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Michael Vick


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Stop wasting Michael Vick's time? Anyone who kills for fun should have their head nailed to a wall. I can't believe there are people who see Vick as a victim.

God this is a sick world. No wonder I'd rather be around my dogs instead most people.

Not that it matters, but you lost my respect forever Deut. Dogs are intelligent, emotional, feeling animals. And they should not be born to suffer just so you and Michael Vick can get your rocks off. Go watch boxing or something when you get bored and need to see some living creature experiencing pain. At least those idiots put themselves in harms way.

But people hunting deer for fun is right? I am not an evil or bad person. I dont agree with what Vick did I was just saying why are people acting liked killing animals for fun does not happen every day. Having a beautifual Black Lab myself I would never wish anything like this on a dog! So how dare you say I like watching dogs die. You dont know me so dont judge me from one post. You might not respect me but I respect myself and I will stand up for me! I dont let people talk down to me at school or at home and I wont let it happen here! I cant say Vick is a bad person because I dont know him or what he has been through, and it is not my place to judge him. I just cant understand why people who kill animals think they have the right to judge him. It does not matter which way you kill the animal it is all the same, KILLING. I like to eat meat(never killed an animal though) and I know that someone had to kill the cow before I could eat. What I am saying is I cant send some one to jail for killing animals when I have a full rack of ribs in front of me, or when someone has big deer head in their den yelling at vick for being an animal killer. That does not make any kind of sense in my little world. Vick is paying his dues so why waste time on him when you can spend it on looking for rapist and drug dealers running lose in the streets. I read the bible and it says "He who is without sin cast the first stone". I wonder why I did not say what I thought in the 1st post people are just so judgemental and rude!

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You just remember that everyone who participated in this discussion has viewpoints that range all over the political spectrum, but when it come to pets we unite. This isn't your typical anti rail/demoing old buildings or the anti war movements, All Americans Love There Pets.

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What a hateful person you are.KARMA will get you.I hope so anyway ,in my opinion people like you have no RIGHTS to even state opinions as ignorant as this.PEOPLE ARE MAJOR WORRIED about the homeless situation,they better be worried about a evil person like you also. I feel pain in my chest when I SAY things like that. I truly feel so sorry for you and your ignorance. However, I HOPE when you face your maker that your penis is shriviled like a piece of nothing .just how your posts are

This quote is more hurtful, stupid ,and so far from the truth than anything you thought I said from my post. I am a strong Christian and I know for a fact that he says treat your animals with respect ,and I know if God is for me than who dare be against me. So I know this post above wont come true. Good things happen to me because I help other who are in need. My parents told me from a young age to give before you get. I dont go around hurting people for no reason. Attack my post but this post by LMG is O.K. I made my inference on his post and sounds to me like he hopes that Karma kills me. What am I missing here? Take a look at yourselves before you say things like LMG stated. I fell more sorry for him because they would post somthing like that. I will pray and hope that your are not really that kind of person. Marty no disrespect to you, I dont need to remember anything cause I did not attack any ones viewpoint like many did mine including you. If it sounded like I was disrespecting your view I apologize. I am going to stand by what I said. I am not going to change what I think just beause some people jump all over me. You push them off get up and keep going. Peace.

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O.K. Deut, I believe you when you say you don't enjoy watching dogs die. For god's sake I WANT to believe you. And I understand your point about killing is killing. But killing for food is one thing. Killing for sport is another thing. But making sure that a dog's final moments are agonizing torture all for the sake of entertainment is pure evil right down there with the worst crimes in the book.

Sure, I would outlaw all hunting in this country if I had the power. And I won't defend it, but some forms of killing are worse than other forms. Sure the result may be the same in the end, but dogs slowing bleeding to death in front of a group of cheering morons sure sounds like unimaginable horror to me. There is a slight difference in killing for nurishment and killing for recreation or pure greed.

Vick IS a bad person. I guess he has the right to try and redeam himself and change in the future but NOTHING that ever happened to him in his life or anyone's life could justify killing a dog for sport. Dogs are not deers or ducks or cows. They are family members. I know some people treat dogs in higher regard than others. And I admit I treat my dogs better than many people treat their children, but I'm surprised a person with Black Lab (one of the best breed of dog in the world) would ever say "stop wasting Vick's time.

To me that's like someone saying stop wasting Charles Manson's time. I mean, it's not like his crimes ever effected me. And the are some people who have murdered more people than he did. Saying that we shouldn't focus on Vick's crimes because there are worse crimes going on is like saying we shouldn't worry about someone who murdered 5 people, because we should just concentrate on capturing murderers that are responcible for killing 10 people. Some people need to be taken off the street. Dog fighting is just as bad as raping and drug dealing as far as I'm concerned and only a little less evil than killing people. At least people who deal or use drugs have or had a choice. These dogs don't. They are bred to suffer.

I can't imagine what I could ever say to someone who could supports Vick's actions (not saying you do Deut, I just think your a little misguided at the moment). Most people (thank god) have a higher set of ethics when it comes to animal cruelty and you probably better choose your words very carefully when talking about Vick to people face to face. Your safe on the internet, but people LOVE dogs like others love their children. And you wouldn't want to be making any excuses for people who strangled a child to death for the fun of it.

This has to be the single TACKIEST topic I've ever responded to on the internet - I'm done with it. Where are those pesky Dallas guys who I love fighting with when I need them. They keep my venom focused on light-hearted issues unlike this topic. The Houston Texans whipping must have scared them off for a while.

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Duet, you have totally missed the point here. If you thought you were eating a hamburger made from a cow, and then Michael Vick walks into the room and says, "HA HA SUCKA, I killed your Labrador because he wasn't a good fighting dog, and now you are eating him !", would that make him a bad person to you ?

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I share the same disgust with Mr. Vick's crimes as many of you. I am quite happy that he will most likely go to prison and see his privileged career jeapordized, not for a bad choice, as his defenders would call it, but for a bad lifestyle.

It saddens me, though, that many of the same people who think Mr. Vick should receive harsh punishment for his crimes, who protest loud and long over the cruel killing of dogs, will defend the following actions with equal vigor:

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Two things about this whole Vick situation really bother me. First, I love dogs and cats and own some. I would never want to see them harmed. However at the same time I am a hunter and hunt deer, water fowl,game birds, and a lot of other furry little creatures if so inclined. When some one says "why is everyone so upset at Vick? I mean people kill deer." Weak, weak, weak arguement. Bottom line difference, one is legal, the other one is not. That is the first thing that bothers me about this whole incident.

Secondly, Vick is a professional athelete that works in the entertainment industry. Yeah all you hard core sports fans heard me right, I said professional sports is nothing more than entertainment. As such image plays a major role in his marketability and value as well as his atheletic ability. What idiot in the US today does not know that the one sure fire way to piss off 80% of America is to have it known you actively participate in fighting dogs? Now your limited God given talent is football, and because of this you are given millions of dollars to play football and the opportunity for a life and income that is above 99.9% of the people in America and you piss it away by getting involved in with dog fighting. Should I have sympathy for you? No your stupid!

The last arguement I heard was that other atheletes had done worse, like attempted murder, or vehicular manslaughter, or assault, or wife abuse, etc, and they still get to play sports. Yeah well don't think I'm gonna excuse their activities and go after Vick alone. Those guys are idiots to and they should be kicked out of their sports as well. I don't know about you but if I get convicted of most of these crimes, or get caught using illeagal drugs (sometimes for the second and third time) I would loose my job, period. These idiots get multiple chances and most of those chances are even guareenteed in the players agreement. No one cries fowl when the average working stiff gets fired for the same offenses.

So to Michael Vick (as if he cares) I hope you never play another down of football in your life, because you had the world on a string and were to damn stupid to understand it.

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“(The abortionist) delivered the baby’s body and arms - everything but the head. The doctor kept the baby’s head just inside the uterus. The baby’s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, his feet were kicking. Then the doctor stuck the scissors through the back of his head, and the baby’s arms jerked out in a flinch, a startled reaction, like a baby does when he thinks he might fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening and sucked the baby’s brains out. Now the baby was completely limp.”

Isn't that a partial birth abortion? Isn't that action illegal? Also, CDeb, where did that come from? Who made the post?

I don't agree with partial birth abortions, but I wouldn't characterize most abortions as being like the one described above.

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Isn't that a partial birth abortion?


Isn't that action illegal?

For now. It's still sad how many people defended it with the very same vehemence that they denounced Mr. Vick.

Also, CDeb, where did that come from? Who made the post?

It comes from testimony by a registered nurse before the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 17, 1995..

I don't agree with partial birth abortions, but I wouldn't characterize most abortions as being like the one described above.

I guess it depends on which end of the forceps you are.

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I guess it depends on which end of the forceps you are.

.......or what your belief of WHERE life begins is. I would characterize what you typed as a murder Cdeb, NOT an abortion, but the letter of the law says otherwise. Doesn't mean the law is always right.

All these dogs were already completely OUT of the womb and grown up. Abortion has no correllation with what Mike Vick was doing though.

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It was a mere illustration of selective outrage. We are all guilty of it at times.

I couldn't agree more. I also agree that your concern is of much greater importance than what criminal acts the Vick gene pool is guilty of on a day to day basis. People like to see their celebrities fall from their pedestals. Where as we see doctors as HEALERS, and thank them for "SAVING" us from our transgressions and forgive their short comings when we are in dire straits.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm watching the Saints/Falcons game tonight in Atlanta and the camera keeps showing fans with #7 VICK jerseys on, as well as signs & banners in support of Michael Vick.

Am I missing something? Is this not the same guy that was found guilty of dog fighting? The same guy that denied it, and then later admitted to it only in hopes of lightening his punishment?

Why is there such a bandwagon for this guy? He consciously chose to be cruel to dogs and was proven guilty of it. What am I missing?

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