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Posts posted by ChrisPHous

  1. Would you include Pheonicia's in One Park Place....? It's just a few blocks away from this.


    Yea that counts for sure, but it isn't an everyday store.


    Phoenicia isn't very pricey for the regular items, people just see it as a specialty only store.


    Pro Tip: buy all of your spices there!  They are very cheap and very good!

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  2. agreed. which is why i think that stretch of Westheimer could use a streetcar. from Highland Village (or Central Market) to the Galleria.. the developments arent connected very well and they are just far enough apart that people arent going to want to walk from one to another carrying a bunch of shopping bags.


    This is the unfortunate thing.


    Also shows how much development style has an effect on people.  Central Market to Sage is how far?  Maybe 1 mile?  This is not very far to walk...at all.

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