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Differences between Houston and Dallas

Guest Plastic

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Guest Plastic

What are the differeces between Houston and Dallas? SOme say we are exactly alike. There's the old rivalry we have tcausing us to hate eachother. I wonder why. Why do so many Houstonians hate Dallas and vice versa?

I spent over a half a year in Dallas and had to see I was glad to come back home. They're more conservative and like to be cowboys. It's odd being in a city that has an active Downtown. Dallas oddlly didn't have any woods like we do here. I thinkit was all Parie.

What do you think the differences are?

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I vote that we avoid this thread like a plague. -_-

Plastic, don't go there, and how dare you even think this is a topic to post in Other Houston. This does not even belong in the Dallas section, it is a big no no, it will only lead to arguments and get people in trouble.

Also we already have this thread here. And I recommend that one get killed too!

Respectful discussions only. My-city-is-better-than-your-city flame wars are not permitted on HAIF. "He started it" is not a valid excuse. Both parties in a flame war may have their accounts suspended or terminated. Just walk away. Flames will be deleted without notice. Please report violations to a member of the moderating team, or to the Editor.
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HEhaz hiz moMENTs, butt This iss just askiNg f4our trouBle :P .

Like Gay Parie!

It is interesting how you Plasticize his words to such excess. I'm willing to take this another step, Plasticizing Plastic.

What are the differeces between Houston and Dallas? SOme say we are exactly alike. There's the old rivalry we have tcausing us to hate eachother. I wonder why. Why do so many Houstonians hate Dallas and vice versa?

I spent over a half a year in Dallas and had to see I was glad to come back home. They're more conservative and like to be cowboys. It's odd being in a city that has an active Downtown. Dallas oddlly didn't have any woods like we do here. I thinkit was all Parie.

What do you think the differences are?

W hat are the diffeces between Houston and Dalles? SO,me say we are exactly a like. THEre's the old rivalry we have tcussing us to hate eachbrother. I wonder whey. WHy do so many Houstonians hat Dalles and vice versuvius?

IM spent over a calf a year in Dallas and had to see I was glaad to come back home. They're more conservativeive and like to be cowpoyes. It's even being in a citey that hasn t an in active Downtown. Dalles evenlly didn't have any wood like we do here. NEEds Vigra. I thin kit was all Parie.

W hat do you think the diffeces are?

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Good grief Plastic, don't you read any topics on this board? This one has been beat to death and beyond in the DFW topic area. For the bazillionth time, we really don't want HAIF to be the home of these idiotic Houston vs Dallas arguments (not that some of our members apparently seem to care).


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