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Casey Curry getting makeup tips from Jessic Willey?

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Did anyone else watch that 4th of July show on 13 tonight? Montgomery Gentry was awesome! I really lost touch with country music after about 2001 so most of the songs were new to me.

Anyway, what was up with Curry? Her hair and makeup was not appropriate for a family show like this one. It was more suited for showing up at a pornography shoot to work. I'm not complaining but KTRK has gone over the top with this one. I thought it was cheesy when they kept showing Jessica Willey during hurricane Rita with wet hair in Galveston to make the news sexy when it was a total non-event (rain and wind wise) in this part of SE Texas.

KTRK is also running this promotion of Curry at night that is a cheap knockoff of the cheap commercial style KPRC has. They used to have one with Dominique Sachse years ago and now they do one with Wendy Corona and Jerome Gray.

Your thoughts/comments/2 cents...GO.

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How could that possibly be any worse than the KPRC reporters using props on all their live cuts? There's nothing to make the news less serious than Andrea Bishop holding up a toy gun while reporting about a double murder. The same goes for Ryan Korsgard, Amy Davis, Mariza Reyes, & Danella Guzman as well. I really think its a management decision for it to be so wide spread among only the KPRC reporters.

Oh, and whether it gets results or not, Joel Eisenbaum & his "Wheel of Justice" is the hokiest gimmick I've seen yet. All these networks need to take a cue from KHOU. They broadcast in HD, they don't use props, and they are generally less sensational. If they could just get rid of Sher Min Chou, I could watch them all the time.

Finally, since I'm in a ranting mood, Art Rascon is a douche bag. I base this assessment 100% from his reports in New Orleans during Katrina. His attempts to be sincere are vapid and transparent. I could not believe that he would stand in the crowd of people who had first been stranded on their roofs, only to be later stranded on the interstate - and then as they were fighting to get on the few buses there, ask them: "What are you feeling right now?" Are you F-ing kidding me? What are they feeling? How about you get out of their damn way and let them get on the bus. To make matters worse, he attempts to get on the one of the buses that was full, causing a near riot as evacuees thought that he was getting a ride - all for another fake "Tom Brokow" style interview.

What a joke. This town needs help. There are far bigger problems than Curry's makeup.


Edited by Jeebus
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Anyway, what was up with Curry? Her hair and makeup was not appropriate for a family show like this one. It was more suited for showing up at a pornography shoot to work.
Hopefully i'll get to see a replay. in the mornings, she's basically benign. it would be interesting to see how just doing your hair and makeup would make you eligible for porno. what was she wearing?
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I recall someone posted about Rascon's interviews at the bus loading area; maybe that was you as well. Not to excuse his behavior he did do a few good stories. He did one back in 02 or 03 where he interviewed and went along with a coyote that was smuggling people in from Mexico whenever he felt like it. He would take them to any major city in the US. This was at a time when the Department of Homeland Security was feeding us BS lies about how it was so capable and handling the situtation of a secure border with perfection. In fact, the smuggler too a group of his pasengers right in front of the Whitehouse and KTRK filmed it.

Rascon also did a good smaller story after this immigration amnesty thing became popular. He posed as an illegal alien and got a job in a pipecutting factory to show what it was like and how much money someone made in day. Granted it was no prize winning story but these were issues much more important than the ones other stations do following around loonies like Qunanel (sp I'm sure and don't care to correct) to stir up race relations. KPRC LOVES to create racial tension stories between blacks and either Chinese/Korean people and it always involves a C-store.

Now the reporter that is most scary is Alex Sanz on KHOU in the morning. I think he is Satan himself come to Houston in mortal form. If you look at his eyes for a few seconds you expect to see lightning shooting out at you soon. The guy has his own private URL which is rare for a reporter of his level to have at this early of a stage in his career.

He is just creepy:


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Now the reporter that is most scary is Alex Sanz on KHOU in the morning. I think he is Satan himself come to Houston in mortal form. If you look at his eyes for a few seconds you expect to see lightning shooting out at you soon. The guy has his own private URL which is rare for a reporter of his level to have at this early of a stage in his career.

i had a chance to meet Alex Sanz and Andrea Bishop recently. he is scary looking in person. Andrea Bishop will have a hard time being a "real" reporter because she didn't want to leave the tv truck because her hair would get wet from the mist. i'm sure she won't be reporting in the field on any hurricanes/storms.

Edited by musicman
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I thought it was cheesy when they kept showing Jessica Willey during hurricane Rita with wet hair in Galveston to make the news sexy when it was a total non-event (rain and wind wise) in this part of SE Texas.

Sure there wasn't a wet T-shirt involved in the Jessica Wiley deal?


Childhood photo of Alex Sanz.

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Ilona Carson is the cheif freakazoid robot in residence at Ch. 13.

and a popular one at that. this pic isn't her best. the weirdest eyes prize should go to lucy noland. VERY distracting.

Edited by musicman
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I'd say someone has a crush on Curry ;-)

:lol: Maybe so.....she is in an attractive yet classy catagory when in the clothes/makeup she has on air during the in studio broadcast. Iguess that is the reason it was so striking when she devated from that routine during that 4th of July show. Sachse is low class compared to Curry.

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I very extremely randomly caught that Casey Curry thing last night. People saying she's awesome and all that mess. I was thinking, who the hell is Casey Curry? I've not hear of this...

It was very cheesy and weird. Attire looked very 90's.

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I second the vote for KHOU. I just have to change the channel anytime Art Rascon comes on. I'm sorry, maybe he's great as an undercover reporter working without a script, but a big part of being a news reader is being able to actually read the news and I've never seen or heard ANYONE screw up so many words as Art Rascon. Sorry Art, I'm sure you're a good reporter but a news reader? I just don't think so. I'll take Greg Hirsch and Lucy Noland any day of the week.

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I second the vote for KHOU. I just have to change the channel anytime Art Rascon comes on. I'm sorry, maybe he's great as an undercover reporter working without a script, but a big part of being a news reader is being able to actually read the news and I've never seen or heard ANYONE screw up so many words as Art Rascon.

Rascon is just phony. When he did that story on the south of the border, inside he hated doing it. Most reporters only do those things for the Emmy in journalism. That simple.

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