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Katy ISD At It Again


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I dont know what happened

Clearly you don't know what happened. What's confusing is why you've chosen to waste bandwidth to demonstrate your complete ignorance involving the incident.

Understand you dont know all the facts.

Ah...no words better spoken...if only they had come from the mouth of one that knew better. Go get your facts straight and then come back. It's become rather tedious to have to explain in single syllables local events that are already reported in local media.

Edited by nmainguy
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Thanks for the replies. Again, I do not know what her punishment should be...neither does anyone posting here. The school administrators, student and parents are the only ones involved...and they are able to make the best decision.

Some want all punishment the same for an offense, and some want it MOLDED for the students behavior (past and present). Either way the district will be said it is too harsh or "not fair".

What "due process" was she deprived? What "free speach" was she deprived?

Note: Before going to law school, read the opinion you sighted ("Goss v. Lopez (1975)). The students (in Ohio at the time) had NO right to appeal the suspension under the law, that was the opinion of the USSC on lack-of-due process. Also, she is not being suspended from school (like the students in your case), she will continue to be educated at KISD. The Texas Education Code provides for appeal to the central office and then if not satisfied to the Board of Trustees (school board).

Limitations are set on due process and free speach, and if you read the third to last paragraph of the majority opinion of your case, you will see the limitations explained.

Again "public school district, as government institutions, are required to allow for due process, free speech, etc" is NOT a factual statement. Public school districts have leeway "to promote orderly administration of school activities".

One thing I have learned is that claiming some constitutional flaw, without actually understanding the law is a rather difficult obstacle to overcome. You all do seem to already be great lawyers though, blame everyone else.

My complaint, from the beginning, is that everyone wants to jump on the school district for acting to harsh, when very few know all the events that took place. Maybe there is more to the story...

Good luck VicMan, PM me if you got anything else, I may have a little constitutional law background for you to learn.

Otherwise I am done talking about this, have fun.

Edited by charris911
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My complaint, from the beginning, is that everyone wants to jump on the school district for acting to harsh, when very few know all the events that took place. Maybe there is more to the story...

Otherwise I am done talking about this, have fun.

You are right charris, YOU really shouldn't speak on subjects to which you have no knowledge of, as is obviously the case here.

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I just read this and as a survivor of KISD (specifically Mayde Creek schools) I can tell you this type of thing has been going on for more than 20 years !

I was suspended in my senior year and had to get a lawyer to be able to graduate. What did I do that was so heinous ? Well I wrapped a band teachers house one night with a group of friends -> keep in mind this was completely on my own time off school property and in the wee hours. KISD is AWFUL in the way they treat students. One good thing though, from the picture in todays Chronicle of the girls 'boyfriend' is that they no longer have the ban on long hair for boys.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyway, I looked up the paragraph posted here and I found this thread on the Snopes forums: http://message.snopes.com/showthread.php?t=3407&page=2

I was reading the latest about this story on the Chron.com, and I thought how TRUE this one Soldier's outlook about it is. I wanted to share it with you guys. I don't think it is his thoughts, mind you, I want to say I have read this elsewhere before, but he took the time to write it or paste it, so I pasted it from him.

"In_This_Twilight wrote:

SCHOOL 1976 vs 2006

Scenario: Jack goes quail hunting before school, pulls into school parking

lot with shotgun in gun rack.

1976 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car

and gets his shotgun to show Jack.

2006 - School goes into lock down, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and

never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized

students and teachers.


Scenario: Mark and Johnny get into a fistfight after school.

1976 - Crowd gathers. Johnny wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up

best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.

2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge

them with assault, both expelled even though Mark sta rted it.


Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

1976 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by the Principal.

Returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. Tested for

ADD. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.


Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.

1976 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

2006 - Pedro's cause is taken up by state. Newspaper articles appear

nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation

is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and

Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curri culum. Pedro given

diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he cannot speak



Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from 4th of July, puts

them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.

1976 - Ants die.

2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic

terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers

confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed

to fly again.


Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee.

He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary hugs him to comfort him.

1976 - In a short time, Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She

faces 3 years in State Prison. Johnny undergoes 5 years of therapy"

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  • The title was changed to Katy ISD At It Again

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