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Houston's Best Jukeboxes

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Aw, I was going to say La Carafe. Warren's too. Not really sure why they bother hating on The Tavern. Its one of those internet dealies where you can play a huge amount of music. Granted, a lot of garbage gets played, but at least you can hear something you really want to hear.

Edited by kylejack
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Lola's had a pretty good jukebox - or at least a surprisingly good jukebox. Wonder if it was considered. All the others are good choices, too, though.

I tried to sign up to comment on the Houstonist post, but the confirmation link didn't work either time I tried. Hope someone else will note that La Carafe - as great a place as it is - is not the oldest bar in town, and has never claimed to be. It's a very good bar in the oldest commercial building in town. Old, too, but not the oldest. (As some of y'all know, this was a minor obsession of mine for a while. And that I ultimately said my vote goes to Leon's, but with the caveats noted.)

[EDIT: Never mind, I finally got the sign-up confirmation to work and commented.]

Edited by tmariar
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So sad when they switched to the new internet-enabled jukebox. Those make Baby Jesus cry. :(

I can appreciate that traditional (non-internet-enabled) jukeboxes make a statement about an establishment and its clientele, but not all internet-enabled jukeboxes are created equal. Many of them enable filters which prevent certain genures of music from being selected; others just have a very limited selection.

Best I've found so far is in one of the dive-iest (is that a word?) bars in Houston: Cousin's. Where else can you find Lambert, Hendricks and Ross, Blossom Dearie and the Sex Pistols?

Makes for an exciting playlist. :D

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la carafe was at the top of my list too. also have enjoyed the jukebox at chapultapec, very eclectic. there was an awesome selection at the jukebox at daiquiri factory/sliders (don't remember which). it had nine inch nails, new order.....numbers/power tools music.

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We don't really go out that often anymore. We did used go to the Kelvin Arms quite a bit, and I always liked their jukebox. If we go out now, it's usually to Hans' and while there isn't a ton of stuff that I'd play from the default selection, I'm always able to find what I want if I switch to the internet bit. It's lame that those songs cost more, but hey - at least I can play them. ^_^

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