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Marvin Zindler dead at 85

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do you work in a hospital?

No, not even close. But I've known several people in the last few years who seemed perfectly healthy one day and woke up feeling really bad the next, and then found out they had this disease. All of them were dead within 6-8 weeks. It is one of the deadliest cancers you can get, and it kills very quickly.

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No, not even close. But I've known several people in the last few years who seemed perfectly healthy one day and woke up feeling really bad the next, and then found out they had this disease. All of them were dead within 6-8 weeks. It is one of the deadliest cancers you can get, and it kills very quickly.

I think Steve Jobs (Apple, Inc.) had a bout with it (pancreatic cancer), but appears to have beat it for now.

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I'm 28 yrs old so I pretty much saw the guy on TV since as long as I have been watching. Actually, my mom used to tease me about how I was always trying to say "slime in the ice machine" when I was just starting to talk as a toddler. Anyone who lived in this town long enough lost a family member today. This is very sad indeed. :(

The city should do something like put a bronze statue of him in front of city hall that will stay there forever. I just don't want him to be forgotten or just remembered as a consumer reporter. He was so much more than just a reporter. The man was part of what makes Houston be the Houston we know.

RIP Marvin you are a LEGEND!

Edited by LarryDallas
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How sad. I was on the phone with Dad when the 10:00 news was coming on. I didn't have the TV on but Mom and Dad did at their place and I heard him say "Did Marvin Zindler die?" as 13's 10:00 newscast was starting. I'm still watching the tribute on delay on my DVR. Like many others, I feel like a sense of loss, simply because he has been a fixture on TV since before I was born. I have memories of making fun of his "MAAAAARVIN Zindler, EYE-WITNESS NEWS" sign-off when I was just five or six years old. I saw Marvin once at Niko Niko's a few years ago and said hi to him, and it was almost like meeting a Hollywood celebrity. Eyewitness News just won't be the same without him, and Houston has lost a real champion for the less fortunate.

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As I was perparing to begin viewing the ABC 13 10pm Newscast, They showed a picture of Marvin and it read 1921-2007. I was speechless and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It's almost like it wasn't real. I was not expecting Marvin to die. I just knew he would fight it out. I have been watching Marvin and ABC 13 News since 4th Grade. I will most definately miss watching him on the air. No one will ever be able to replace him. The nearly 1 hour long Tribute to him was an Extroadinary, Tremendous presentation by Dave Ward, Gina Gaston and the ABC 13 Team. I wish Marvin's Family Peace during this tough time.

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Marvin Zindler will never be replaced...the way he does his stories...the way he looks on camera...the kinds of stories he does...he is a Houston institution...a household staple across Texas...

I can recall regularly tuning in Friday nights to watch Marvin's Rat and Roach Report, and oddly enough some of the places my family frequented made at least one appearance on the Rat and Roach Report. I can also recall his "Action Mail" segments back in the 1990s during Live at Five...he even continued to say "Channel 13, Box 13..." even after "Channel 13" became "ABC 13", he most likely never used "ABC 13" during his segments...makes anyone wish for days when you didn't have to name a station after the network.

God bless his soul...

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The nearly 1 hour long Tribute to him was an Extroadinary, Tremendous presentation by Dave Ward, Gina Gaston and the ABC 13 Team.

The amount of footage was amazing. Even during the morning news, they are playing footage that wasn't shown during the sunday night tribute.

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Back in 1974 I went to my high school journalism banquet and Marvin was the guest speaker. What a nice man he was. His wife was with him and she was a sweatheart as well. And yes, he did end his speach with.. MAAAARVIN ZINDLER, Eye Witness News. I wrote to him a couple of years ago and he was gracious enough to write back telling me how he remembered the banquet and thanking me for remembering him. He will be sorely missed. They better mind their P's and Q's in heaven because the Watchdog is now there.

Edited by EastEnd Susan
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What a way to go. Did he literally work until his last day?

Just about. As I noted in an earlier posting in this thread a few weeks ago, I've been in Houston more than 50 years, and I've seen a lot of TV people and other public figures come and go.

I can't think of anyone who has left a bigger mark on this town, or left bigger footprints than Marvin, in terms of the good things he made to happen with the sheer power and force of his personality.

We won't see his like again.

It's hard to imagine Houston without Marvin Zindler.

Edited by FilioScotia
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Marvin is one person that deserved the Nobel Peace Prize as far as I'm concerned. He did so many humanitarian things for everyone and all aoround the world. I am sure he wouldn't or care to only be remembered for that stupid brothel incident in 73' and especially the lousy musical that followed. That was such a distraction from what he should surely be remembered for...

Helping your fellow man and a great sense of humor.

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