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Most Important Factor When Voting For President


For you, what is the most important factor when choosing our next president?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. For you, what is the most important factor when choosing our next president?

    • Economy
    • National Security
    • Abortion
    • Gay rights
    • Environment
    • Nomination of Judges
    • Tort Reform
    • None of the Above
    • Getting rid of Bush
    • Hair

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I think National Security is important. However, I think our economy is directly tied to our National Security. So.....I think both! Without a strong economy we can not afford programs to keep our Nation Secure (the armed forces, research for new fuel alternatives, border patrol, education, paying off the national debt, health care) . In other words, how can you seperate the two. One thing I am certain of, We have not found any terrorist linked to 911 in Iraq. We have pushed Afganistan to the back burner. We have not found Ben Lauden. We have not secured our borders with Canada or Mexico. We have not reduced our reliance on foreign oil. We have not reduced our deficit. We have created very few jobs with the tax cut. We are paying more for our gas...electricity etc. I know I do not feel secure physically or economically at this point. The two issues can no longer be seperated. We need a physically conservative president who knows how to spend our money wisely and when to cut taxes and when to explaine now is not the time to cut taxes and why. I happen to think our National Security policies are full of pork belly spending... We are in the wrong country to attack terror.....Now is not the time to cut taxes. Return America to its former strength, both economically and militarily. Vote wisely in November. Me, I am still voting for Kerry. President Bush, as well meaning as he may be, has, in my opinion, has failed on both measures.

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It's not listed as an option, but I think the Supreme Court should be a big issue as well. There are several that are set to retire during the next presidency. I'm going to vote for Bush, and I like national security. But I'm realistic. The war in Iraq and the war on terror will not change no matter who is in the Oval Office.

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I view national security as the most important issue. Kerry said he wants to fight a more sensitive war on terror -- as if Al Queda will be impressed by our softer side.

Like that dude said "What are we going to fight with, spitballs"?

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I can't believe people actually think that the economy is the most important issue. In fact, I can't believe they think it's an issue at all. Remember how the government isn't supposed to be involved in the economy pretty much beyond taxes? I sure do. Stop the big governement candidates before they turn us into a socialist nation.

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Exactly. People whine about things waay too much these days. We don't want the government to be socialist. People should learn to stop begging for services and free handouts, and then, they don't want to pay for them.

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The US has been a mixed economy for a very long time now because we recognized the value of having a large middle class. We won't ever be rid of poverty in this country, although we need to sustain it in order to keep the streets of Houston from looking like the streets of Calcutta. I'm sure you will never face the economic hardships of the homeless, the working poor, and those on welfare because you've lived in places like Sugar Land, Richardson, or the Woodlands for all of your lives, but I wouldn't casually dismiss the value of programs like WIC or CHIP, just because you will never need them.

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It's not listed as an option, but I think the Supreme Court should be a big issue as well.  There are several that are set to retire during the next presidency.  I'm going to vote for Bush, and I like national security.  But I'm realistic.  The war in Iraq and the war on terror will not change no matter who is in the Oval Office.

That's under the "nomination of judges."

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It would be as bad as the budget of the state of Texas. I really believe it is much worse than we are being told. It looks like Rick Perry wants to turn all the interstates into tollroads - so instead of pinching pennies, he'd be generating revenue without having to call it "taxes".

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Nice work.  Maybe you shouldn't have used equal signs, because last I checked, that "equation" is false.

So explain it to us then. You can't. Your age is really showing. What are you? 19, 20 years old? That usually equals "don't know squat." I guess it's hard for you to understand because if you're short on cash, you get it from your parents. The government can't do that without going into debt. The "equation" I posted is not partisan idea. It's just the way things work. Do a little research on the last Texas budget.

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Gentlemen, please it's keep it simple and relevent to the situation.

let's not bring the moderators into this. we all know what kind of nazi's THEY can be. :)

Urbanlandscape, you had a point when you responded to deepsouth...why don't you get to it.

Everyone else, please....keep to the subject.


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