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A morning in Tampa

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  • 1 month later...
wow, that's not so bad for hotels and bank buildings. My only experience of Tampa is the airport.

My understanding is they have a pretty big sprawl and traffic issue?

If they do, I didn't see it, but I've only been a couple of times; and those times only between the airport, downtown and out to Saint Pete Beach. I don't think the city has any more sprawl than anywhere else in Florida -- meaning lots of run-down one-story abandoned-looking older homes overrun by palm trees and then pockets of prosperity here and there.

As for traffic, I didn't see any of that, either. But the freeways were plenty wide, suggesting that during rush hours they're needed. They were about the same as Houston freeways in terms of width and construction.

the bldng with the 'e' logo which im guessing is embassy suites

well, i wish the downtown one will turn out something like that

Yeah, it's an Embassy Suites. Seemed like a really nice one. I used the Starbucks in the lobby, and it seemed really nice. Kind of changed my opinion of Embassy Suites.

Did you get a picture of the Gandy Bridge? I went to school with a girl whose grandfather designed the bridge. At least that was what she claimed. Her last name was Gandy and she was from Tampa, so go figure.

I did, but didn't know it until I just looked it up online. It's not much of a bridge, just a causeway really. Like a baby version of the Lake Pontchartrain Bridge.

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