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would you let your child do this?


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I think a teacher lost her job over just forwarding this picture along with other similar pictures to fellow school employees. Link: NSFW?

Was this a bad parent that took the picture or bad judgement on those who've labeled it as child pornography?

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First one-The kids can dance, but it amazes me that a parent would let a kid watch a music video at that age.

SEcond One-Some people are just born idiots.

Third One- Why the hell would you post that on the internet?

Using your kids for a joke is unconscionable.

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I think a teacher lost her job over just forwarding this picture along with other similar pictures to fellow school employees. Link: NSFW?

Was this a bad parent that took the picture or bad judgement on those who've labeled it as child pornography?

Not only is that not funny, its very poor taste. The person or persons responsible for that should have his/her head bashed right the hell in since its obviously empty of common sense!!!!

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First one-The kids can dance, but it amazes me that a parent would let a kid watch a music video at that age.

This is the kind of stuff that I just do not understand. What does age have to do with anything? Right and wrong for a child is right and wrong for an adult. At what point in someones life is it ok to do something wrong, just because your adult? Like being an adult gives us the right to do wrong things?

And as for the first video...what's so wrong with a kid dancing to that song? Is it the words that he's dancing to that you're concerned with? If anything, I wouldn't let him do that b/c he looks too effeminate doing it.

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LOL. I don't know if it was that bad. Let's hope not though.

My main concern was the HOURS that kid put in watching Beyonce or MTV. But she's better than Ludicris or R Kelly!!! He is a awesome dancer no doubt. I just think he is too young to be spending hours watching music videos. ...........but hey at least he's moving around.

BUt the dancing boy isn't even in the same league with the others.......

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My main concern was the HOURS that kid put in watching Beyonce or MTV. But she's better than Ludicris or R Kelly!!! He is a awesome dancer no doubt. I just think he is too young to be spending hours watching music videos. ...........but hey at least he's moving around.

BUt the dancing boy isn't even in the same league with the others.......

Yeah, get that kid outside. I hardly ever see kids playing outside these days.

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I think a teacher lost her job over just forwarding this picture along with other similar pictures to fellow school employees. Link: NSFW?

Was this a bad parent that took the picture or bad judgement on those who've labeled it as child pornography?

PLEASE Report the image for abuse here: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/contact.html

That image (like Ngo Dinh Diem) MUST GO (AWAY)!

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I think a teacher lost her job over just forwarding this picture along with other similar pictures to fellow school employees. Link: NSFW?

Was this a bad parent that took the picture or bad judgement on those who've labeled it as child pornography?

Damn. That's just weird. Its not pornographic, but definitely in poor taste. ...and what was the motive?

That image (like Ngo Dinh Diem) MUST GO (AWAY)!

Who's Ngo Dinh Diem?

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Ngo Dinh Diem (family name is Ngo, given name is Diem - and people usually address Vietnamese figures by given names) was the first President of South Vietnam.

When his popularity declined, the phrase "Diem Must Go" became popular with anti-Diem forces. Diem was later assassinated.

Damn. That's just weird. Its not pornographic, but definitely in poor taste. ...and what was the motive?

Who's Ngo Dinh Diem?

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This is the kind of stuff that I just do not understand. What does age have to do with anything? Right and wrong for a child is right and wrong for an adult. At what point in someones life is it ok to do something wrong, just because your adult?

so if this was your child, you would film him doing this and put it on the internet? there are some things that children should not be exposed to at an early age. some video games are so offensive to me that there's no way i would buy them for children. they need more time to develop and learn more about the world. their parents should be active in this development process so that they can make educated decisions as they grow older.

would you take a 5 yr old to a violent movie?

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Just speaking from personal experience......

When my boys were kids, it was not up to them to decide what was right or what was wrong. Me and the wife decided that for them. It was our job to be the guiding force in thier lives and tell as well as teach them right from wrong. For parents to allow thier children the freedom to make decisions that should be made by adults is an absolute failure and it represents a complete break down in the roles of parent and child. That is something which is UNACCEPTABLE in my home.

would you take a 5 yr old to a violent movie?

When my boys were younger, they didnt see any movie unless the wife and i saw it first and deemed it to be ok for them to see.

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Just speaking from personal experience......

When my boys were kids, it was not up to them to decide what was right or what was wrong. Me and the wife decided that for them. It was our job to be the guiding force in thier lives and tell as well as teach them right from wrong. For parents to allow thier children the freedom to make decisions that should be made by adults is an absolute failure and it represents a complete break down in the roles of parent and child. That is something which is UNACCEPTABLE in my home.

When my boys were younger, they didnt see any movie unless the wife and i saw it first and deemed it to be ok for them to see.

i agree 100%! this is real parenting in my book!

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Guest Marty

We live in very disturbing times I seen a video of a kid smoking pot and letting a 5-8 year old hit it you all proubly seen it. I been there and done that it will destroy your life and at a such of a young age. My parents were from the Woodstock era they would never do that. I blame it on bad influences like Peer pressure I started partying at age 14 and it ruined my life hey parents smell your kids breath when they walk in the door and don't be scared to search there room head 2 toe.

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We live in very disturbing times I seen a video of a kid smoking pot and letting a 5-8 year old hit it you all proubly seen it. I been there and done that it will destroy your life and at a such of a young age. My parents were from the Woodstock era they would never do that. I blame it on bad influences like Peer pressure I started partying at age 14 and it ruined my life hey parents smell your kids breath when they walk in the door and don't be scared to search there room head 2 toe.

I saw the video on the news with the kids, babies smoking pot. I think now they are saying that there was other substances in thier systems as well. Thats completely horrific in my book!

As far as partying.......my oldest boy thought it would be a good idea if he and his buddies would get my youngest son drunk for his 16th birthday. Very bad move! When they got home i was working in the home office as usual, so they got by me. After about maybe 10 minutes, the wife came into the office and asked me if i smelled the scent of alcohol in the air. She suspected the boys had been drinking. I told her, if you smelled it, they are drunk and i will handle it.

It was middle of summer on one of those hot sticky nights where its like 90 degrees at 11pm. The house was nice and cool. I waited until they were in a nice alcohol induced sleep, and i shut off the air to the upstairs and turned on the heat. I let the heat go at about 80 degrees for an hour. Any of you here that have been completely drunk should know that heat and alcohol dont mix. Like planned, the boys were jolted out of sleep and made a mad dash for the toilet to throw up. Of course i went to check on them and they assured me all was fine :lol::lol:

I went downstairs and turned off the heat to the upstairs and proceeded to the kitchen to take 2 beers out. I let the 2 beers sit on the counter all night to get nice and warm.

In my house we eat breakfast and dinner together as a family. Lunch is every man for himself. That said, our breakfast time is promptly at 7:30am unless otherwise noted. They know not to be late. Right at 7:30am here comes my boys, looking as best they could, hung over as hell, to sit at the breakfast table. The wife and i had a nice spread for us and for them i had 2 tall glasses that i heated up just 2 minutes before with hot water > :) > :)

I placed the empty hot glasses in front of them and proceeded to serve them thier breakfast. Thier breakfast was warm beer in a hot glass. The scent of that beer sent them running to the toilet to throw up > :) > :)

I met them there and explained to them that if they are going to engage in adult activities while they are teens, i will adjust my treatment of them accordingly-meaning cross me and i will make you regret it.

Long story short, that was the first and last time they did that :lol: They call me the Admiral behind my back :lol::lol:

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