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Opening reception for Houstonist.com's juried exhibition of Houston photos is this Saturday at M2 Gallery in the Heights.

A few HAIFers, Jax and myself, are among the 39 photographers to have our photos on display.

All the works are excellent, so I urge anyone interested to come on out Saturday night and have some fun.

And if you can't make it out Saturday, the show runs for a month, so feel free to pop by anytime.

*If there are other HAIFers in the show that I don't know about, by all means make yourself known so those of us there can stop by and say Hi on Saturday. *



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d'oh - the print edition of the HP apparently says the reception is Friday instead of Saturday

but it IS on saturday


Something about reading 7-10p 9.8.07 must be tricking people's eyes..

I've had a few people that i sent the invites to read it wrong and plan for the wrong night.

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Yah.. that was fun.

Jax, good to meet ya finally.

I recognized a few other faces from Flikr.

Boris, i saw lots of goofy mexicans.. sorry.

Question: Upon what categories, if any, is the show juried?

An independent jury, composed of painter Ellen Orseck, photographer Kathy Adams Clark and Executive Director and Curator of the Houston Center for Photography Madeline Yale, chose about 60 photographs for the exhibition from more than 200 submissions of both professional and amateur photographers.

You'll have to ask them. There was no theme for this show other than it needed to show pictures of Houston.The UH article above mentions that Houstonist wants to make this an annual thing and in the future they may narrow it down to portraits, architecture, nature.. etc... all within Houston of course.

Edited by Highway6
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Yeah, I didn't get to met anyone except Jax, and even that was really quick, like a half a second. We got there about 8:45 and there were about 100 people inside and it was really happening; seemed like everyone knew each other. We didn't know anyone so we just got some wine, looked at the photos real quick and went to have dinner at YaYa's. I'm not too good in crowds.

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I'm not too good in crowds.

i'd have to agree with boris.

I would fault the gallery owners for not spreading out the pics for the opening so they would be accessed easier and then go to the current configuration for the remainder of the showing. the back of the place was dead and that would have been a perfect place to extend the photos.

this would have alleviated the crowded feeling no doubt.

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