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Favorite (and Cheaper) Substitutes


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Okay, I know not all of us are deep-pockets but we still like to have the good stuff ... just cheaper. What are some of your best 'favorite (and cheaper) substitutes'?

I'll go first:


While I love SBUX iced coffee, I am not keen on paying upwards of $2.20 for it. I goto the corner Conoco (where they have a nice selection of fresh brewed coffees) and ice it myself. Plus: Not as strong and bitter tasting, and lots cheaper: $1.09 Cons: miss the SBUX mystique and the oatmeal cranberry bars ... dammit!


Kroger has the best breakfast tacos ... bacon or sausage with eggs and cheese. Plus: Fast and hot and cheaper: $.99 each Cons: None

Dollar Theaters

Why spend $8+ for a movie at the main theaters when it comes out. Found a dollar theater by me (North Oaks) that has movies for $1.50. Add popcorn and a drink and you're barely pushing $5. Plus: same movies a few weeks later (heck, everything lasts at the main theaters exactly 5 weeks anyway so why rush to see it...?) Cons: sticky floors... hope that was Coca-Cola and not ... (nevermind)

Okay, you get the picture yet that I am just ... cheap.

Edited by houstonmacbro
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I buy the same snacks from the grocery store that are stocked in the vending machine at work. That way I won't get a craving and pay vending machine prices for the same food.

Vending machine Nutty Bars: $1.00/package

Supermarket Nutty Bars: $.25/package

Vending machine Lipton Green Tea: $1.50/bottle

Supermarket Lipton Green Tea: $.49/bottle

I get the same food as in the vending machine so that I'm not tempted by an expanded variety of snacks that would make me forsake my personal stash in favor of the wheel of doom.

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While I love SBUX iced coffee, I am not keen on paying upwards of $2.20 for it. I goto the corner Conoco (where they have a nice selection of fresh brewed coffees) and ice it myself. Plus: Not as strong and bitter tasting, and lots cheaper: $1.09 Cons: miss the SBUX mystique and the oatmeal cranberry bars ... dammit!

I make my own frappucinos with some milk, chocolate syrup, and some well sweetened espresso....I freeze the milk/syrup in the freezer, stir it a few times while its freezing so I don't get a big block of ice, and then dump in the espresso. MMMMM, tasty.

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There's a great web site that lists the recipes for lots of different fast foods that you can make on your own. Google "secret recipes" or something like that and you'll find it.

I followed its recipe for Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and it came out PERFECT -- especially the peanut butter. Turns out the secret ingredient is confectioners' sugar.

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There's a great web site that lists the recipes for lots of different fast foods that you can make on your own. Google "secret recipes" or something like that and you'll find it.

I followed its recipe for Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and it came out PERFECT -- especially the peanut butter. Turns out the secret ingredient is confectioners' sugar.

Yeah, I think I was looking at the recipe for Outback's Alice Spring's chicken. Didn't 'read' like the restaurant version, but might try it.

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