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Retail Secrets Revealed

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When I was younger I worked at a restaurant as a busboy that will remain nameless since they are still in business. Under strict orders from the manager I was trained to remove the dinner plates from the tables and then "sort" them in the backroom. Now I'm not sure if this sort of stuff still goes on but in the backroom there were several gray rectangular tubs.

In one went uneaten meat, in another untouched rolls, in another untouched potatos and in the last untouched fish and shrimp. The cook would grab the rolls, spray a little mist on them and heat them up a bit to be good as new. The shrimp would be chilled again, potatos reheated and the meat reheated. That place did a fairly brisk business so the turnover was quite fast but I would always wonder about if this roll or that shrimp had been through the ringer 3 or 4 times.

Perhaps this was quite common back then because I still remember the maids at Kolter elementary sitting by the garbage cans that would segregate the trash into paper/plastic products, general food and meat. I won't even speculate as to the why of the sorting. But some of those low paid maids were rather plump.

Every single former and current employee, had to be in on that, and that's why I a bit sceptical of your comment. Why not name the restaurant? If you're telling the truth, you have nothing to loose.


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