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Is Clinton Dr. At Jensen Dr.

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I don't see a lot of discussion on here about the developments along/near Jensen, is that because it is not really "East End?" What forum is the best to find info on this stuff?

For instance, there is a big apartment complex on Jensen near Canal that is almost finished, and there some townhomes going up near there as well (both are insanely close to the RR tracks). Also, there is talk that the Dynamo stadium will be built just east of 59, which would be cool.

Just wondering if there was any info on those developments, o rthe best forum to discuss it in...


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I don't see a lot of discussion on here about the developments along/near Jensen, is that because it is not really "East End?" What forum is the best to find info on this stuff?


i say south of the buffalo bayou/ship channel is east side.

Edited by musicman
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I don't see a lot of discussion on here about the developments along/near Jensen, is that because it is not really "East End?" What forum is the best to find info on this stuff?

For instance, there is a big apartment complex on Jensen near Canal that is almost finished, and there some townhomes going up near there as well (both are insanely close to the RR tracks). Also, there is talk that the Dynamo stadium will be built just east of 59, which would be cool.

Just wondering if there was any info on those developments, o rthe best forum to discuss it in...


The "old time" East Enders would say "No". The "old time" North Siders" would say anywhere near Jensen was "North side". The industrial area was a "dividing line" for the 2 areas, but with current development, the boundaries are being redefined. Maybe you who are new residents of that area can come up with a new name & boundaries of that great developing area.

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Guest danax


I looks like Clinton Dr. is "officially" part of the East End, according to the map above created by the East End Management District. Someone else on HAIF mentioned that the area was known as "The Bottom" and was considered a part of 5th Ward. Freeway construction amputated the area and, from the way things look today, that was the best thing that could've happened to it.

I refer to that area as The Clinton Dr area or Upper East End (not really trying to sound NY snobby either), since it's is to the north and seems to be higher in elevation. Whether that's just an illusion created by the nearby land declining toward the bayou or if the land is actually higher due to ancient sedimentary buildup, I don't know.

I like that the entire East End area is kicking into gear and that will probably mean some new names to go with the new developments. The names we use today for the various existing nabes are bound to remain, but the areas that convert from industrial to residential will be like newborns. The Warehouse District is an example of one that came from who knows where (might've been HAIF) and now has become fairly commonly used in speech and print. The Near East End is also used but eventually one will win out over time, I suppose.

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The Near East End is also used but eventually one will win out over time, I suppose.


We pretty much cordoned this area (Near East End) as from Minute Maid Park all the way to Woodridge/Gulfgate and south to Brookline Park/Pine Valley nabes.

Like a big rectangle overlaying on Gulf Frwy 45.

The term "East End" is such a homogenized/generic term. We always thought of all area past Woodridge heading east as just East End. The media has been getting it right lately. I imagine others can call us whatever they want but originals like us prefer Near East End :D

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  • The title was changed to Is Clinton Dr. At Jensen Dr.

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