesting... even more so.

Besides Jack's exposure and his current condition, what is up with Tony?? Which side is he really on??

I dunno, I think Tony still on the good side. He does not care for the government, but he still loves his country. He won't do anything bad. It's going to be another twist. Larry Moss was nothing to him.

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  • 1 month later...

So, wow. The end comes to a very good season! Way to leave it on a cliffhanger about Jack and Rene. I think we all know how the Jack's situation turns out, but the fate of Rene, Tony, President Taylor, and the character Will Patton plays (forgot his character's name) are all up in the air as far as where season 8 goes with it.

24 is by no means done, and they almost had me believing this season would end in a silent clock. Overall this season is one of the best and I'm glad it didn't drone on like ending of season 5 and how most of 6 did.

I'm glad 24 continues on... on an off topic side note I watched the series finale of Prison Break and it had a good ending as well. I'm glad that show wrapped up. Everyone got the ending they deserved except Michael unfortunately.

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