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How did you lose weight?


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My mom lost a lot of weight by doing what her doctor told her. He said to avoid all white foods. Sugar, and starches. And he said to be sure to read the labels on all food for the sugar content. Do not eat anything over 5 gms of sugar. I was shocked when I read the labels on juice, ketchup, spaghetti sauce and a bunch of other stuff. her doctor also said to avoid fruits with too much sugar like bananas, watermelon, cantalope and strawberries. Mom went from 185 to 148 in 3 months. She looks great.

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to avoid fruits with too much sugar like bananas, watermelon, cantalope and strawberries.

This is what puzzles me? Everyone says those fruits are good for you? I hope apples and oranges/grapefruit arent in that category or I will starve.

PS, whenever a waiter asks me if I want bread or rolls I say "No Thanks".

By the way, I hope you are doing better. :)

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to avoid fruits with too much sugar like bananas, watermelon, cantalope and strawberries.

This is what puzzles me? Everyone says those fruits are good for you? I hope apples and oranges/grapefruit arent in that category or I will starve.

PS, whenever a waiter asks me if I want bread or rolls I say "No Thanks".

By the way, I hope you are doing better. :)

Her doctor said it was better to eat an orange that it was to drink orange juice. Grapefruit are very good for you and not much sugar. Apples are great but only if you eat the peel along with the good part. He said to eat all the veggies except potatoes, corn, sweet peas and carrots. Eat all the beef, seafood, chicken and pork you want. Dont touch any bread except for 100% whole wheat. No multi grain. And, Egglands best eggs are high in omega 3 and are very good for you. I went on this diet and started loosing belly fat right off the bat. After 2 weeks I had to get new pants. but... I went back to bad habits and gained some weight back. But, at least I know theres a sure fire way to lose weight and not starve myself. And when I decide to get some willpower again I'll do it. yes, I'm doing better, thanks for asking. :D

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My wife and i starting body for life a month ago and already our clothes are fitting loser and we feel better and lighter than ever.


we dont buy any of the supplements, just pretty much adjusted our schedule as follows.

M - Sat - eat 6 small meals a day (plenty of fruit and home cooked food) , exercise 20 minutes a day. Weight train three days, cardio 2 days.

Sunday - free for all, anything goes. although you'll find that your stomach actually shrinks after a few weeks and you cant pig out quite like you could before...

its hard at first to eat that many times, but once you get in the groove, you get used to it..

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My experience was that the old "take the stairs, park farther away" advice is a waste of time. For weight loss, you need to have your heart rate elevated for at least 30 minutes every day and an hour or more is better. For all practical purposes, unless you are way out of shape, walking will not achieve this unless you walk uncomfortably fast. Any exercise you get may be beneficial for muscle tone and metabolism, and strength conditioning is certainly valuable, but don't count on that for weight loss.

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Strawberries are terrific and extremely low on the glycemic index, as are blueberries. Canteloupe and watermelon rank highest; bananas are a bit high but not like melon.

All fruits are good for you--if you're of a a normal weight range. If you're overweight, fruit is like any other sweet--best in moderation, or not at all, until you get your weight down to a manageable level.

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Is anyone doing/has done the preservative filled diet that is Nutrisystem?

We have all seen these commercials, with Don Shula, and the girl that is happy to be called the "Trophy Wife", and the other one who says her, "Husband think she's hot!" now.

I heard the food is super dry!

Edited by Pumapayam
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weighed 168 this past winter and started walking and eating right and got down to 151 by may but started slaking off walking (mainly becuase of the heat) and drinking cokes and am back up to 156. need to get back on track becuase 140 is my goal.

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weighed 168 this past winter and started walking and eating right and got down to 151 by may but started slaking off walking (mainly becuase of the heat) and drinking cokes and am back up to 156. need to get back on track becuase 140 is my goal.

156 IMO is not bad at all? I dont know of your age but I think thats just about a-ok and I assume your a guy? 140 are you going for the Karen Carpenter look?lol :lol:

also Puma mentioned some of these low calorie drinks and how they do make you dry mouth, etc. I used to try stuff like Slim-fast just for kicks and I did find it was like eating chaulk afterwards.

On a side note, I knew an older gentleman I once worked with and he got seriously ill from trying Slim Fast.

He had to be rushed to the hospital because he claimed it screwed up his liver or kidneys somehow. It was scary so he said he stopped. I understand those drinks affect people in differant ways, just like anything else I suppose?

I also heard years ago (mostly women) used to take under-the-counter drugs like speed to lose weight. I am not that desperate and wouldnt know where to score anyway!lol

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Does anyone know the pitfalls of eating Chinese food?

I have always worshipped and love almost every variety of Asian food there is. I have heard about MSG and whats so bad about it?

I also heard that SOY SAUCE is loaded with salt thats why you get so cotton mouth after chowing down. Take away my Chinese dishes and I jumpeth out thy window.

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Does anyone know the pitfalls of eating Chinese food?

I have always worshipped and love almost every variety of Asian food there is. I have heard about MSG and whats so bad about it?

I also heard that SOY SAUCE is loaded with salt thats why you get so cotton mouth after chowing down. Take away my Chinese dishes and I jumpeth out thy window.

real chinese isn't bad. it's the americanized dishes that are bad. lots of sugar too.

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Does anyone know the pitfalls of eating Chinese food?

I have always worshipped and love almost every variety of Asian food there is. I have heard about MSG and whats so bad about it?

I also heard that SOY SAUCE is loaded with salt thats why you get so cotton mouth after chowing down. Take away my Chinese dishes and I jumpeth out thy window.

I'll eat Chinese as a cheat meal, but not during my diet times. I guess the healthier options are steamed rice (though starchy, has complex carbs, which are good), lots of veggies, and chicken. You absolutely have to stay away from the batter-dipped foods and heavy sauces!

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Does anyone know the pitfalls of eating Chinese food?

I have always worshipped and love almost every variety of Asian food there is. I have heard about MSG and whats so bad about it?

I also heard that SOY SAUCE is loaded with salt thats why you get so cotton mouth after chowing down. Take away my Chinese dishes and I jumpeth out thy window.

Chinese food here in America is loaded with cornstarch, sugar, and salt.

MSG is short for "Monosodium Glutamate" or glutamic acid. It is a food additive and popular as a "flavor enhancer", especially in Chinese food. It creates crummy side effects in a lot of people--headaches are the most common complaint.

Soy sauce is the least of your problems when you are eating chinese food--but I'd use it sparingly, anyway. The sodium content is insane-- 1 T. has roughly 1000 mg of sodium.

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Guest danax
I am also an insulin-dependent gestational diabetic so I *really* have to watch my carbohydrate intake, and how I eat them as well (combining carbs with proper fats). I have some other issues, PCOS, Thyroid disease, random girly things, stuff you guys probably don't wanna know about. ;)

Anyway, that's how I lost weight....and how I plan to do it again after baby #2 is born! :)

It sounds like you're well up on the insulin info. I think the main problem isn't carbs but refined carbs, that enter your bloodstream fast and act like sugar, causing an insulin surge.

I think if anyone can avoid all food with flour or sugar, and go light on sweet fruits, they'll get down to their body's natural and healthly weight, and will avoid diet-caused diabetes. I know it sounds almost impossible for a lot to not eat flour of sugar but it's easy once you're used to it. Then, you can treat yourself once in awhile and no harm is done.

A good source of related info is m' man Dr. Mirkin.

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Last evening we went to Luby's.

As I started at the beginning of the line here is what they had.

Fried chicken, fried fish, fried okra, chicken fried steak, mashed potatos/heavy gravies, roast beef, various soups, the reall killer at the end the desserts.

I was trying to get something healthy and it was like almost down to ZERO choice. Even the rolls looked scary. I got one wheat roll in hopes it made me feel better.

What are they trying to do to us? Guess it's all about making $ to heck with your health. :blink:

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Last evening we went to Luby's.

As I started at the beginning of the line here is what they had.

Fried chicken, fried fish, fried okra, chicken fried steak, mashed potatos/heavy gravies, roast beef, various soups, the reall killer at the end the desserts.

I was trying to get something healthy and it was like almost down to ZERO choice. Even the rolls looked scary. I got one wheat roll in hopes it made me feel better.

What are they trying to do to us? Guess it's all about making $ to heck with your health. :blink:

Reminds me of an episode of that 'get kids healthy' show that Shaq does ("Shaq's Big Challenge"). In one of the episodes, they redid the menu at a school cafeteria in Florida so that it was actually healthy food. The cafeteria workers complained it would take too long to prepare for so many kids, and the kids themselves would rather throw the food away than eat it. Good nutrition starts young and we are definitely losing the battle.

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Reminds me of an episode of that 'get kids healthy' show that Shaq does ("Shaq's Big Challenge"). In one of the episodes, they redid the menu at a school cafeteria in Florida so that it was actually healthy food. The cafeteria workers complained it would take too long to prepare for so many kids, and the kids themselves would rather throw the food away than eat it. Good nutrition starts young and we are definitely losing the battle.

Dude, the next time you go to the grocery store. Take a glance at what some families are carrying in their shopping carts.

It's not uncommon to see a cart with about 3 cases of 24/pk sodas, 24pk Budweiser/beer, numerous packages of pork and loaves of white bread & bakery type bread with tons of sugar. Check out what the kids tagging along look like. All over weight and looking porkly years ahead of their time. It's a sad scene.

The parents trot along as happy as can be. How can they not see a diabetic child even before they hit 15? They are only hurting their own off spring. I can only see the kid looking back 15-20 yrs later and wondering why the parent didn't heed the warnings & try to deter the serious health issues.

The signs are every where. There are no excuses.

On a happier note, I always have been drinking water for years instead of other drinks that are not good. I alway buy case of water and gallons extra for emergencies. Water, water, water. :)

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My mom lost a lot of weight by doing what her doctor told her. He said to avoid all white foods. Sugar, and starches. And he said to be sure to read the labels on all food for the sugar content. Do not eat anything over 5 gms of sugar. I was shocked when I read the labels on juice, ketchup, spaghetti sauce and a bunch of other stuff. her doctor also said to avoid fruits with too much sugar like bananas, watermelon, cantalope and strawberries. Mom went from 185 to 148 in 3 months. She looks great.

How much excercise did she have to do?

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I went from 232 to 178 Lbs. I quit drinking sodas and stop snacking every 15 minutes, I started with the HEB fully cook burgers that you get in a bag for about 9 dollars just three a day, then I started a subway/submarine sandwich diet that I made myself two times a day, along with walking, riding a exercise bike and lots of sweating while still enjoying a good Coors Beer not the light.

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I am a member of 24 Hour fitness and their basic premise is that you must take in less calories than what you expend. Simple math.

Easier SAID than done.

Indeed. One pound of fat is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories. So a person has to expend 3500 calories more than are consumed to loose one pound. Running a 12 minute mile (5mph) burns approximately 115-125 calories depending on a person's weight.

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Indeed. One pound of fat is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories. So a person has to expend 3500 calories more than are consumed to loose one pound. Running a 12 minute mile (5mph) burns approximately 115-125 calories depending on a person's weight.

True, but you have to eat alot of crap to make that pound. Easiest thing is look at things that arent processed....the less man has done with it, the better it is for the most part. Frozen vegetables and frozen chicken breast are a staple with me. Fast food is a treat for weekends. I do cardio for 20 min every other day...I also take supplements, I am 40 and the older you get the harder it is. You may want to mention it to your dr. and see if he can give you anything

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True, but you have to eat alot of crap to make that pound. Easiest thing is look at things that arent processed....the less man has done with it, the better it is for the most part. Frozen vegetables and frozen chicken breast are a staple with me. Fast food is a treat for weekends. I do cardio for 20 min every other day...I also take supplements, I am 40 and the older you get the harder it is. You may want to mention it to your dr. and see if he can give you anything

You were talking to me and giving me advice? I was merely pointing out how much energy one has to expend to burn off 3500 calories, the equivalent of one pound. Thanks for your advice, but I don't need guidance about diet or exercise. I have never eaten fast food. I don't take vitamins or supplements, but get all the nutrition I need from eating a well- balanced diet. I don't smoke, drink alcohol, drink soft drinks--diet or regular- don't eat any prepared or processed foods, make everything from scratch, run 8 miles a day 3 times per week, swim 1 mile and lift weights 3 days a week. I am also quite a bit older than 40; in fact, I have a son who is not that much younger than 40.

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