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Why Can't We Get A Theatre That Plays Intl Movies?

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I wish there was a theatre in Houston where we can see International movies and I don't mean just Indian movies!

There are some films up in Canada that never come down. My friends in Canada are raving about "Phil the Alien" and yet it won't make a U.S. debut! The movie was at the Toronto Film Fest


I would love to see global movies here in Houston!!!

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One of my favorite places ever in H-town is the Aurora [www.aurorapictureshow.org] and the screenings at The Axiom for the www.microcinema.com if memory servers.

The AlamoDraftHouse far out Highway 6 way occasionally have some good ones, but not at all as International and ecclectic as the Alamo in Austinland.

The Aurora is having another Media Archeology coming up in late Mar. or April, which was a laugh riot last year.

See ya there!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Between Angelika (downtown), River Oaks, and Greenway, we get a pretty good inundation of "art-house" films, particularly ones that get wider critical acclaim at the national / international level. Sure it could be better, and we certainly don't see the variety of films as other large U.S. cities (i.e New York), but we still get much more exposure than many, many other places in this country.

And if an "International movie", i.e. indie flick, is popular enough, it may even pop up at a few multiplex theaters like Dunvale.

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You mean Bollywood 6 on Hwy 6 @ Westheimer doesn't do it for you? :P You know, I think the indie movie scene is just like the indie music scene - regional. Imagine how many movies are made each year. It would be nearly impossible to give each movie screentime. Even if the AMC30 @ Dunvale only played indies all year long, I still don't think they would even be able to show 10% of all movies made in North America.

It would be nice though.

LMAO!!! Bollywood at Hwy6@Westheimer!!! and imagine Houston and Dallas fighting for Air India!

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If there's a particular nation you're interested in seeing films from, contact their consulate. Sometimes they have monthly screenings of films from thier country. Usually only 20-30 people show up, so there's no screaming babies or people talking to the screen.

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MFAH just had a film series called Modern Mexican Cinema.  I got to see three of them.  Good movies, and pretty big crowds, so I think there's some demand there.

Yes, I wanted to make it down there and see some films in that series, but unfortunately I missed it. MFAH does a great job showcasing lesser known eclectic films, and they get a pretty strong turnout of knowledgable filmgoers in attendance. Speaking of Mexican film, one of the hot young filmmakers from that country had a film chosen as an "Official Selection" at Cannes this year. Carlos Reygadas's film entitled "Batalla en el Cielo" (Battle in the Heaven) received fairly positive reviews.

And, regarding the Bollywood Cinema 6, are their films subtitled? I think it'd be fun to check out the place, but I don't speak Hindi...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, I wanted to make it down there and see some films in that series, but unfortunately I missed it.  MFAH does a great job showcasing lesser known eclectic films, and they get a pretty strong turnout of knowledgable filmgoers in attendance.  Speaking of Mexican film, one of the hot young filmmakers from that country had a film chosen as an "Official Selection" at Cannes this year.  Carlos Reygadas's film entitled "Batalla en el Cielo" (Battle in the Heaven) received fairly positive reviews.

And, regarding the Bollywood Cinema 6, are their films subtitled?  I think it'd be fun to check out the place, but I don't speak Hindi...

Dont know about Bollywood Cinema 6, I have been to some place in some part of town( I think it was somewhere in south-southwest Houston) a couple of times. The movies I have been to have all been subtitled( dont know Hindi either). The movies I have seen have been fun. They are typically 3 hours long (intermission halfway through)

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  • 2 weeks later...

THe biggies were hit by most folks above, and I'd note that the Houston Press has done a better job lately of listing many of the foreign films each week. More are out there than you might think, you just have to dig. We could start a subforum for films, to list those that people know of???


Ciao, and Hook 'em Horns,

Capt-AWACS, Veni, Vidi, Bibi

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