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Kindergartner Voted Out By Students


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No matter what the circumstances, this "vote" was inappropriate. If the teacher felt overwhelmed, she should have had the child simply not come back. She should not talk behind the child's back at all.

Edited by VicMan
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No matter what the circumstances, this "vote" was inappropriate. If the teacher felt overwhelmed, she should have had the child simply not come back. She should not talk behind the child's back at all.

Well said. This is not an issue of autism. This was just plain vile. It would not surprise me if Wendy Portillo is being subjected a lot of harassment, which befell Lori Drew.

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So special needs kids go to normal school?

Is this a Florida thing?

No, in Pasadena ISD we had "special needs" kids in our classes, at least in elementary school. We called them retarded then, but they were in class with us. There are two kids in particular in my classes that I recall being what I called "retarded" at the time, but looking back, maybe they were autistic?

This would have been in the late 70's and early 80's.

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In some school districts the "special" kids in regular classrooms are also accompanied by an adult (some kind of teachers aide) to help them out and keep them from disturbing the other kids.

Yeah, in our classes that adult was called the TEACHER! Of course, we never had disturbances by any of the kids, "special needs" or not. We had a healthy dose of respect for the paddles that were wielded by the Principal and Coaches. (And of course we learned at a young age that the paddles had holes drilled through them to decrease wind resistance and increase the "pop" in the "pops")

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THis is nowhere near "vile" but simply a product of ineptitude. How is it that anyone could be voted out of a classroom? This is the first I've heard of this. Democracy is fine but sometimes little kids aren't the best judges of character.

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Yeah, in our classes that adult was called the TEACHER! Of course, we never had disturbances by any of the kids, "special needs" or not. We had a healthy dose of respect for the paddles that were wielded by the Principal and Coaches. (And of course we learned at a young age that the paddles had holes drilled through them to decrease wind resistance and increase the "pop" in the "pops")

...a slight howl is heard in the distance.

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  • 2 months later...

This is simple racism at its absolute worst. Black teacher targeting a white student. Had it been a white teacher doing this to a black child, it would be easier for everyone to see. Why is it okay to demean people who aren't Black nowadays?

Another example: Don Imus gets nearly lynched for saying nappy-headed hoe but Rev. Wright can racially attack Italians and Jews without a murmur of indignation.

What. Is. Up.

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The state attorney's office concluded the matter did not meet the criteria for emotional child abuse, so no criminal charges will be filed.

Then what does and what kind of procedure is this where someone is able to vote someone out of a class, special needs or not? I will contain myself as far as what I would call the teacher.

edit: I am just reading some of you guys comments and this still does not justify this lady's actions, and Toggle spare us the headache. Many people can look at this situation and not see race at all but a human issue and the fact that this was probably the first thing you thought of says a lot. PERIOD.

Edited by WesternGulf
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Then what does and what kind of procedure is this where someone is able to vote someone out of a class, special needs or not? I will contain myself as far as what I would call the teacher.

edit: I am just reading some of you guys comments and this still does not justify this lady's actions, and Toggle spare us the headache. Many WHITE people can look at this situation and not see race at all but a human issue and the fact that this was probably the first thing you thought of says a lot. PERIOD.

when you are beat over the head by black "leaders" that can see racism in an astronomy phenomenon or in the name of different cakes sometimes you have to go ahead and toss it right back in their face when you are handed the chance to do so.......this time seems as good as any

if the race of the child and teacher were reversed I would be 99.99999% positive it would be a racial issue and the lawyers would be out in droves along with all the usual racial rabble rousers....nothing will change at this point until white people stand up and toss it right back at them......trying the give an inch approach has lead us to the point that some black "leaders" are so stupid and stuck on race that they think cake names and black holes are racist......when will it end

the fact that you would try and pretend there is an extremely low chance race would not be an issue if the races were reversed says how far your head is stuck in a hole.......period

and it also says a lot about how we got to the point that cake names and black holes have become racial issues

Edited by TexasVines
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