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Schindewolf Intermediate School At 20903 Ella Blvd.


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Schindewolf Intermediate School opened August 19, 2002 with an enrollment of 1,025 students. Schindewolf shares a 117.5 acre site with Klein Collins High School and Kreinhop Elementary School. The school was built to relieve neighboring Hildebrandt Intermediate School which then was way over capacity like it is currently with about 1,700-2,000 students. That's why Krimmel was built. Schindewolf went from 1,025 students in the 02-03 school year to about 1,200 in the 04-05 school year. In the 04-05 they added 1 T-Building for capacity issues. In the 06-07 School year they added another one. Now for the upcomming 2007-2008 school year Schindewolf will house 1,339 students starting August 27. Here recently Klein ISD just added 2 more T-buildings, so thats 4 T-Buildings for Schindewolf. My question is will Schindewolf end up like Hildebrandt just was with 14 T-buildings before the district actually decides there needs to be another Intermediate School built? Approximately 1,703 Students will attend Schindewolf within the next 5 short school years. By the way Klein ISD Just added 2 more T-Buildings to Kreinhop Elementary and another was added to Klein Collins High School along with the 5 existing added last summer. They also added more T-Buildings at Benignus, Hassler and a couple more Elementary Schools. Klein ISD needs to do some rezoning or plan on building 8-10 new schools in the 2008 Bond Plan in progress.

New Klein ISD Colored Attendance Maps/Schindewolf

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Funny. I ride my bike to that high school/intermediate/elementary school area everyday. :P

And yes, I've noticed soooo many mobile trailers! It looks like they'll have to actually expand the building instead of bringing mobile trailers there. The main reason for the tremendous increase of students is the tremendous growth that is going on in Spring. I don't think the builders of the schools expected that kind of growth.

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Funny. I ride my bike to that high school/intermediate/elementary school area everyday. :P

And yes, I've noticed soooo many mobile trailers! It looks like they'll have to actually expand the building instead of bringing mobile trailers there. The main reason for the tremendous increase of students is the tremendous growth that is going on in Spring. I don't think the builders of the schools expected that kind of growth.

Are you a student at Schindewolf? Yes, the whole area is crowded especially on the first day of school, It's a mess.

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  • The title was changed to Schindewolf Intermediate School At 20903 Ella Blvd.

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