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New Tax Credit Apartments For Broadway Blvd.

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I am curious what everyone's take on this one is. As part of this program to bring up area apartments a plan has been proposed for two of the smaller complexes on Broadway, Woodlen Glen & Woodlen Place (I think that is their names).

Anyway, a developer purchases these properties for twenty-something thousand per unit. He then gets close to the same amount in this government money to "rehab" them as tax credit properties. The rehab would consist of tearing them down to the slab, and rebuilding the exact same number of units on the old foundations. The current proposal being stucco. The Developer also mentioned abandoning the old under-slab plumbing and running the new sewer lines on top of the existing slab.

I understand we would replace some pretty old apartment product with something new, which might be a visual improvement for a little while. But first off, I just can't embrace the concept of tearing down apartments in this blighted corridor, only to go back in with more of the same. Low/moderate income at that. That isn't going to do anything to fuel growth in the retail sector for the area. The competition of newer units at similiar rates will do nothing to benefit existing neighboring multi-family projects. It sure as thunder doesn't help the single family market. It will be newer and nicer, but not cheaper than what families of modest incomes can rent now, so it isn't providing any additional housing for the poor. It does seem to work out well for the developer though.

Maybe I am "looking a gift horse in the mouth." I just don't see that as a big benefit for that "gateway" street. Besides, especially if they build stucco on 35 - 40 year old slabs, what is that going to look like in 5 years? (or maybe 2?!)

From what I understand this plan has been opposed by a number of organizations in the area.

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unfortunately, the city has lost a lot in federal funds due to the inaction of the housing dept. the mayor wants to turn the program around so the funding isn't lost. But, the housing dept is doing this without consulting the local residents. i had a long conversation with several of the city employees and one of the project leads for the broadway project in particular. the president of glenbrook was irritated that she had heard nothing of the project and the lead responded that he told you, rps, to pass on the info.

i did visit one complex recently and it was very nice and clean however this was a brand new project. The same company,new hope, has proposed another project where the old houtex inn has stood for yrs (45south between griggs and the brays bayou). one critical problem with that site is the lack of buses and the mgmt is very concerned.

the company who wants to build on glenbrook is not new hope, so no one knows what to expect or how they will be maintained. the new hope facilities are all single occupancy only while the ones on broadway will not be single occupancy but may have up to 3 bedrooms is what the guy said.

the administration wants to get as many projects going as possible to supposedly help the homeless, but i have a sneaky feeling that these will be for people who are still getting katrina/rita assistance.

Edited by musicman
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Where could my wife and I sign up for some of this free housing the city if giving away? I would love to invest my housing dollars and utility dollars into some more investment property and what not and this would allow me to potentially retire earlier then planned.

I promise we would be great neighbors too! Keep our place up and looking nice, etc....

Please let me know Mayor...


Scharpe St Guy

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Where could my wife and I sign up for some of this free housing the city if giving away? I would love to invest my housing dollars and utility dollars into some more investment property and what not and this would allow me to potentially retire earlier then planned.

I promise we would be great neighbors too! Keep our place up and looking nice, etc....

Please let me know Mayor...


Scharpe St Guy

before you know it we'll be seeing you on wayne dolcefino's latest expose'.

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Ha ha, we would look more legit then many residents living in the free housing, for that I'm sure. We both drive older paid for vehicles such as a 1991 4Runner with close to 200k miles on it and a 2000 Acura 3.2tl. All with the "stock" rims, no added speakers, etc... Handout people love their flashy apparel, cars, wheels, and bling bling.

Scharpe St Guy

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Ha ha, we would look more legit then many residents living in the free housing, for that I'm sure. We both drive older paid for vehicles such as a 1991 4Runner with close to 200k miles on it and a 2000 Acura 3.2tl. All with the "stock" rims, no added speakers, etc... Handout people love their flashy apparel, cars, wheels, and bling bling.

don't forget that satellite dish, latest hdtv and latest cell phone.

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the president of glenbrook was irritated that she had heard nothing of the project and the lead responded that he told you, rps, to pass on the info.

The first any of us heard about it was from the media. In fact, the first meeting I attended where there were any city people there I got invited to because the organizers had seen my name in the paper.

Edited by rps324
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The first any of us heard about it was from the media. In fact, the first meeting I attended where there were any city people there I got invited to because the organizers had seen my name in the paper.

the developer said your name specifically to the civic club president, who was quite surprised.

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the developer said your name specifically to the civic club president, who was quite surprised.

I remember him, and again, the reason he got my name was from the paper. It is just more smokescreen by these people who want to act like they involved the community when they didn't. We had to hear about it from the paper.

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Guest danax

So, based on our collective data and observations, we can conclude that 1) Mayor White and Texas have a clear agenda to interfere in the natural marketplace by using tax money as life support for dying low-income apartment complexes and 2) White is not above using stealth tactics to acheive those aims. And White has specific target areas too so even heavy protests are not likely to change these plans.

I think the aspect that is not being addressed by White are the rays of crime that radiate from these complexes. A responsible mayor might have a plan to deal with this but obviously White will leave it to HPD and the residents to handle down the road, while he's back at his Memorial home. He and his minions are having to sneak around civic clubs because they have no clue how to deal with their genuine concerns. Not due to malevalance, but due simply to a lack of creative thinking.

One idea would be that, in order to receive the tax credits etc, the City could pass an ordinance requiring all rehabbed complexes to screen all potential residents for criminal history and legal residency via a database centered offsite, such as at ICE or HPD, excluding certain crimes like DWI etc. There's not a lot wrong with having apartments in one's neighborhood, if the place is well maintained and the residents behave well.

Too draconian/Big Brother? I would say it would be simply our City taking responsibility for the well being of ALL of its citizens.

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One idea would be that, in order to receive the tax credits etc, the City could pass an ordinance requiring all rehabbed complexes to screen all potential residents for criminal history and legal residency via a database centered offsite, such as at ICE or HPD, excluding certain crimes like DWI etc. There's not a lot wrong with having apartments in one's neighborhood, if the place is well maintained and the residents behave well.

Too draconian/Big Brother? I would say it would be simply our City taking responsibility for the well being of ALL of its citizens.

We have three fairly recent tax credit apartment complexes near us: two at Scott and Corder, and one on Alice at Peerless. All have opened within the last three years.

When they were building the one at Alice and Peerless, my wife and I stopped in to find out what the rents would be, since we were curious about what kind of residents we'd be seeing. That's when we found out it was a tax credit program.

Danax, you'll be happy to hear that annual criminal background checks ARE a requirement to get a lease at these complexes. In addition, the residents must fit in between a minimum and maximum income level, which is also verified annually to renew the lease. I don't remember the levels, but it is dependent on the size of the apartment. A larger apartment requires a larger annual household income. As I recall, the required income levels are higher than the typical average income of our neighborhood, so as a result, you're bringing in a somewhat higher "class" of people, if you will.

I am not aware of any crime problems resulting from these apartment complexes. We haven't seen any "crime waves" since these apartments were built. Thus far, the complexes are all very well-maintained.

I'm not sure, but I think the complex on Yellowstone, just east of 288, is also a tax credit place. It's about 10 years old, and also appears very well-maintained.

From my point of view, I'm a bit leery of getting too many apartments in our neighborhood, but at the same time, they do help us reach that critical mass of population to get additional retail services in our area. That's probably a little bit different than the Broadway area, since there were already residents there. The apartments in our area were all built on undeveloped land.

We can debate whether or not subsidized government housing is a good idea for folks who have steady jobs, but I can tell you that, from my perspective, the tax credit apartments in our area have not been any kind of blight on the neighborhood.

Edited by Original Timmy Chan's
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So, based on our collective data and observations, we can conclude that 1) Mayor White and Texas have a clear agenda to interfere in the natural marketplace by using tax money as life support for dying low-income apartment complexes and 2) White is not above using stealth tactics to acheive those aims. And White has specific target areas too so even heavy protests are not likely to change these plans.

I think the aspect that is not being addressed by White are the rays of crime that radiate from these complexes. A responsible mayor might have a plan to deal with this but obviously White will leave it to HPD and the residents to handle down the road, while he's back at his Memorial home. He and his minions are having to sneak around civic clubs because they have no clue how to deal with their genuine concerns. Not due to malevalance, but due simply to a lack of creative thinking.

One idea would be that, in order to receive the tax credits etc, the City could pass an ordinance requiring all rehabbed complexes to screen all potential residents for criminal history and legal residency via a database centered offsite, such as at ICE or HPD, excluding certain crimes like DWI etc. There's not a lot wrong with having apartments in one's neighborhood, if the place is well maintained and the residents behave well.

Too draconian/Big Brother? I would say it would be simply our City taking responsibility for the well being of ALL of its citizens.

concur. it is scary to give the city or the apartment complexes the task of doing background checks. as the average citizen, i just don't think they can perform the job adequately.

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the president of glenbrook was irritated that she had heard nothing of the project and the lead responded that he told you, rps, to pass on the info.

Why would he tell a resident of the neighborhood and not the President of the Civic Club directly about the program? That doesn't make sense. I don't know if he did or didn't, it's just stupid that he would communicate (or not) in that manner.

When I need to talk to a client/vendor/etc about a program that impacts them, I don't relay the information through a random employee in the breakroom. I do it.

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Why would he tell a resident of the neighborhood and not the President of the Civic Club directly about the program? That doesn't make sense. I don't know if he did or didn't, it's just stupid that he would communicate (or not) in that manner.

When I need to talk to a client/vendor/etc about a program that impacts them, I don't relay the information through a random employee in the breakroom. I do it.

he made it sound as if he knew rps from the developer/realtor world as he mentioned his name more than once. i agree with you stoli. i just thought it was funny that the developer said this project would "revitalize" the neighborhood. i asked him how low income people would revitalize the neighborhood? all i got was a blank stare.

Edited by musicman
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he made it sound as if he knew rps from the developer/realtor world as he mentioned his name more than once. i agree with you stoli. i just thought it was funny that the developer said this project would "revitalize" the neighborhood. i asked him how low income people would revitalize the neighborhood? all i got was a blank stare.

If it is a Mr. Robinson, I have never met him face to face. I did speak to him on the phone when he called me in early February, something like 6+ weeks after the initial "news" came out in the Chronicle.

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he made it sound as if he knew rps from the developer/realtor world as he mentioned his name more than once. i agree with you stoli. i just thought it was funny that the developer said this project would "revitalize" the neighborhood. i asked him how low income people would revitalize the neighborhood? all i got was a blank stare.

I wonder if they think it would revitalize their neighborhood?

Blank stares are what all the city employees present at the Town Hall meeting had. I wonder if they go to seminars to learn that.


Perhaps good news? Apartment Fire by Hobby

Scharpe St Guy

ps.... where were you earlier today? hmm!@!!!

My boyfriend is working today (Station 26) he mentioned there was a fire at Bellfort & Lenora. I'll have to drive by to see. There are apts at both intersection.

Apparently Don Stampely is coming to the Glenbrook Valley civic club Board meeting tonight. I'll prepare for blank stares.

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Guest danax
Danax, you'll be happy to hear that annual criminal background checks ARE a requirement to get a lease at these complexes. In addition, the residents must fit in between a minimum and maximum income level, which is also verified annually to renew the lease. I don't remember the levels, but it is dependent on the size of the apartment. A larger apartment requires a larger annual household income. As I recall, the required income levels are higher than the typical average income of our neighborhood, so as a result, you're bringing in a somewhat higher "class" of people, if you will.

I am not aware of any crime problems resulting from these apartment complexes. We haven't seen any "crime waves" since these apartments were built. Thus far, the complexes are all very well-maintained.

Yeah Timmy, but these are brand new. What happens when they start looking ragged in 10-20 years (or if they're Concord Apts, 6 months) and a new owner decides they'll rent to all comers? Plus, are they checking the background of just the leasing tenant or the entire household? Mom might be clean and hard working but she could have 3 juvenile deliquent sons gang-banging.

The City needs to step up and make a stand against the crime/apartment situation and Broadway and Fondren, their "target zones" are the perfect places to start.

Someone needs to present the "no criminals allowed" idea to Sampley tonight at the Glenbrook meeting as I suspect they'll be plenty of NIMBY heat but what he needs are ideas.

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I wonder if they think it would revitalize their neighborhood?

Blank stares are what all the city employees present at the Town Hall meeting had. I wonder if they go to seminars to learn that.

My boyfriend is working today (Station 26) he mentioned there was a fire at Bellfort & Lenora. I'll have to drive by to see. There are apts at both intersection.

Apparently Don Stampely is coming to the Glenbrook Valley civic club Board meeting tonight. I'll prepare for blank stares.

Yes they do go to seminars to learn how to give blank stares...... in vegas, atlantic city, nola, etc.

good luck at the board meeting. hopefully you can update us on the project over there.

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The City needs to step up and make a stand against the crime/apartment situation and Broadway and Fondren, their "target zones" are the perfect places to start.

Someone needs to present the "no criminals allowed" idea to Sampley tonight at the Glenbrook meeting as I suspect they'll be plenty of NIMBY heat but what he needs are ideas.

Unfortunately when one roach motel (slum apt) gets shut down, the infestation heads to another part of the city. Kind of like a fire that sprinkles cinders around on a windy day. Hope things work out for you. :huh:

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