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President Obama's Inauguration


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Anyone at HAIF going?

My family bought tickets up to Philly for the Sunday before (and driving into Baltimore for the first night to visit relatives, then into DC the next morning) Tickets were (then) $200 cheaper than just flying into DC.

It's really expensive now. Most planes (from Houston at least) to Richmond, Virginia, Dulles, Washington-National, Baltimore-Washington, and Philadelphia airports are all completely booked (basically) for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday now. The three Washington-Baltimore area airports all have prices of at least $800 per ticket (which is what it cost for my entire family of four total). Prices went through the roof quick.

Glad I got mine. ;)

And for your viewing pleasure:




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$800? I just punched HOU-DCA into Cheaptickets and got $409 including taxes. You have to change planes in Dallas, though.

While there appears to be a small premium because of the event, I think you're getting quoted $800 because you're not staying over on a Saturday or Sunday, so you get to pay the businessman's penalty.

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$800? I just punched HOU-DCA into Cheaptickets and got $409 including taxes. You have to change planes in Dallas, though.

While there appears to be a small premium because of the event, I think you're getting quoted $800 because you're not staying over on a Saturday or Sunday, so you get to pay the businessman's penalty.

What?! I was using Expedia and Continental's website. What dates were you using?

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It is still on January 20th, isn't it? Even if you don't stay a weekend day I don't see the premium.

IAH-DCA on United in on the 19th and out on the 21st is $539 with taxes.

IAH-DCA on American in on the 19th and out on the 22nd is $332 with taxes -- pretty much the normal fare.

If someone quoted you $800, it's time to get a new travel agent.

Prices start at $295:


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Tickets went way up by the way. I guess they're still expecting four million people:

Security officials are also working overtime this week sorting out logistics for what's believed to be the largest security operation ever for an inauguration. Thousands of extra police officers, federal agents and troops will be on hand when Obama is sworn into office as the country's 44th president.

With an estimated four million people expected to show up on what could be a cold winter's day - meaning they'll be bundled up in heavy clothing - security officials concede the challenges are immense.

"We expect a large crowd and one of the biggest that we've ever had to deal with," Sgt. Robert Lachance of the U.S. Park Police said in an interview Tuesday.

Due to the sheer magnitude of the crowd, Lachance said it would be impossible to frisk everyone in attendance and to check their bags and knapsacks.

"We're not going to have traditional security checkpoints but we are going to have a large amount of officers highly visible to the crowds, and we'll have plainclothes people among the crowds keeping a close eye on what's going on," he said.

"There will be a lot of security that people will never even see and will never even know is going on, due to us having so many plainclothes officers in the crowds and other measures that we can't divulge. But the welcome mat is out, and we want people to be able to take part in this inauguration."

There will also be mounted police officers surveying the crowds and cameras mounted in countless elevated positions along the parade route.


I'll be the one waving.

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Anyone at HAIF going?

Trae, I actually could go, and it looks like I would actually get a really good seat. Look at what I just got in the mail, literally 5 minutes ago. I can't believe they waited until this late a date to send this out.


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Well what are you going to do with your ticket? ;)

There's a little more to it than just showing up with that piece of paper in your hand. I think it also came to me because of who my brother-n-law is. As Red suggested, I would actually give it to you Trae, if you could actually use it, but I think it is pretty cool myself, and will be putting it with my Grandfather's letter signed by President Nixon thanking him for his years of service with the Army Medical Corps.

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